Planning Commission
Meeting Minutes
October 23, 2008
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Vice Chairman Diediker.
Roll Call
Present: Chris Kemp, Chris Lucas, Bob Perkes, Al Hawkins, and Nona Diediker
Absent: Lucinda Luke and Shea Meehan.
Also Present: Senior Planner Todd Stowell, Associate Planner Thaniel Gouk, Staff Recorder Penny Mayfield, and Councilman Merle Johnson.
Approval of the Agenda
A motion to approve the agenda as presented was made by Al Hawkins and seconded by Chris Kemp. The motion carried unanimously.
Approval of the Minutes
Commissioner Diediker asked for the first paragraph on page 2 of the meeting minutes to be re-written to read: “Additional environmental review would be needed on any specific points where the existing SEPA is lacking.” The minutes of September 25, 2008 were approved as amended.
Announcements, Reports and Comments
Councilman Johnson said there was talk at the last Council meeting of having a joint meeting between the Planning Commission and the City Council which would probably occur after the first of the year.
Citizen Public Comments
Kaleem Ullah, Richland said he came to the last meeting of the Planning Commission to find a note on the door saying the meeting had been continued due to lack of a quorum. He felt a better procedure was needed to notify the public of cancelled meetings.
Presentations / Public Hearings / Open Record Hearings
7a. Public Hearing: Consider the 2008 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendments and Text Amendments.
Area # File No. Project
#15 CPA2008-08, Kadlec Health Systems Application
Senior Planner Todd Stowell summarized the staff report. Staff recommends that the land use map amendment application submitted by Kadlec Health Systems be approved.
The Public Hearing opened at 7:16 p.m.
Chuck Baker, 432 Nicholas Ct., Richland, said the medical facility is nearing completion and should be open by the end of January. Three positions are already filled and two more positions filled within the year. This will be a primary care facility with 19,000 square feet of office space. He talked about their intent to develop the 12-acre property on a, build-to-suit bases. He also indicated they would identify appropriate types of businesses that would be compatible to the surrounding community. He said Kadlec has been addressing neighbor concerns from the beginning.
Doug Ashcraft, Mahlum Architects 71 Columbia St., Seattle gave a power point presentation showing the proposed site plan of the entire project and a floor plan and rendering of the medical center now under construction and talked about the design of the building.
There were no public comments and the Public Hearing closed at 7:36 p.m.
The discussion was mostly about street access off East Lattin Road, which is only built to a rural standard. Nona Diediker disclosed that she lives in the neighborhood, but not directly next to the property.
Motion: Upon a motion by Mr. Lucas, seconded by Mr. Kemp, to adopt the findings, conclusions, and recommendation found in the staff report and recommend to the City Council approval of Land Use Map Change #15. The motion carried unanimously.
Area # File No. Project
#14 CPA2008-11, Richland Assembly of God application
Associate Planner Thaniel Gouk summarized the staff report. Staff recommends that the application by the Richland Assembly of God to change the subject area to Commercial be denied, but that the property be changed from Medium-Density Residential to High-Density Residential.
The Public Hearing opened at 7:36 p.m.
There was no public comment and the Public Hearing closed at 7:36 p.m.
The discussion cumulated with the following motion:
Motion: Upon a motion by Chris Kemp, seconded by Chris Lucas, to approve the applicants request to change the property to Commercial. The vote was 3 in favor to 2 opposed.
Area # File No. Project
#1 CPA2008-37, South 47th Avenue
Senior Planner Todd Stowell summarized the staff report. Staff recommends that the subject area be changed from Commercial to Industrial on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map.
The Public Hearing opened at 7:55 p.m.
There was no public comment and the Public Hearing closed at 7:55 p.m.
There was little discussion amongst the group.
Motion: Upon a motion by Bob Perkes, seconded by Al Hawkins, to adopt the findings, conclusions, and recommendation found in the staff report and recommend to the City Council approval of Land Use Map Change #1. The motion carried unanimously.
