Mapping first unit English second grade
From mapping, you’ll find out all the elements to go to the distribution of contents.
Possible Distributions of Contents
Lesson 1 / Lesson 2 / Lesson 3INTRODUCTORY LESSON
Introductory lesson (rules for the class) and general review (diagnosis) / FUNCTION 1.1
Present a text describing occupations / FUNCTION 1.1
Text describing abilities for ss to recognise actions about they can do
Lesson 4 / Lesson 5 / Lesson 6
Text describing abilities for ss to recognise actions about people can do / FUNCTION 1.1
Text asking about abilities in order to practice affirmative form of auxiliary can. / FUNCTION 1.1
Text asking about abilities in order to practice negative form of auxiliary can.
Lesson 7 / Lesson 8 / Lesson 9
Text describing people physical appearance / FUNCTION 1.2
Text productions for ss to describe themselves / FUNCTION 1.2
Text describing animal physical appearance
Lesson 10 / Lesson 11 / Lesson 12
Text production (written) from ss to describe their favourite animal / FUNCTION 1.2
Text describing physical characteristics of animals and their routines and habits (frequency adverbs) / FUNCTION 1.2
Text with the use of auxiliary do in affirmative and negative
Lesson 13 / Lesson 14 / Lesson 15
Text with the use of auxiliary does in affirmative and negative / FUNCTION 1.2
Text describing the personality adjectives / FUNCTION 1.2
Text presenting the use of verb “like” in order to describe something--someone
Lesson 16 / Lesson 17 / Lesson 18
Text presenting the use of “like” in order to describe physical appearance (look like) / FUNCTION 1.2
Text production to ss describe themselves (physical appearance and personality) / FUNCTION 1.2
Text presenting linking devices (and, but, or)
Lesson 19 / Lesson 20 / Lesson 21
Using all the devices interview someone to get all the information they can. / FUNCTION 1.2
With the information collected make a poster during the class. / FUNCTION 1.2
Share their project in class.
Lesson 1 / Lesson 2 / Lesson 3
Function 1.1
Text describing occupation and abilities for ss to identify vocabulary for occupation / Function 1.1
Text describing occupation and abilities (from lesson 1) for ss to elicit abilities. (can/can’t) / Function 1.1
Text (Posters) describing superheroes for ss to identify and produce brief descriptions of abilities.
Lesson 4 / Lesson 5 / Lesson 6
Function 1.1
Text production to describe other and personal abilities. (Game-find someone who can…) / Function 1.2
Text (written) with animal descriptions for ss to identify some characteristics (adjectives) / Function 1.2
Text (written) with famous sports stars descriptions for ss to identify some characteristics (adjectives)
Lesson 7 / Lesson 8 / Lesson 9
Function 1.2
Text (visual or written) with habits and cultural aspects of a given cultural group (Maya, Olmeca, etc) for ss recognize expressions related to habits / Function 1.2
Text (from lesson 7) for ss group habits in a chart / Function 1.2
Text production about ss family (using some of the expressions from the previous chart)
Lesson 10 / Lesson 11 / Lesson 12
Function 1.2
Oral text where a person describes an ideal person (boyfriend, girlfriend, etc) for ss to notice some vocabulary / Function 1.2
Function 1.2 Text productions for ss to describe their ideal teacher. / Function 1.2
Text ¿?
Lesson 13 / Lesson 14 / Lesson 15
Function 1.2
¿? / Integration
Song (Obladi oblada) for ss recognize the use of function 1.1 and 1.2 together. / Integration
Lesson 16 / Lesson 17 / Lesson 18
¿? / Integration
Text (written or visual) about the Day of the Death for ss to notice some ways to describe traditions (habits) / Integration
Text production for ss to describe how their family celebrates the Day of the Death.
Lesson 19 / Lesson 20 / Lesson 21
General review / Formal evaluation / Feedback
Lesson 1 / Lesson 2 / Lesson 3
Occupations ( unit 1 first grade) / Review
Occupations ( unit 1 first grade)
Describing routines (unit 4 first grade) / Review
Describing routines (unit 4 first grade)
Lesson 4 / Lesson 5 / Lesson 6
Function 1.1
Text describing occupations
Classified advertisement (newspaper, magazines) / Function 1.1
Text describing occupations, ask and answer ss about ability using “can”
Yes/no questions / Function 1.1
Text describing occupations giving yes/no answers. Using “can” And reply.
