Stephen Lewis chronology
1787 – Southern border of New York state established (1)
1789 – Western border of Chautauqua County established (1)
1793 Born ca1793 (calculated from 1850 census which also indicated place of birth as CT)
1803 (VIII) Samuel L., son of Samuel (5) and Betsy (Lamb) Lewis, was born at Unadilla, New York, 1803. He married Mary A. Cunningham, born at Unadilla, March 27, 1833. Solomon Cunningham, father of Mary A. Cunningham, was born in Unadilla in 1802, and married Polly Blakeslee, born at Otego, in 1801. Polly Blakeslee was a daughter of Abraham Blakeslee, born in Danbury, Connecticut, in 1763, and Ruth (Hunt) Blakeslee, born at Roxbury, Connecticut, in 1766. Abraham Blakeslee was for many years a deacon of the Baptist church, and a justice of the peace. Removed after his marriage to Bennington, Vermont, and afterwards, in 1800, to Otego, then Unadilla, later Huntsville.
Cutter, William Richard, Genealogical and Family History of Western New York: a Record of the
Achievements of Her People in the Making of a Commonwealth and the Building of a Nation, (New York:
Lewis Historical Pub. Co., 1912), p. 1414.
1811 – Chautauqua County organized. Settled in all areas except the four southwest survey townships (Mina, Mina/Sherman, French Creek, Clymer) which were a part of the Town of Chautauqua (1)
Range XV Township 1 – French Creek, the Mother township, opened to settlement by Ande Noble of Oswego County, N.Y. on Lot 44. (1)
1813 Deed of Sale from Garret W. van Schaick to Samuel Lewis, 1 December 1813 (recorded 1 December 1813), Otsego County, New York, Deed Book Q, p. 532, LDS Family History Library Microfilm #1023770
that lot of land lying in the town of Unadilla in the county of Otsego known as one hundred acres off of the
east end of lots number six (No.6) in the subdivision of great lot number nine (No.9) in the Otego Patent
1814 Married ca1814 to Mary “Polly” Gardner (based on known birth dates of children)
1816 Deed of Sale from Samuel Lewis to Stephen Lewis, 14 February 1816 (recorded 20 February 1816), Otsego County, New York. Deed Records Vol. U, p.305-306. LDS Family History Library Microfilm #1023772.
This Indenture made the fourteenth Day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and sixteen Between Samuel Lewis of the town of Unadilla in the County of Otsego and
state of New York of the first part and Stephen Lewis of the town, county and state aforesaid of
the second part witnesseth that the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of
four hundred and fifty dollars current money of the United States in hand paid by the party of the
second part wherewith the said party of the first part does hereby declare himself satisfied and paid
hath and by these presents Doth grant bargain sell alien release convey and confirm unto the said
party of the second part his heirs and assigns all that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being
in the town of Unadilla in the County of Otsego [?] the North half of the one hundred acres of the
East end of lot number six No. 6 in the subdivision of great lot No. nine 9 in the Otsego patent and
the same lot as granted and sold by Garrett U. Van Schaick, Esqr. of the City of Albany by Isaac
Cooper, Esqr. his attorney to Samuel Lewis of the town of Unadilla by Deed dated the first Day of
December in the year of [?] one thousand eight hundred and thirteen
1820 United States Census (Free Schedule), Unadilla, Otsego County, New York; p.90?, January, 1821; National Archives Microfilm, Roll ?
Stephen Lewis 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
Samuel Lewis 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 [living next to Stephen: 1 male = 26-45;
4 females, 2 = <10, 1 = 26-45, 1 = 45+]
Samuel Lewis 0 1 1 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 [also living in Unadilla: 6 males: 1 = 10-15,
1 = 16-18, 3 = 18-26, 1 = 45+; 1 female = 45+]
1821 – Sufficient population to organize as a township (Clymer taken from Chautauqua; Mina from Clymer; French Creek from Clymer) (1)
First Baptist Church was organized in French Creek … continued a few years (1)
1828 – French Creek Post Office established before the organization of the Town (1)
1829 – French Creek voted to Township status (1)
1830 United States Census (Free Schedule), Unadilla, Otsego County, New York; p.203, line 10; National Archives Microfilm, Roll 102.
Stephen Lewis 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Samuel 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 [living next to Stephen – males: 1
= 40-50; females: 2= 10-15, 1 = 30-40, 1 = 60-70]
Samuel 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 [also living in Unadilla – males: 2 = 20-
30, 1 = 50-60; females: 1 = 10-15, 1 = 50-60]
1830 Deed of Sale from Stephen Lewis to Hannah, Betsy, Nathan, Huram, Sarah & Daniel Lewis, 16 June 1830 (recorded 2 August 1830), Otsego Co., New York, Deed Records Vol. RR, p. 427. LDS Family History Library Microfilm #1023782.
