Metaphor/Simile Homework Assignment
My music collection
As we noticed from our lesson on metaphors and similes, popular musicians frequently use both to express themselves in their music. Sometimes, they use metaphors or similes that are used too often, and we call these clichés. Your assignment for tonight is to peruse through your music collection and find five metaphors and five similes from your favorite musicians. As you know, metaphors and similes are comparisons made between things that are seemingly unlike one another. Make sure you include an explanation of what is being compared in your examples, and try to explain what the artist/musician is trying to convey to the listener. In other words, what does their metaphor or simile mean?..............just like we did in class.
Please include the following:
1. Name of song
2. Name of artist/musician
3. The lyric that contains the metaphor or simile
4. Identification: Is it a metaphor or a simile?
5. An explanation of what the artist trying to express.
For example:
1. Bullet With Butterfly Wings
2. The Smashing Pumpkins
3. “The world is a vampire…”
4. metaphor
5. Billy Corgan is suggesting that the world is sucking the life out of people. It’s an indictment or a pessimistic view of society and how it drains us of our life force.