Rural Settlements – Task List
- Housing age and type (your area only).
Tally on housing matrix sheet
- Services and functions (your area only).
Local services – on tally sheet – add more to the bottom of the table if they do not fit into the existing category.
Tourist services – tally in separate table.
- Public Transport (whole settlement).
Find a main bus stop and note how many services visit the settlement. Record the destinations and work out the frequency of each bus service. You can then score each bus service and add them to give the settlement a total score for accessibility.
- Community activities (whole settlement).
List these on the handout (clubs, social groups etc.)
- Questionnaire.
Ask at least three people and tally their answers on the question sheet.
- Epitome word.
Think of three words that might epitomise the area.
- Traffic counts (your allocated road).
At a pre-arranged time, record the traffic going in both directions for 10 minutes. Tally separately: cars, minibuses/vans, lorries, buses/coaches, farm vehicles, motorbikes and push bikes.
- Environmental quality (whole settlement).
Use a bi-polar scale to describe the appearance of the settlement. Also note any natural features in the settlement or its surroundings.
- Other information.
Note down anything else you find out about the settlement.
Housing Matrix
HOUSING TYPE / HOUSING AGEPre WW1 / Inter War / Post War / Total
Semi - detached
Flats/ Bed- Sits
TerracedAny dwelling (with the exception of flats/ bed-sits) adjoined on both sides to another property.
Flats / bed-sitsTry to estimate the number of dwellings (e.g. count the number of door bells).
Post Ware.g. modern housing estates, bungalows
Inter WarOften brick faced of stippled, rounded porches, metal window frames (may have been replaced with U.V.P.C.), brick chimney.
Pre WW1Edwardian and older e.g. small terraced cottages, large town houses.
Services and Functions
Record the service that is provided rather than the presence of an establishment totally devoted to that service. For example a post office with a general store should be tallied in the Post Office category and in the General Store category. Keep local and visitor services separate and add on any extra services you find.
Local ServicesService / Tally of Service / Total number / Service / Tally of Service / Total number
Baker / Pet shop
Butcher / Pharmacy
Builder / Police
Chapel/church / Post Box
Charity shop / Post Office
Clothes shop / Pub
Dairy/Milk / Recycling Centre
Doctor / School
Garage / Solicitors
General stores / Takeaway
Greengrocer / Travel Agent
Hairdresser / Telephone Box
Hardware / Toilets
Newsagent / Vet
Off Licence
Petrol Station
Tourist/Visitor services
Service / Tally of Service / Total Number
Bed & Breakfast
Caravan Site
Gift/craft shop
Holiday flats/ chalets
Tourist Information
Services Continued – Public Transport
Public Transport
Key0 = No service
1 = < 1 per day
2 = 1-5 per day
3 = > 5 per day to hourly
4 = > 1 per hour
Destination / Score
Community Activities
- Are you a resident of this village?
The last two questions should be filled in by the questioner, sex should be fairly obvious and some find being asked their age offensive.
Epitome Words
Think of three words that might epitomise the area.
Traffic Count
Vehicle Type / TallyCar
Minibus / Van
Push bike
Farm traffic
Bi- polar Scale for Environmental Quality
Category/Criteria / -3 / -2 / -1 / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / Category/
Dirty / Clean