Compliance & Responsibility Matrix
SF424 (R&R) plus PHS398 components for NIH grants submitted online
Adobe Forms Version C (Guide updated 09/25/2013)
NIH requires the use of one of four approved fonts and a font size of 11 points or larger. The approved font options include two serif fonts (Palatino and Georgia) and two sans serif fonts (Arial and Helvetica). A symbol font may be used to insert Greek letters or special characters; the font size requirement still applies. A smaller font size may be used for figures, graphs, diagrams, charts, tables, figure legends, and footnotes, but this type must follow the font typeface requirement and be readily legible.
Type: M (mandatory); O (optional)
Components / Type / Additional Info(need to add/modify) / Page
Limit / Assigned /
SF424 R&R Face Page (Pages I-40-53) / M / ONLINE / 2 / Grant manager
Table of Contents / SYSTEM GENERATED
R&R Project/Performance Site Locations
(Pages I-54-57) / M / ONLINE: Indicate the primary site where the work will be performed. If a portion of the project will be performed at any other location(s), identify it in the section provided. Provide an explanation of resources available for each Project/ Performance site in Item 10 (“Facilities & Other Resources”), and describe any consortium/contractual arrangements in Item 13 of the Research Plan (“Consortium/Contractual Arrangements”).
DUNS number is no longer required by for the primary performance site, BUT this field remains an NIH requirement and is enforced by NIH business rules.
Congressional Districts:
Congressional District Maps:
9-digit zip codes are required for ALL address locations: / 1 / Grant Manager
R&R Other Project Information / M
Items 1-6
(Pages I-58-62) / M / ONLINE
1. Human subjects
2. Vertebrate animals
3. Proprietary information
4. Impact on environment
5. Performance site designated as historic place
6. Activities/outside U.S./international collaborators / PI provides info
Project Summary/ Abstract (Item 7)
(Page I-62)
File: ProjectSummary.pdf / M / UPLOAD: Serves as succinct, accurate description of proposed work when separated from application. State application’s broad, long-term objectives and specific aims, making reference to health relatedness of project (i.e., relevance to mission of agency). Concisely describe research design and methods for achieving stated goals. Avoid describing past accomplishments and use of first person. / 30 lines of text / PI
Project Narrative (Item 8)
(Pages I-62-63)
File: ProjectNarrative.pdf / M / UPLOAD: “Relevance Statement: describe the relevance of this project to public health. Be succinct and use plain language that can be understood by general, lay audience. / 2-3 sentences / PI
Bibliography & References Cited (Item 9)
(Page I-63)
File: Bibliography.pdf / M / UPLOAD (formerly G. “Literature Cited”)
Provide bibliography of any references cited in Research Plan. Each reference must include names of all authors, article and journal title, book title, volume number, page numbers, and year.
When citing articles that fall under the Public Access Policy, were authored or coauthored by the applicant, and arose from NIH support, provide the NIH Manuscript Submission reference number (e.g., NIHMS97531) or the Pubmed Central (PMC) reference number (e.g., PMCID234567) for each article. If the PMCID is not yet available because the Journal submits articles directly to PMC on behalf of their authors, indicate “PMC Journal—In Process.” A list of these journals is posted at:
For free, publicly available citations, URLs or PubMed ID (PMID) numbers may accompany the full reference. Note that copies of these publications are no longer accepted as appendix material. While there is not a page limitation, it is important to be concise and to select only those literature references pertinent to the proposed research. / Authors provide (including URL information)
Facilities & Other Resources (Item 10)
(Pages I-63–I-64)
File: Facilities.pdf / M / UPLOAD: Identify the facilities to be used (Laboratory, Animal, Computer, Office, Clinical, and Other). If appropriate, indicate their capacity, pertinent capabilities, relative proximity, and availability to project. Describe only those resources that are directly applicable to project. / PI
Equipment (Item 11) (Page I-64)
File: Equipment.pdf / M / UPLOAD: List major items of equipment already available for this project and, if appropriate, identify location and pertinent capabilities. / PI
Other Attachments
(Item 12)
(Page I-64)
File: OtherAttachments.pdf / O / UPLOAD: Attach a file to provide any other project-specific information not provided above or in accordance with the announcement and/or agency-specific instruction. / PI
R&R Senior/Key Person Profiles
(Pages I-65-73) / M / PI information populates from SF424 cover form. 9-digit zip codes are required for ALL address locations:
(Pages I-65-73) / M / ONLINE: Starting with PI, provide profile for each Senior/Key Person proposed (alphabetical order preferred, but not required; will appear to reviewers in order provided). Unless otherwise specified in FOA, “key” personnel contribute in a substantive, measurable way to the scientific development or execution of the project. Include consultants if they meet definitions. Enter key personnel first, followed by “Other Significant Contributors” (i.e., staff who have committed to contribute to scientific development or execution of project but are not committing any specified measurable effort to project [usually presented as zero person months or “as needed”]).
