(Week of April 23-29)
Move Forward as a Spiritual Person!
Theme Scripture
(Galatians 5:16) But I say, Keep walking by spirit and you will carry out no fleshly desire at all.
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(Philippians 3:16) At any rate, to the extent we have made progress, let us go on walking orderly in this same course.
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(Ephesians 4:23, 24) And you should continue to be made new in your dominant mental attitude, 24and should put on the new personality that was created according to God’s will in true righteousness and loyalty.
(Philippians 3:12, 13) Not that I have already received it or am already made perfect, but I am pressing on to see if I may also lay hold on that for which Christ Jesus selected me. 13Brothers, I do not yet consider myself as having taken hold of it; but one thing is certain: Forgetting the things behind and stretching forward to the things ahead,
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(Ephesians 4:13) until we all attain to the oneness of the faith and of the accurate knowledge of the Son of God, to being a full-grown man, attaining the measure of stature that belongs to the fullness of the Christ.
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(1 Corinthians 2:14-16) But a physical man does not accept the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot get to know them, because they are examined spiritually. 15However, the spiritual man examines all things, but he himself is not examined by any man. 16For “who has come to know the mind of Jehovah, so that he may instruct him?” But we do have the mind of Christ.
(1 Corinthians 3:1-3) So, brothers, I was not able to speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to fleshly men, as to infants in Christ. 2I fed you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet strong enough. In fact, neither are you strong enough now, 3for you are still fleshly. Since there are jealousy and strife among you, are you not fleshly and are you not walking as men do?
(Ecclesiastes 7:5) Better to listen to a wise man’s rebuke than to listen to the song of fools.
(Ecclesiastes 7:9) Do not be quick to take offense, for the taking of offense lodges in the bosom of fools.
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(1 Kings 4:29, 30) And God gave Solʹo·mon wisdom and discernment in very great measure and a broadness of heart like the sand on the seashore. 30Solʹo·mon’s wisdom surpassed the wisdom of all the people of the East and all the wisdom of Egypt.
(1 Kings 11:4-6) In Solʹo·mon’s old age, his wives inclined his heart to follow other gods, and his heart was not complete with Jehovah his God like the heart of David his father. 5And Solʹo·mon followed after Ashʹto·reth, the goddess of the Si·doʹni·ans, and Milʹcom, the disgusting god of the Amʹmon·ites. 6And Solʹo·mon did what was bad in the eyes of Jehovah, and he did not follow Jehovah completely as David his father had done.
(Colossians 2:6, 7) Therefore, just as you have accepted Christ Jesus the Lord, go on walking in union with him, 7being rooted and built up in him and being stabilized in the faith, just as you were taught, and overflowing with thanksgiving.
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(Hebrews 6:1) Therefore, now that we have moved beyond the primary doctrine about the Christ, let us press on to maturity, not laying a foundation again, namely, repentance from dead works and faith in God,
(Colossians 1:23) provided, of course, that you continue in the faith, established on the foundation and steadfast, not being shifted away from the hope of that good news that you heard and that was preached in all creation under heaven. Of this good news I, Paul, became a minister.
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(Psalm 40:8) To do your will, O my God, is my delight, And your law is deep within me.
(Psalm 119:97) How I do love your law! I ponder over it all day long.
(Titus 2:11, 12) For the undeserved kindness of God has been manifested, bringing salvation to all sorts of people. 12It trains us to reject ungodliness and worldly desires and to live with soundness of mind and righteousness and godly devotion amid this present system of things,
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(Ecclesiastes 12:1) Remember, then, your Grand Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of distress come and the years arrive when you will say: “I have no pleasure in them”;
(Ecclesiastes 12:13) The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole obligation of man.
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(Romans 8:6-8) For setting the mind on the flesh means death, but setting the mind on the spirit means life and peace; 7because setting the mind on the flesh means enmity with God, for it is not in subjection to the law of God, nor, in fact, can it be. 8So those who are in harmony with the flesh cannot please God.
