/ FIVB Volleyball at School Symposium
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, CANADA
June 23 – 27, 2007
Presenter: Doug Hillis, College of Kinesiology, University of Saskatchewan

Topic: Fundamental Movement Patterns.

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Fundamentals through Movement Patterns

What do we introduce first the game or the movements within the game itself? There is a natural instinct to breakdown the game around the required skills and develop those skills. What we often over look is that the skills and the game require some physical and motor abilities to achieve success.

Possibly a more advantageous approach to maximizing early development is to inter mix a variety motor patterns that challenge the physical and motor abilities. The benefit is to help children reach their potential through the introduction of activities that can enhance motor patterns as well as challenge the physical (strength, muscular endurance, power and flexibility) and the motor (coordination, agility, balance, and speed) abilities. By being creative in challenging our youth with a variety of activities we can help prepare them to easily move into and have success in the more specialized sport training at an older age.

The following workshop is a snap shot of what can be done through utilizing movement patterns with children.

LandingsTo absorb forces over as much time and body surface area as possible to avoid injury.

Feet:Motor pattern

Toe, ball, heel of foot, bend knees to 90, not past 90

Activity:In personal space - shapes in air, mirroring partner, add directional movements – forward, backward, sideward

High five a partner

Hands: Motor pattern

Forward - fingers, palm, heel of hand, bend elbows 90

Activity:Fall forward from knees, squat, 1/2 squat, etc.

Add in hand clapping prior to landing

Counter balance – release and land, vary height

Backward – fingers toward body, contact fingers, palm, heel of hand bend elbows and push to slide on backside.

Activity:Squat fall backward onto hands

Half squat fall backward onto hands

Counter balance release and fall backward

*Physical abilities – strength

*Motor abilities – coordination


Feet:Repetitive displacement of the center of gravity

Activity:Random running (spatial orientation)

Vary shapes – wide, narrow, helicopter arms

Add shoulder tapping (try to avoid being tapped)

Follow the leader – landings on feet review, change pathway

Immunity tag – safe if doing a landing correctly

Hook tag (coordination)

Partner tag (agility)

Positioning to receive an object (circle ball toss, stationary and then with movement)

Circle running ball toss

Running figure-eight ball toss


Supports:Stable positions – center of gravity well within base of support

Activity:Front support - Partner handshake, mirroring, toss alternating hand, rolling ball to partner (core strength)

Relay ball roll (core strength)

Activity:Supine – curl ups passing ball to partner,

Variation - straight arms overhead, spread a part toss ball on way up, set ball back and forth, etc.

Balances:Relatively stable positions – center of gravity close to edge of base of support

Activity:Pat-a-cake – stand 1/2 meter apart and tap each others palms, you are allowed to move your hands to avoid the tap – see who loses balance first.

Variation – vary standing height, 1/2 squat, etc.


Feet:Rapid displacement of body

Activity:Skipping tag games – partner tag, immunity tag, etc

Two foot hopping locomotion – tag games as above

Partner or group activities

The illustrations used in this document are from the following sources:

Russell, K., Schembri, G., and Kinsman, T., (1994), Up Down All Around Lesson Plan Series, Ruschkin Publishing.

Schembri, G. (1983) Intorductory Gymnastics. Australian Gymnastics Federation.