Lesson 7 / Lesson 8 / Lesson 9
Function 1.1
Text of advertisement offering lessons or services.
Abilities with “can”
You can’t sing.
You can’t play guitar.
We teach you. / Function 1.1
Guessing game about occupations. Ss describe activities and the group guesses. / Function 1.1
Guessing game. “Find someone who?” Ss practice oral text.
( evaluation)
Lesson 10 / Lesson 11 / Lesson 12
Function 1.1
Oral activity. Identify occupations using a recorder. / Function 1.1
Reading activity. Dialogue about occupations. (abilities) / Function 1.1
Text production. Spoken and written about occupations and abilities.
Evaluation focus: Occupations and abilities.
Lesson 13 / Lesson 14 / Lesson 15
Function 1.2
Text showing different animals.
(color, shapes, sizes and environment) Adjectives. / Function 1.2
Text (pictures) showing animals and use of “Do/does”
Yes/no questions. / Function 1.2
Production activity. Ss make a text describing physical appearance of animals using “Do/does”
Lesson 16 / Lesson 17 / Lesson 18
Function 1.2
Game “guessing animals” using Is/are Do/does Don’t/Doesn’t / Function 1.2
Text describing physical appearance on people. / Function 1.2
Text asking for physical characteristics of people.
Lesson 19 / Lesson 20 / Lesson 21
Function 1.2
Text describing routines and habits of people. Simple present tense / Function 1.2
Text describing routines and habits using adverbs of frequency. / Function 1.2
Text that integrates abilities, occupations, adverbs and verbs.
Lesson 22 / Lesson 23 / Lesson 24
Functions 1.1 1.2
General review / Functions 1.1 1.2
Formal evaluation Unit 1 / Functions 1.1 1.2
Feedback on exam.
Main aim:
______At the end of the class, students will describe people’s occupations and habits.______
______ / Group:
Date: / ______Unit:1 ______
activity / objective / interaction & time / material / procedure / Notes
Describing occupations / Ss recognise quotidian texts. / Teacher’s exposition
10 minutes / Advertisement (Newspaper, magazines, posters, flash cards) / T’s shows a magazine’s advertisements, introducing new vocabulary about occupations.
Identify vocabulary / Ss will make predictions about the text. / Teacher’s exposition
10 minutes / Written text about occupations. / Ss underline vocabulary observing material presented, that shows ability.
Reading / Ss will know the use of “can”. / Individual work
15 minutes / Written text / Ss elicit the vocabulary from the text.
Production of a text / Ss will use the vocabulary to produce a text. / Individual work
15 minutes / Sheet of paper. / Ss will write a short paragraph about what people can do.
EVALUATION: T’s will observe and register ss attitude and check the product, including the produced text in their portfolio.
Main aim: at the end of the lesson students will be able to identify some characteristics of animals. / Group:
Date: / ______Unit: 1
activity / objective / interaction & time / material / procedure / Notes
Knowing animals / Get familiar with the topic of the text / Lockstep
5 min
10 min / Text
Handout / Ask ss to take a look at the magazine article and mention.
ºNumber of animals
ºNames of animals
Ask ss to complete a chart
ºAnimal-Action or character.-Word
ºLions – run – fast / DO
Modelling adjectives / Identify adjectives / Pair work
5 min
2 min / Handout
Flashcards / Ss discuss what the words after action or characteristic are?
T models adjectives / REVIEW
Reflection on Language / Get familiar with the pattern for the use of adjectives to describe animals / Lockstep
3 min
Small groups 5 min
5 min / Text
Blackboard / Ask ss to underline the sentences read by the teacher.
Ss identify the similarities between the underlined sentences.
T writes down on the blackboard the conclusions of the small groups / LEARN
My pet is or would be / Produce a written text / Individual
6 min / Ss notebooks / Ss describe their pets (if they have one) or if they don’t what kind of pet they would like to have / APPLY
English second grade
Mapping second unit
Lesson 1 / Lesson 2 / Lesson 3Welcome to students.