…as parcel of land lying and being in the town of Unadilla in the county of Otsego viz. In north
half of the one hundred acres off of the east end of lot number six in the subdivision of great lot
number nine in the Otsego Patent & the same lot as granted & sold by Garrett U. Van Schaick
Esq. of the City of Albany, by Isaac Cooper Esq. his attorney to Samuel Lewis by deed dated the
first day of December in the year one thousand eight hundred & thirteen
Methodist Episcopal Church Society formed in French Creek (1)
1831 Otsego county tax assessment (Goerlich, Shirley Boyce. "History of Unadilla: Otsego County, New York, Vol. II" (Bainbridge, NY: RSG Publishing, c1997), p.9.)
Lewis, Samuel 1st 450 acres
Lewis, Stephen 200 acres
Lewis, Samuel 220 acres
A Christian Church was organized in French Creek (1)
1833 Otesgo county tax assessment (Goerlich, Shirley Boyce. "History of Unadilla: Otsego County, New York, Vol. II" (Bainbridge, NY: RSG Publishing, c1997), p.24.
Lewis, Samuel 100 acres
Lewis, Stephen 50 acres
1833Deed of Sale from Samuel, Mary and Debora Lewis to Curtis Noble and Isaac Hayes, 1 January 1833 (recorded 2 September 1833), Otsego County, New York, Deed Book ZZ, p. 2-3, LDS Family History Library Microfilm #1023785.
that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the town of Unadilla in the county of Otsego (viz?) the south half of the one hundred acres off of the east end of Lot number six (No6) in the subdivision of Great lot number nine (No9) in the Otego Patent and the same lot as granted and sold by Garrett W. Van Schaick Esq. Of the City of Albany by Isaac Cooper Esq. His Attorney to Samuel Lewis of the town of Unadilla by Deed dated the first day of December in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirteen
1833 (VIII) Samuel L., son of Samuel (5) and Betsy (Lamb) Lewis, was born at Unadilla, New York, 1803. He married Mary A. Cunningham, born at Unadilla, March 27, 1833
Cutter, William Richard, Genealogical and Family History of Western New York: a Record of the
Achievements of Her People in the Making of a Commonwealth and the Building of a Nation, (New York:
Lewis Historical Pub. Co., 1912), p. 1414
1835 New York State Census, French Creek Township, Chautauqua County, line 13. Chautauqua County Clerk’s Office, Mayville, New York.
Head of Household = Stephen Lewis [living next to Samuel Lewis]
Number of male persons, including head of household = 5
Number of female persons, including head of household if female = 2
Whole number of male persons entitled to vote = 1
Number of unmarried female persons between the ages of 16 & 45 = 1
Number of marriages occurring in the same family, where the female married resided,
during the year preceding = 1
Number of acres of improved land occupied by the same family = 1
Number of neat cattle owned by the same family = 3
Number of horses owned by the same family = 1
Number of hogs owned by the same family = 3
1836 Deed of Sale from Wilhem Willink the younger and Pieter Van Eighen to Stephen Lewis, 25 October 1836 (recorded 16 January 1837), Chautauqua County, New York, Deed Records Vol. 30, p.24. LDS Family History Library Microfilm #0478718.
Chautauqua, in the State of New York, being part or parcel of certain Township which on a Map
or Survey of divers Tracts, or Townships of Land of the said party of the first part, made for the
Proprietors by Joseph Ellicott, Surveyor, is distinguished by Township Number one in the
fifteenth Range of said Townships, and which said Tract of Land, on a certain other Map or
Survey of said Township into Lots made for the said Proprietors by the said Joseph Ellicott, is
distinguished by Part Lot sixty four in said Township Bounded East by lot number fifty six ,
twelve chains forty six links, South by Land this day deeded to the said Stephen Lewis, sixty
chains twenty three links, West by the Pennsylvania line, twelve chains forty six links and North
by a line parallel to the South bounds of the land hereby conveyed sixty chains fourteen links,
Containing seventy five acres be the same more or less, according to the plan laid down in the
margin hereof.
1836 Land record from the Holland Land Company to Stephen Lewis, 25 October 1836, Chautauqua County, New York, p. 58. Holland Land Company & Chautauqua Land Company Records, 1801-1884 microfilm reel 9, Patterson Library, Westfield, NY, 1992.
1836 Oct 25; To P L64 ??75; Deed; 125.00?
1836 Oct 24; By Cash in advance; 225.00
1836 Oct 25; To S. Pt L64 No. 46 82/100 Bond [S M?}; 140.46
1836 Oct 25; By Cash in advance; 15.00
1838 July 6; To Interest; 14.85
1838 July 6; by Cash; 9.15; 111.85
[?ran?] … [?]; 57; 116.31
In Foreclosure by Advertisement Jun. ’39; Paid [H…?] June 1 $12.25. Chgd M. H. L. paid back with
print? [Ti?] the? Er M H S.