Area # File No. Project
#2 CPA2008-38, Belmont Center
Associate Planner Thaniel Gouk summarized the staff report. Staff recommends that the subject area be changed from Commercial and Multi-Family Residential to Commercial on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, and that the mixed-use overlay contemplated by the accompanying 2008 text amendments be applied as soon as the regulations are developed.
The Public Hearing opened at 7:57 p.m.
Christina Webb, Wallace Ct. wanted to know if pesticides would be used on the vineyard. She also wanted to know about the increased water demand, and how the proposed wine village would affect irrigation pressure. It was clarified that the wine village proposal was outside of the area of this change, and that staff could answer questions about that project.
There were no other public comment and the hearing closed at 8:00 p.m.
The Planning Commission supported the combined high-density and commercial use of the property.
Motion: Upon a motion by Al Hawkins, seconded by Chris Lucas, to adopt the findings, conclusions, and recommendation found in the staff report and recommend to the City Council approval of Land Use Map Change #2. The motion carried unanimously.
The meeting recessed for a five minute break.
The meeting was called back to order by Ms. Diediker at 8:12 p.m.
Area # File No. Project
#3 CPA2008-39, Former RR Right-of-way
Senior Planner Todd Stowell summarized the staff report recommending a change to the Public Reserve designation.
The Public Hearing opened at 8:15 p.m.
There was no public comment and the Public Hearing closed at 8:16 p.m.
The Planning Commission discussion cumulated with the following motion:
Motion: Upon a motion by Chris Kemp, seconded by Bob Perkes to adopt the findings, conclusions, and recommendation found in the staff report and recommend to the City Council approval of Land Use Map Change #3. The motion carried unanimously.
Area # File No. Project
#5 CPA2008-41, Ruppert & Van Giesen
Associate Planner Thaniel Gouk summarized the staff report. Staff recommends that the subject area be changed from Multi-Family Residential and Low-Density Residential to Commercial, High-Density Residential and Medium-Density Residential, but that the boundary originally proposed be modified to retain the northeast corner as High-Density Residential.
The Public Hearing opened at 8:21 p.m.
Jerry Smith, 4715 Blue Heron said he represents the owner of the property located on the north side of Van Giesen and said he is in favor of commercial.
There were no further comments and the Public Hearing closed at 8:24 p.m.
Group discussion cumulated with the following motion:
Motion: Upon a motion by Chris Lucas, seconded by Bob Perkes to adopt the findings, conclusions, and recommendation found in the staff report and recommend to the City Council approval of Land Use Map Change #5 without modification.
Area # File No. Project
#6 CPA2008-42, Collins Road
Thaniel Gouk summarized the staff report. Staff recommends that the subject area be changed from Low-Density Residential to Public Reserve on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map.
The Public Hearing opened at 8:30 p.m.
Jan Jackson, 703 S 48th said BLM is never going to do anything with property so questioned the intent of the rezone. He recommends leaving the property in its current status.
Johan Curtiss, 2507 S Highlands Blvd said the BLM property has been talked about during Park Board to make this the Collins Ridge park. She said she would hate to see the same thing happen that happened at Lots 206 and 207 which was public and they almost had a reservoir in their backyards. She asked them to consider the impacts of any major facilities and minor facilities on theses BLM public properties.
Closed Public Hearing at 8:33 p.m.
The Planning Commission discussion cumulated with the following motion:
Motion: Upon a motion by Bob Perkes, Seconded by Al Hawkins, to recommend to the City Council approval of Land Use Map Change #6. The motion carried unanimously.
Area # File No. Project
#7 CPA2008-43, Event Center
Associate Planner Thaniel Gouk summarized the staff report. Staff recommends that the subject area be changed from Medium-Density Residential to Commercial on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map.
The Public Hearing opened at 8:38 p.m.
May Hays, owner of the Event Center located at 331 S. 41st Avenue questioned why the City was requesting the zone change now. Mrs. Hays said they had requested it not be changed some time ago. She also questioned why she had not received notice of the proposed change.
Johan Curtiss 2507 S Highlands. See attached statement.
The Public Hearing closed at 8:48 p.m.
