PSSC Meeting Minutes
Monday November 18 2013 6:30-8:10pm Bessborough School Classroom
In Attendance: Janice McNally-Chair, Diane St. Pierre-Teacher Rep, Janel Willigar, Shannon St. Onge, Nadine Lipton(6:40 arrival), Joanna Lirette, Martha McWilliam, Manju Varma Joshi (6:40 arrival), Kelley DiSaverio, Melissa Lamanna, Nick Mattatall-Principal, Kevin Williams-Vice-Principal, Tamara Nichol-DEC Rep
Review and approval of the minutes from Oct 22 meeting. No amendments were required. Motion by Kelly and seconded by Melissa.
Towards todays agenda, Nick requested we review statistics from Liz Nowlan (Director of Curriculum). Motion was approved.
Janice formally introduced herself as chair and made special note that she is open to suggestions for improving the meetings, and welcomed members to voice their opinions openly.
1-Reviewed the duties of the PSSC - refer to Education Act 33(1) & 33 (2) - document handed out
Reviewed limitations of PSSC and Code of Conduct
Members signed Declaration Form
2-Nick reviewed the Provincial Assessment statistics provided in a report by Liz Nowlan
Report slides to be provided by Nick to PSSC members
Summary-There is evidence that the implementation of strategies have been successful over time
a) Effective Interventions include PreK sessions, Aimsweb (G1-3), Running Records, Write Traits, Common Formative Assessments (screeners), Individual interventions based on data,
Support in the forms of EST-L (Literacy), EST-N (Numeracy), and EST-R (Resource), directed study blocks, built-in organization time, flexible grouping, and R5 (reading strategy for middle school).
b)Professional Learning-Literacy Mentors coach teachers
*Reading Results of the same cohort-Students in G4 in 2007-08 improved from 69.5% successful to 79% Successful by G9
*Writing Results for the same group in the same grade levels went from 45.2% to 84.1%
c)Discussion followed comparing Bessborough results to the province-wide results. G2 Literacy is on par (75%), G4 French Literacy is ahead (indicated a 17% increase over last cohort from former G1 FL entry), G7 Literacy Reading is on Par (76%) and Writing on par (65%), Conventions (74%) and Sentence Structure (74%) both on par with the province. It would indicate that as a whole, the interventions that were implemented are paying off.
d)G10 French Literacy indicated 74% successful in Reading, however the area of concern is in Writing, where only 29% showed as successful, with the provincial percentage at 36%.
e) Overall, the students are progressing year-over-year but there is still room for improvement.
3-Review School Improvement Plan
Nick-Discussion/Explanation of Bessborough’s Mission, Vision, and Values. Students are encourages to be good citizens as well as good students.
Discussion around Literacy Goals, and that goals set out are the same regardless of language taught. Literacy goals are divided into Reading Comprehension and Writing Skills.
Discussion around Numeracy Goals.
Members requested we identify benchmarks for students at different learning levels and see the data that is used to determine progress. Nick will bring the Action Plan in detail for our review at the next meeting.
4- Backpack discussion – administration and members are concerned with weight of student backpacks. Janel mentioned that Hillcrest has addressed this issue wtih a policy that no backpacks be allowed in the classrooms. Nick mentioned students have adequate time to visit lockers and get books required.
5- Nick distributed Provincial Assessment Results for 2012/2013. These will be reviewed by members at home and discussed at the next meeting.
6-Priorities for meetings this year
Review benchmarks for the School Improvement Plan
Discussion around the amalgamation of Bessborough and Hillcrest schools - This led to a detatiled discussion around the pros and cons of a single new school in the West End. It was suggested that the district should be polling the parents in the community versus the parents with children only attending Hillcress to get a truer picture of what is desired. It was agreed that a letter should be written to Greg Ingersoll to express our concerns.
Pros Include but are not limited to:
*Consistancy for students (Not needing to change schools to access specific programs)
*Consistency in providing french/english language programming
*Current structure is limiting the learning environment and is unsafe (ie. electrical is outdated)
*One Guidance and Resource staff for one school
*Would offer a united West End Identity
*Potential for growth in this area - military housing is in question - may be developed
*City of Moncton is pushing for downtown revitalization - would fit in to their plan
Cons identified but not limited to:
*Small school identy lost
*School would be bigger (Pro?)
*Fewer split classes (Pro?)
It was agreed the Janice, Janel, Manju, and possibly Martha will seek permission to attend Hillcrest’s Nov 26 PSSC meeting to invite discussion around this concept.
7-Next meeting is set to be held Mon December 9 at 6:30 pm.
8-Motion to close the meeting by Kelley and second motion by Manju.
Item / Action / Responsible / WhenLiz Nowlan's Report / Distribute electronic copy / Nick / Week of Nov. 18
School Improvement Plan / Identify benchmarks for students at different learning levels and see the data that is used to determine progress. / Nick / distribute prior to next meeting, Dec. 9
Explore Amalgamation with Hillcrest / seek to meet with their PSSC committee / Janice / Nov. 26
Provincial Assessment Results 2012/2013 / review for next meeting, prepare questions / all members / next meeting, Dec. 9
Provincial Assessment Results 2012/2013 / distribute statistics to Lynn, Jamie, Heather / Nick / next meeting, Dec. 9