WAQF – Not to be used for commercial purposes


Exercise 2

1) Put ( √ ) or ( X ) in front of the following sentences, correcting those sentences that are wrong:

a)  Idhaar is only applied in between two words ( )

b)  Idgham can be with ghunnah and without ghunnah ( )

c)  Al-Qalb and ikhfaa are only applied in between two words ( )

d)  Idhaar is to pronounce each letter clearly from its articulation point with ghunnah ( )

e)  Idgham with ghunnah is applied in one word but idgham without ghunnah is only applied in between two words ( )

f)  Al-Qalb is changing noon saakinah or tanween into a meem with ghunnah when proceeded by baa saakinah ( )

g)  Noon sakinah is a letter that does not have a vowel on it and it is read when continuing the reading and when stopping at the word ( )

h)  Tanween is a noon sakinah that is read when continuing the reading and when stopping at the word ( )

i)  Idhaar, ikhfaa, idgham and iqlab are only applied in one word ( )

j)  Noon sakinah occurs in nouns, verbs and prepositions whereas tanween only occurs in nouns ( )

2) Which of rule is applied on the noon sakinah and tanween if one of the following letters appears after the noon sakinah and tanween:

ف ق ك خ ن ه ص ض ب

3) What is the difference between:

a)  Noon sakinah and tanween

b)  Complete idgham and incomplete idgham

c)  Ikhfaa and idgham

4) Fill in the blank spaces with appropriate words:

a)  Noon sakinah and tanween must be pronounced clearly without ghunnah if one of the following letters appears after them:

______, ______, ______, _____, _____, _____

b)  Idgham means ______. For example ______.

c)  Depending on the distance between idhaar and its ______it has three ______, they are ______for ______and ______, ______for ______and ______, ______

for ______and ______.

d) ______and ______are the exceptions of idgham.

5) Define the following terms with examples:

a)  Al-qalb

b)  Al-Idhaar

c)  As-sakt

6) Explain why:

a)  idgham is complete with the letters ( نرمل ) but incomplete with the letters ( و ي ) ?

b)  the Noon sakinah and tanween is pronounced clearly when followed by one of al-halqee letters ?

c)  the Noon sakinah and tanween read as meem when followed by the letter ( ب )

d)  must the Noon sakinah and tanween be pronounced clearly in the following words ( الدُّنْيا بُنْينٌ صِنْوانٌ قِنْوانٌ )