Board Meeting Minutes


The Carlisle Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, May 22, 2017 in the Choir/Lecture Room located in Carlisle High School at 250 Jamaica Road, Carlisle, Ohio.


Board President Bill Jewell called the meeting to order beginning with a public hearing at 5:45 p.m., and the regular Board meeting beginning at 6:00 p.m., with the following roll of attendance present: Mr. Jewell, Vice-President Tammy Lainhart, Mr. Bryan Dunkman, and Mr. Dale Moore. Mr. David Clay was absent.


Mr. Jewell asked those in attendance to stand with the Board for the Pledge of Allegiance.


A public hearing was held on the retire/rehire request of high school teacher Mark Townsley, and elementary teacher Sue Centers.


Mr. Ken Sprinkles gave an update on buildings. Mr. Brad Potter presented certificates of achievement to high school students for excellence in art and softball. Mr. John Oliver presented certificates of achievement to junior high and high school students for excellence in band.


Mr. Ron Diver, 8797 Meadowlark Drive, Carlisle, addressed the Board to say he was proud of the community and school board regarding the recent bond issue passage.



(2017-54) It was moved by Mrs. Lainhart and seconded by Mr. Dunkman to move into executive session for the purpose of negotiations and personnel.

Time in: 6:18 p.m. Time out: 6:52 p.m.

Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Jewell, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Moore

Nay – none

Motion Carried



(2017-55) It was moved by Mr. Dunkman and seconded by Mrs. Lainhart to approve the April 24 minutes.

Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Jewell, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Moore

Nay – none

Motion Carried

(2017-56) It was moved by Mrs. Lainhart and seconded by Mr. Moore to approve the financial report.

Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Jewell, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Moore

Nay – none

Motion Carried

(2017-57) It was moved by Mr. Moore and seconded by Mrs. Lainhart to approve the 5-year forecast.

Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Jewell, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Moore

Nay – none

Motion Carried

(2017-58) It was moved by Mr. Dunkman and seconded by Mr. Moore to approve the appropriation modifications.

Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Jewell, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Moore

Nay – none

Motion Carried



· Mr. Larry Hook gave an update on the building project.

· He also announced the retire/rehire of Ken Sprinkles.


General District Business

(2017-59) It was moved by Mrs. Lainhart and seconded by Mr. Moore to approve the negotiated 3-year contract between Carlisle Teachers Association and the Board of Education.

Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Jewell, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Moore

Nay – none

Abstain – Mr. Dunkman

Motion Carried

(2017-60) It was moved by Mr. Dunkman and seconded by Mr. Moore to approve the creation of negotiated district administrative Athletic Director/Assistant Principal position.

Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Jewell, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Moore

Nay – none

Motion Carried

(2017-61) It was moved by Mrs. Lainhart and seconded by Mr. Moore to approve the resignation of David Clay as Board member.

Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Jewell, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Moore

Nay – none

Motion Carried

(2017-62) It was moved by Mrs. Lainhart and seconded by Mr. Moore to approve the following:

(a.) Approve resolution to participate with OFCC

(b.) Approve 2017-2018 school fees

(c.) Approve AB summer school letters

(d.) Approve GI summer school letters

(e.) Approve MS summer school application

(f.) Approve HS summer school application

(g.) Approve Class of 2017 list of graduate candidates

(h.) Approve Montgomery County Educational Service Center contract for Fiscal Year 2018

(i.) Approve Warren County Educational Service Center contract for Fiscal Year 2018

Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Jewell, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Moore

Nay – none

Motion Carried

Administrative Employment

(2017-63) It was moved by Mrs. Lainhart and seconded by Mr. Moore to approve a 3-year contract for Dan Turner; approve a 3-year contract for Mike Milner; approve 1-year contract for Susan Klein as Director of Special Education

Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Jewell, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Moore

Nay – none

Motion Carried

Certified: Employment

(2017-64) It was moved by Mr. Moore and seconded by Mr. Dunkman to approve Allison Zukowitz as full-time preschool teacher for 2017-2018; approve Daniel Kerns as intervention specialist for 2017-2018

Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Jewell, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Moore

Nay – none

Motion Carried

Classified: Retirements

(2017-65) It was moved by Mr. Dunkman and seconded by Mrs. Lainhart to approve the retirement of Cindy Kline as bus aide, effective June 2; approve the retirement of Billie Rosselot as bus driver, effective May 31.

Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Jewell, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Moore

Nay – none

Motion Carried

Classified: Resignations

(2017-66) It was moved by Mrs. Lainhart and seconded by Mr. Moore to approve the resignation of Theressa Ball as food service secretary at the end of the 2016-2017 school year; approve the resignation of Janet Lewis as food service cashier.

Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Jewell, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Moore

Nay – none

Motion Carried

Classified: Employment

(2017-67) It was moved by Mrs. Lainhart and seconded by Mr. Dunkman to approve the following:

(a.) Mary DelCastillo as educational aide, retroactive to May 1

(b.) Theressa Ball as HS principal/athletic secretary for 2017-2018

(c.) Chris Oliver as classified substitute retroactive to May 8

(d.) Mark Crary as classified substitute retroactive to May 11

(e.) Creation of new full-time teacher’s aide position

(f.) Tammy Carroll for bus driver, 4.25 hrs/daily, for 2017-2018

(g.) Brandy Lawson for bus driver, 4.25 hrs/daily, for 2017-2018

(h.) Janet Lewis as kindergarten bus driver, 1.25 hrs/daily, for 2017-18

(i.) Bob Wills as bus aide, 4.5 hrs/daily, for 2017-2018

(j.) Nik Berger as classified substitute

Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Jewell, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Moore

Nay – none

Motion Carried

Supplemental: Resignations

(2017-68) It was moved by Mr. Moore and seconded by Mrs. Lainhart to approve the following:

(a.) Nathan Carmack as head cross country coach

(b.) Tyler Tincher as JH Asst. Football Coach *2

(c.) Alex Hemmelgarn as HS football assistant coach

(d.) Don Ridinger as National Honor Society Advisor

(e.) David Steckel as boys head soccer coach

Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Jewell, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Moore

Nay – none

Motion Carried

Supplemental: Employment

(2017-69) It was moved by Mrs. Lainhart and seconded by Mr. Moore to approve the following:

(a.) Approve supplemental positions for non-renewal

(b.) Emily Mendenhall for head cross country coach

(c.) Travis Martin as HS assistant football coach

(d.) Daryl Clark as HS assistant football coach

(e.) Daniel Kerns as HS assistant football coach

(f.) Josh Laughlin as JH assistant football coach *2

(g.) Chris Hawkins as JH football coach 7th

(h.) Penny Stewart as K-1st grade summer school teacher

(i.) Sarah Smalley as 1st-2nd grade summer school teacher

(j.) Jaclyn Sheldon as 2nd-3rd grade summer school teacher

(k.) Tyler Tincher as HS assistant football coach

(l.) Alex Hemmelgarn as special teams coordinator

(m.) D.J. Staton as JH basketball coach (B) 8th

(n.) Kevin Baker as 4th grade home instructor for the remainder of the 2016-17 school year

(o.) Alice Ethridge as 5th grade home instructor for 20 hours during the month of June

(p.) Michele Murphy as RE2 mentor for Lesley Spaeth

(q.) Sam Lee as RE2 mentor for Tyler Tincher

(r.) Stacy Lipps as RE2 mentor for John Giles

(s.) Jill French as RESA Facilitator

Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Jewell, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Moore

Nay – none

Motion Carried



(2017-70) It was moved by Mr. Moore and seconded by Mrs. Lainhart to adjourn the meeting.

Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Jewell, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Moore

Nay – none

Motion Carried

Board President Bill Jewell adjourned the meeting at 7:09 p.m. in accord with the motion.


Board President Bill Jewell

ATTEST: _________________________________________________

Daniel L. Bassler, Treasurer

XC: All Board Members

Mr. Larry Hook, Superintendent