Diagnostic evaluation about the contents of 1st Grade. / Diagnostic evaluation about the contents of 1st Grade.
Oral and written exam. / Feedback on exam.
Review of difficult contents.
Lesson 4 / Lesson 5 / Lesson 6
Review of difficult contents. / Function 1.1
A text describing a person in order to identify occupations and abilities. / Function 1.1
A text describing a person in order to identify occupations and inabilities.
Lesson 7 / Lesson 8 / Lesson 9
Function 1.1
A text asking about abilities and inabilities in order to integrate both. / Function 1.1
SS produce a poster describing their abilities and inabilities. / Function 1.1
SS describe other person’s abilities and inabilities.
Lesson 10 / Lesson 11 / Lesson 12
Function 1.2
A text describing person/animals in order to make predictions and introduce some new vocabulary. / Function 1.2
A text describing person/animals in order to identify physical appearance. / Function 1.2
A text describing animals in order to introduce some new vocabulary.
Lesson 13 / Lesson14 / Lesson 15
Function 1.2
A text describing animals in order to identify its habits. / Function 1.2 / Function 1.2
Lesson 16 / Lesson 17 / Lesson 18
Function 1.2 / Integration / Integration
Lesson 19 / Lesson 20 / Lesson 21
Integration / Integration / Integration
Lesson 22 / Lesson 23 / Lesson 24
General review / Formal evaluation of unit 1: exam / Feedback on exam
Lesson 1 / Lesson 2 / Lesson 3
Function 2.1
Text describing parts of the body.
Personal pronouns and new vocabulary / Function 2.1
Text for the ss to identify health conditions
New vocabulary
Questions and replies / Function 2.1
Oral text productions inquiring after the others health.
A question to identify do and does.
Lesson 4 / Lesson 5 / Lesson 6
Function 2.1
Written text production describing health conditions of different patients / Function 2.2
Text with family and friends living advices on health issues. Identifying modal verbs and imperative form. / Function 2.2
Text describing a visit to the doctor.
Identify some linking devices (and, or, because, “,”…)
Lesson 7 / Lesson 8 / Lesson 9
Function 2.2
Text production: writing an advertisement with health advice and presenting it to their peers.
Identify imperative form in advertisements. / Function 2.2
Oral text production: role playing, students ask for and give advice. / Function 2.3
Text with someone making and answering offers and suggestions regarding health.
Use of “shall” and other polite expressions.
Lesson 10 / Lesson 11 / Lesson 12
Function 2.3
Written text production in two parts: A) Describing health conditions and B) giving advice, suggestions, instructions, etc. (Students exchange part A) to write part B).) / Function 2.3
Text describing general preventive health tips. (Could be a list made by the whole class)
Use language features appropriately. / Function 2.3
Text production (conversation) Ss ask and answer about health in general.
Lesson 13 / Lesson 14 / Lesson 15
Oral text describing different health/illness cases, Ss make drawings from the descriptions. / Integration:
Project: Make a brochure/ documentary script on a given disease, including causes, symptoms and treatment. / Integration
Groups share the information they brought and organise it.
Lesson 16 / Lesson 17 / Lesson 18
Text production: a brochure/ documentary script on a given disease / Integration
Editing of text / Integration
Sharing text
Lesson 19 / Lesson 20 / Lesson 21
General Review / Formal evaluation of unit 2 exam / Feedback on exams
Main aim:
Enable students to understand and discuss certain illnesses and the corresponding medical advice.______ / Group:
Date: / ___Unit: 2 Lesson 4
activity / objective / interaction & time / material / procedure / Notes
Setting up the situation / Ss can use the knowledge of the world and clues to make predictions about a text. / Lockstep
5’ / Board / · T elicits students’ knowledge on topics by asking questions and giving clues.
· T writes key words on the board.
A visit to the doctor’s office / Ss can identify the different symptoms and recommendations mentioned on the tape / Individual
15’ / Tape
Tape recorder
Gapped text / · Ss listen to a taped dialogue between doctor and patient to identify symptoms described and advice offered, filling in a gapped text. / Text work
Checking / Ss can follow structured models of spoken/written language regarding health and the body / Pair work