§ You must enter PI eRA Commons User ID in Profile-PI, Credential field.
§ When submitting an application involving Multiple PD/PIs, the Contact PI must be affiliated in eRA Commons with the applicant organization and should be listed as the PD/PI in the SF424 R&R Cover Component.
§ You must enter Organization Name for each Senior/Key Person.
§ Project Roles:
– Do NOT use Co-PI. For multiple PIs, Contact PI is designated on SF424 cover and other PIs should be listed as “PI” on Senior/Key Person form. Each PI must include eRA Commons ID in Credential field.
– Select “Other” if role is not listed in drop-down menu, and complete “Other Project Role Category” (note: Co-Investigator is now listed in the drop-down menu).
– Enter “Other,” then “Other Significant Contributor” only if person has no measurable specified time on project or is listed “as needed.” Project roles listed in the budget component should be consistent with those used in the Senior/Key Person component.
§ Provide degree type and degree year. / PM enters (input from PL)
Biographical Sketch: Principal Investigator
(Pages I-72–I-73)
File: Biosketch_[last name].pdf / M / UPLOAD:
§ Follow instructions in template (revised).
§ May not exceed four pages.
§ Include eRA Commons ID.
Following the educational block, complete Sections A (new), B, C, and D as follows:
A. Personal Statement (new): Briefly describe why your experience and qualifications make you particularly well-suited for your role in the proposed project
B. Positions and Honors (no change; see template)
C. Peer-Reviewed Publications: NIH encourages applicants to limit pubs to 15, selected based on recency, importance to the field, and/or relevance to proposed research
D. Research Support (do not confuse Research Support with Other Support [which is submitted pre-award and includes person months and direct costs]).
§ See instructions under Bibliography & References Cited for citing articles that fall under the Public Access Policy, were authored or coauthored by the applicant, and arose from NIH support.
§ For free, publicly available citations, URLs or PMID numbers may accompany the full reference. Note that copies of these publications are no longer accepted as appendix material.
§ Do not include manuscripts submitted but not accepted for publication or in preparation. / 4 / Carmel (collects, edits),
Other Biographical Sketches
(Pages I-72–I-73)
Biosketch_[last name].pdf / O / UPLOAD:
§ Include biosketches for all Senior/Key personnel and Other Significant Contributors listed on the Profile page (see definitions above), including consultants.
§ Alphabetical order preferred but not required (reviewers will see them in order uploaded).
§ Same instructions as for PI biosketch.
§ Upload each biosketch as individual pdf. / 4 / Carmel (collects, edits),
GM (uploads)
PHS398 Cover Letter
(Pages I-93–94)
File: CoverLetter.pdf / O / UPLOAD:
§ Applicants are encouraged to include a cover letter with the application (for internal agency use; will not be shared with peer reviewers) (see p. 91 for suggested format). Include any of the following that applies:
(1) application title; (2) funding opportunity (PA or RFA) title of the NIH initiative; (3) request of assignment (referral) to a particular awarding component(s) or Scientific Review Group (SRG); (4) list of people (e.g., competitors) who should not review your application and why; (5) disciplines involved, if multidisciplinary; (6) for late applications, explanation of delay; (7) explanation of any subaward budget components that are not active for all periods of the proposed grant; (8) statement that you have attached any required agency approval documentation for the type of application submitted.
For Changed/Corrected application, cover letter is required explaining reason for the Changed/ Corrected Application. If you already submitted a cover letter with previous submission, you must include all previous cover letter text in revised cover letter attachment. / PI provides customized text
PHS398 Cover Page Supplement
(Pages I-95–100) / M / ONLINE: Collects information unique to NIH not captured on SF424 R&R face page.
§ The “contact” section is automatically populated from the SF424 R&R face page.
§ Be sure to change all of the contact info to match the “contact” name (which should be someone from ORS). / 2 / Grant Manager/
PHS398 Checklist
(Pages I-121–124) / M / ONLINE (upload “assurances/certifications”)
§ Followed by standard contracts/financial materials.
§ Also required for consortium/contractual organizations. / GM/ORS
Non-Modular Budget
(Pages I-73-92) / M / Grant Manager with PI input
R&R Budget (Sections A-K for each budget period)
(Pages I-75–89) / ONLINE, for Non-Modular Budget only
§ Must complete a separate detailed budget for each year of support requested.