(Luke 13:24) “Exert yourselves vigorously to get in through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will seek to get in but will not be able.
(Genesis 32:26-28) After that he said: “Let me go, for the dawn is breaking.” To this he said: “I am not going to let you go until you bless me.” 27So he said to him: “What is your name?” to which he said: “Jacob.” 28Then he said: “Your name will no longer be Jacob but Israel, for you have contended with God and with men and you have at last prevailed.”
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(Romans 15:5) Now may the God who supplies endurance and comfort grant you to have among yourselves the same mental attitude that Christ Jesus had,
(Galatians 5:16) But I say, Keep walking by spirit and you will carry out no fleshly desire at all.
(Galatians 5:22, 23) On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, 23mildness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.
(Luke 11:13) Therefore, if you, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those asking him!”
(Matthew 16:22, 23) At this Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, saying: “Be kind to yourself, Lord; you will not have this happen to you at all.” 23But turning his back, he said to Peter: “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me, because you think, not God’s thoughts, but those of men.”
(Luke 22:34) But he said: “I tell you, Peter, a rooster will not crow today until you have denied knowing me three times.”
(Luke 22:54-62) Then they arrested him and led him off, and they brought him into the house of the high priest; but Peter was following at a distance. 55When they lit a fire in the middle of the courtyard and sat down together, Peter was sitting among them. 56But a servant girl, seeing him sitting in the light of the fire, looked closely at him and said: “This man was also with him.” 57But he denied it, saying: “I do not know him, woman.” 58After a short time another person saw him and said: “You too are one of them.” But Peter said: “Man, I am not.” 59And after about an hour had passed, another man began insisting strongly: “Certainly this man was also with him, for he is, in fact, a Gal·i·leʹan!” 60But Peter said: “Man, I do not know what you are saying.” And instantly, while he was still speaking, a rooster crowed. 61At this the Lord turned and looked straight at Peter, and Peter recalled the statement of the Lord when he had said to him: “Before a rooster crows today, you will disown me three times.” 62And he went outside and wept bitterly.
(Galatians 2:11-14) However, when Ceʹphas came to Antioch, I resisted him face-to-face, because he was clearly in the wrong. 12For before certain men from James arrived, he used to eat with people of the nations; but when they arrived, he stopped doing this and separated himself, fearing those of the circumcised class. 13The rest of the Jews also joined him in putting on this pretense, so that even Barʹna·bas was led along with them in their pretense. 14But when I saw that they were not walking in step with the truth of the good news, I said to Ceʹphas before them all: “If you, though you are a Jew, live as the nations do and not as Jews do, how can you compel people of the nations to live according to Jewish practice?”
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Read (2 Peter 1:5-8) For this very reason, put forth all earnest effort to supply to your faith virtue, to your virtue knowledge, 6to your knowledge self-control, to your self-control endurance, to your endurance godly devotion, 7to your godly devotion brotherly affection, to your brotherly affection love. 8For if these things exist in you and overflow, they will prevent you from being either inactive or unfruitful regarding the accurate knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
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Read (2 Corinthians 6:14, 15) Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. For what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have? Or what sharing does light have with darkness? 15Further, what harmony is there between Christ and Beʹli·al? Or what does a believer share in common with an unbeliever?
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Read (1 Corinthians 15:33) Do not be misled. Bad associations spoil useful habits.
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Read (Hebrews 6:1) Therefore, now that we have moved beyond the primary doctrine about the Christ, let us press on to maturity, not laying a foundation again, namely, repentance from dead works and faith in God,
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(Matthew 6:33) “Keep on, then, seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you.
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(Romans 12:18) If possible, as far as it depends on you, be peaceable with all men.
(James 3:18) Moreover, the fruit of righteousness is sown in peaceful conditions for those who are making peace.
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(1 Timothy 6:19) safely treasuring up for themselves a fine foundation for the future, so that they may get a firm hold on the real life.