1839 Foreclosure record from the Holland Land Company to Stephen Lewis, June 1839, Chautauqua County, New York, p. 58. Holland Land Company & Chautauqua Land Company Records, 1801-1884 microfilm reel 9, Patterson Library, Westfield, NY, 1992.
In Foreclosure by Advertisement Jun. ’39. Paid [H…?] June 1 $12.25. Chgd M. H. L. paid back with print?
[Ti?] the? Er M H S.
1839 Deed of Sale from Stephen Lewis to Nathan G. Lewis, 4 June 1839 (recorded 4 July 1839), Chautauqua County, New York, Deed Records Vol. 27, p.402. LDS Family History Library Microfilm #0478717.
This Indenture made the twenty fourth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and thirty nine, Between Stephen Lewis of the town French Creek, County of Chautauqua
and State of New York of the first part, and Nathan G. Lewis of the County & State aforesaid of
the second part, Witnesseth, That the said party of the first part, for, and in consideration of the
sum of five hundred dollars lawful money of the United States of American, to him in hand paid
by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is [conveyed?] acknowledged, have
granted, bargained, sold remised, released, aliened and confirmed; and by these presents do grant,
bargain, sell, remise, release, alien and confirm unto the said party of the second part, and to his
heirs and assigns forever, all that certain piece or parcel of land, situate lying and being in the
county of Chautauqua and State of New York being part and parcel of a certain township which on
a map or survey of divers[?] tracts or townships made by Joseph Ellicott survey or is distinguished
by township number one in the fifteenth range of said township and which said tract of land in a
certain other map or survey of said township into lots, made for the proprietors of the Holland land
Company by the said Joseph Ellicott is distinguished by part of lot sixty four in said township
bounded East by lot number fifty six twelve chains forty six links, South by land deeded to said
Stephen Lewis sixty chains twenty three links West by the line of Pennsylvania twelve chains
forty six links, and North by a line parallel to the South bounds of the land hereby conveyed sixty
chains fourteen links, containing seventy five acres be the same more or less.
1840 United States Census (Free Schedule), ? Township, Gallia County, Ohio; p.4-5, National Archives Microfilm, Roll 395.
Stephen Lewis 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1844 Deed of Sale from George & Henry McDaniel to Stephen Lewis, 23 November 1844 (filed 10 February 1845), Gallia County, Ohio, Deed Records Vol. 18, p.611, LDS Family History Microfilm #0317681
the undivided half of the West half of the North East quarter of Section: thirty four Township No. Seven, range No. fifteen of the Ohio Company purchase more or less supposed to contain forty acres.846 Deed of Sale from the United States to Stephen Lewis, 1 November 1846 (recorded 16 September 1852), Gallia County, Ohio, Record of Deeds Vol. 24, p.194, LDS Family History Library Microfilm #0317685
1846 Deed of Sale from the United States to Stephen Lewis, 1 November 1846 (recorded 16 September 1852), Gallia County, Ohio, Record of Deeds Vol. 24, p.195, LDS Family History Library Microfilm #0317685
the South West quarter of the South west quarter of section twenty six in Township seven of Range fifteen in the District of Lands subject to sale at Chillicothe formerly Marietta, Ohio containing Forty Acres
1848 Deed of Sale from Nathan G. & Stephen Lewis to Leland Roberts, 26 August 1848 (recorded 7 September 1848), Gallia County, Ohio, Deed Record Vol. 21, p.419-420, LDS Family History Library Microfilm #0317683
the County of Gallia in the State of Ohio and the Township of Morgan[?] …..[?] commencing at the center
of Section No.34 Thirty four, Township No. 7 Seven, Range No. 15 Fifteen of the Ohio Company Purchase
Thence North eighty rods Thence East eighty rods Thence South eighty rods Thence West eighty rods to
the place of beginning containing Forty acres.
1850 United States Census (Free Schedule), Morgan Township, Gallia County, Ohio; p.405, family 295, dwelling 283, lines 15-22; July 29, 1850; National Archives Microfilm, Roll 681.
Stephen Lewis 57 M - Farmer 1000 CT - - - -
Polly Lewis 55 F - - - NY - - - -
Samuel Lewis 24 M - Farmer - NY - - - -
David Lewis 22 M - Farmer - NY - - - -
Martha Lewis 13 F - - - NY - - - -
Hannah Burris 36 F - - - NY - - - -
Martha Burris 4 F - - - NY - - - -
Samuel Burris 2 M - - - O - - - -
1855 4 Nov 1855, death of Stephen’s wife, Mary Gardner. Headstone. Fairview Road Cemetery, Gallia Co., Ohio.