The Planning Commission discussion verified that proper notice procedures had been followed and additional discussion cumulated with the following motion:
Motion: Upon a motion by Al Hawkins, seconded by Chris Lucas, to adopt the findings, conclusions, and recommendation found in the staff report and recommend to the City Council approval of Land Use Map Change #7. Planning Commission members Nona Diediker and Al Hawkins voted yes. Members Chris Kemp, Bob Perkes and Chris Lucas voted no. The motion failed in a 2 to 3 vote.
Area # File No. Project
#8 CPA2008-44, Apartments (continued to next meeting)
Area # File No. Project
#9 CPA2008-45, Paradise and Bombing Range
Senior Planner Todd Stowell summarized the staff report. Staff recommends that the subject area be changed from Medium-Density Residential to High-Density Residential to reflect the existing Multi-family zoning of the subject property.
The Public Hearing opened at 9:12 p.m.
Phil Warren, 12316 Hillcrest Drive, Pasco, a property owner within the proposal said it’s an expensive piece of land to develop. He would like to be able to vacate the 33’ patent reservations on the property. The City stopped vacating these easements after he had already purchased the property. He favors the change.
Eldon Gray, John L. Scott Real Estate, Kennewick said he has listed the property and had 2 potential buyers within the last six months, but with the easement as it is they walked away because it would be too expensive to develop. He favors the change.
The Public Hearing closed at 9:17 p.m.
The Planning Commission discussion cumulated with the following motion:
Upon a motion by Chris Lucas, seconded by Bob Perkes, to adopt the findings, conclusions, and recommendation found in the staff report and recommend to the City Council approval of Land Use Map Change #9. The motion carried unanimously.
Area # File No. Project
#10 CPA2008-46, Fire station Yard (Continued to next meeting)
Area # File No. Project
#11 CPA2008-44, Holly Way Extension, East of Bombing Range
Associate Planner Thaniel Gouk summarized the staff report. Staff recommends that the subject area be changed from Medium-Density Residential to High-Density Residential on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map.
The Public Hearing opened at 9:22 p.m.
Mian Haq and Arta Len of Pasco are requesting that lots 179 and 180 be zoned for high-density since it is a good area for high level condos. The owner of lot 207 would like it left as Medium-Density Residential for the time being. The owners would also like to be able to vacate the 33’ easements, which affect 36% of the area.
The Public Hearing closed at 9:36 p.m.
The Planning Commission discussion cumulated with the following motion:
Motion: Upon a motion by Chris Lucas, seconded by Al Hawkins to adopt the findings, conclusions, and recommendation found in the staff report and recommend to the City Council approval of Land Use Map Change #11 with modification to remove Lot 207 from the change. The motion carried unanimously.
Area # File No. Project
#12 CPA2008-48, Norma Street (Continued to next meeting)
Area # File No. Project
#13 CPA2008-58, Benton REA (Continued to next meeting)
Area # File No. Project
#4 CPA2008-40, Red Mtn. Center area
Senior Planner Todd Stowell summarized the staff report. Staff is requesting direction from the affected property owners and the Planning Commission as to how the land use designations should be distributed across the property.
The Public Hearing opened at 9:38 p.m.
Jerry Smith, 4715 Blue Heron said he is representing two property owners, the RV Park and the lot to the west, who are opposing any change in zones. The owners believe the current zoning of Commercial is the best use of the parcels.
The Public Hearing closed at 9:40
As directed by the Planning Commission, Staff will prepare a proposal for the next Planning Commission meeting.
Text Amendments, CPA2008-36 (Continued to the next meeting.)
Unfinished Business
As motioned by Bob Perkes, seconded, and unanimously approved, all remaining items on the agenda are continued to the November 13, 2008 meeting.
The continued discussion and public hearing on amendments to the Sensitive Areas (Critical Areas) is
Continued to the November 13, 2008 Planning Commission meeting.
The Preliminary Plat and SEPA appeal hearing for Kingview No. 7. Continued to November 13, 2008 Planning Commission meeting. (The developer is still working on revisions to address concerns raised at the public hearing.)
The meeting adjourned at 9:56 p.m.
Planning Commission Minutes
October 23, 2008
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