§ We now budget in person months, not % effort. / Grant Manager with PI input
Cumulative Budget
(Pages I-89–90) / M / § For Non-Modular Budget only
§ Calculated automatically. / Grant Manager with PI input
R&R Subaward Budget Attachment(s) Form
(Pages I-90–92) / O / § For Non-Modular Budget only
§ Include for each participating consortium grantee organization.
§ Grant manager saves “R&R Subaward Budget Attachment Form” (a fillable PDF file) locally using first 10 letters of consortium organization’s name and .pdf as file extension.
§ Grant manager e-mails subawardee the form and INSTRUCTS them to complete the form using Adobe Acrobat v. 8.1.3 (or Adobe Reader v. 8.1.3, which can be downloaded for free).
– Include a LINK to the free download in the e-mail:
– Warn the sub NOT to use any version of Adobe package other than 8.1.3 (versions before or after 8.1.3 are not supported by at this time).
§ Subawardee completes attachment, saves as PDF, and e-mails back to Grant manager.
§ Upon receipt, Grant manager should VALIDATE the PDF by resaving it, using the current, up-to-date version of Adobe Acrobat (v. 8.1.3).
§ Once the Subaward Budget PDF has been validated by Grant manager, it should be reviewed and uploaded to the R&R Subaward Budget Attachment(s) Form page of the application package.
§ Note: Do not submit the R&R Subaward Budget Attachment(s) Form for Subcontractors that are not submitting a Senior/Key Person. An error will occur if a Subaward Budget is attached with 0.0 calendar months listed as the first person. Instead, they should be listed as a line item service provider (confirm with ORS). / Grant Manager with PI input
PHS398 Modular Budget
(Pages I-100–107)
File: BudgetJustification.pdf / Varies / ONLINE: For modular budget only
§ Modular budget is applicable only to R01 grants requesting $250,000 or less per year for direct costs.
§ Modular Budget Justification: (1) personnel justification (express hours in calendar months OR a combination of academic and summer months), (2) consortium justification, and (3)additional narrative justification
§ A complete subaward/consortium budget component (including the budget justification section) should be completed by each consortium grantee organization. Separate budgets are required only for subawardee/ consortium organizations that perform a substantive portion of the project. / Grant manager (uploads)
PI writes budget justification
PHS398 Modular Budget
(Pages I-100–107)
File: BudgetJustification.pdf
(Cont’d) / Varies / § Note: a complete subaward/consortium budget component is only required when the prime grantee is submitting a detailed budget using the R&R Budget Component. Do not use this subaward/consortium budget component for applications using the PHS398 Modular Budget Component. Applicants using the Modular Budget Component should see instructions on consortium budgets in Section 4.8 of the NIH SF424 Application Guide, p. I-87–89). / GM (uploads)
PI writes budget justification
Research Plan
(Pages I-108–120) / M / 1. Application Type (prepopulated)
2. Research Plan Attachments (items 1-16 attached separately) / PI
1. Introduction
(Page I-110)
File: 1_Introduction.pdf / M / UPLOAD:
§ Limited to 1 page unless otherwise specified in FOA.
§ Required for Resubmissions and Revisions. / 1
2. Specific Aims
(Page I-111)
File: 2_SpecificAims.pdf / M / UPLOAD:
§ List the broad, long-term objectives and the goal of the specific research proposed.
§ See RFP for other requirements/focus areas / 1
3. Research Strategy (Pages I-111–113)
File: 3_ResearchStrategy.pdf / UPLOAD:
§ Organize the Research Strategy in the specified order:
– 3.1: Significance: (1) Explain the importance of the problem or critical barrier to progress in the field that the proposed project addresses; (2) Explain how the proposed project will improve scientific knowledge, technical capability, and/or clinical practice in one or more broad fields; (3) Describe how the concepts, methods, technologies, treatments, services, or preventive interventions that drive this field will be changed if the proposed aims are achieved. / 12 (R01);
6 (R03, R21)*
*Follow FOA (see guide for other grant types) / PI
3. Research Strategy (Cont’d)
(Pages I-111–113)
File: 3_ResearchStrategy.pdf / – 3.2: Innovation: (1) Explain how the application challenges and seeks to shift current research or clinical practice paradigms; (2) Describe any novel theoretical concepts, approaches or methodologies, instrumentation or interventions to be developed or used, and any advantage over existing methodologies, instrumentation, or interventions; (3) Explain any refinements, improvements, or new applications of theoretical concepts, approaches or methodologies, instrumentation, or interventions