1860 United States Census (Free Schedule), Morgan Township, Gallia County, Ohio; p.149, family 1011, dwelling 1079, lines 1-3; National Archives Microfilm, Roll 966.
Samuel Lewis 29 M - Farmer 1500 600 N.Y. - - - -
Lucinda 27 F - - - - O - - 17-18 -
Stephen 67 M - - - - CT - - 1 -
1861 Deed of Sale from Samuel M. Lewis to Stephen Lewis, 8 April 1861 (recorded 2 April 1863), Gallia County, Ohio, Deed Record Vol. 32, p.395-396, LDS Family History Library Microfilm #0317690
in Morgan Township, Gallia county, Ohio and in the Ohio Company Purchase and bounded and described
as follows in Township Number Seven of Range Number fifteen in Section Number twenty and Fraction
Number nineteen beginning at the Southwest corner of said Section Number twenty and Fraction Number
Nineteen running east eighty four and two thirds rods Thence north thirty eight rods Thence west eighty
four and two third rods thence South thirty eight rods to the place of beginning. Containing twenty acres
more or less
1863 Deed of Sale from Stephen Lewis to John Clark, 21 February 1863 (recorded 2 April? 1863), Gallia County, Ohio, Deed Record Vol. 32, p.396-397, LDS Family History Library Microfilm #0317690
in the county of Gallia in the State of Ohio and in Morgan township and in the Ohio Company Purchase
and bounded and described as follows beginning at the southwest corner of section umber twenty (2-0)
township number seven (7) and Range number fifteen and traction number nineteen (19) thence running
east eighty four and two thirds rods thence north thirty eight rods thence west eighty four and two third rods
thence south thirty eight rods to the place of beginning containing twenty acres more or less.
1867 Stephen Lewis buried in Fairview Road Cemetery, Gallia county, Ohio
1869 Letter of Administration for Samuel L. Lewis to Mary A. Lewis, 23 September 1869 (recorded 23 September 1869), Otsego County, New York, Letters of Administration Book 7, page 188. Surrogate’s Court, Court, Cooperstown, New York.
Whereas, the said Samuel L. Lewis as is alleged, died intestate, having wilst living and at the time of his
death, goods, chattels and credits within this State, by means whereof the granting administration and also
the auditing, allowing and final discharging the account thereof, doth appertain unto us; and we being
desirous that the goods, chattels and credits of the said deceased may be well and faithfully administered,
applied and disposed of do grant unto you, the said Mary A. Lewis full power by these presents, to
1870 United States Census (Free Schedule), Unadilla, Otsego County, New York; p.583, line 18-22; National Archives Microfilm, Series M593, Roll 1076 found on, 13 Nov 2003.
Lewis, Mary, age 38, F, W, 0, $8,000 Real Estate value, $8,000 Personal Estate value,
Place of birth = NY
Lewis, Samuel, age 7, M, W, 0, 0, 0, Place of birth = NY
Lewis, Mary, age 5, F, W, 0, 0, 0, Place of birth = NY
Bishop, James [living in same house], age 24, M, W, 0, 0, $300 Personal Estate value,
Place of birth = NY, father & mother of foreign birth, 0, married in Oct, 1879, 0, 0, 0,
0, Male citizen of the US
Bishop, Delilah [living in same house], age 18, F, W, 0, 0, 0, Place of birth = NY,
married in Oct, 1879
1874 Levi Coburn bio – 1st wife, Lucy M. Olmstead; married 2nd wife Mary (Cunningham) Lewis widow of Samuel Lewis, Esq. In October, 1874 (3 children Valla, May B. & Samuel R.) Abraham Blakslee, maternal grandfather of Mrs. Coburn, settled in Otego in very early times. Father: Solomon Cunningham. Member of Baptist Church.
Biographical Review: This Volume Contains Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens of Otsego, New
York (Boston, Biographical Review Publ. Co., 1894), p.424.
French Creek150 Years, 1829-1979 (Clymer, N.Y., Roger L. Westley, 1979), p4-8.
What does all this tell us:
Stephen could have been born in CT (census records, substantial influx of CT residents to Otsego Co., possible link to Samuel Lewis m. Betsy Lamb of Waterbury, CT)
Stephen married Mary “Polly” Gardner in 1814 probably in Otsego Co., NY (county biography)
Stephen bought Otsego Co. land from a Samuel Lewis in 1816 (deed record – ½ of 100 acres purchased by Samuel in 1813. In 1830 this land was transferred to Stephen’s children.)
Stephen Lewis is living next to a Samuel Lewis in Otsego Co., NY
Stephen Lewis is in Chautauqua Co., NY in 1835 (NY state census) Stephen is living next to Samuel Lewis in 1835
Stephen Lewis purchases land in Chautauqua Co., NY in 1836