West Metro “Save Your License” Workshop

Fri. March 4, 2011
8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.


4584 Vine Hill Rd, Excelsior55331

This ABE training opportunity is being offered in conjunction with the MN Department of Education and the ATLAS program at HamlineUniversity. CEUs indicating attendance will be provided.


8:00-8:30Registration and Continental Breakfast(Deephaven Room, 2nd floor)

8:30-10:00Mental Health: Your Perspective is Your Reality: Understanding Adolescent and
Adult Mental Health Difficulties in the ABE Classroom - Wendy Sweeny, PANDA

During this workshop you will learn about factors that impact mental health, understand key warning signs and symptoms of common mental illnesses, and gain useful classroom strategies and mental health resources. Wendy Sweeney, MA, is a Licensed Psychologist and Disability Specialist for PANDA-Minnesota ABE Disability Specialists, a supplemental service provider for the Minnesota Department of Education, Adult Basic Education.


10:15-11:45Cultural Competence: Exploring Alternative Ways of Knowing -Kimberly
Johnson, ATLAS

Teachers know that students come to the adult classroom with many differences: abilities, background, personalities. But how aware are we of alternative ways of learning and knowing for students, including differences between men and women? How might these alternative ways of knowing impact educational success in our classrooms? In this session, we’ll explore some of these alternatives, assess what we do in the adult classroom, and identify strategies to make teaching relevant for our diverse students.

11:45-12:30Chinese Buffet / Registration for afternoon sessions

12:30-2:00Positive Behavior Interventions: Channels of Behavior in the ABE Classroom -
Paula Freiermuth, Osseo ABE

What channels are your students on? In this workshop we'll take a different look at the interactions in your classroom. We'll explore a new way of understanding how learners interact in school. What education/classroom behavior is expected of our learners in any educational setting? What behaviors do learners bring from other settings into the classroom? How do we connect the two behaviors together to create a successful classroom?


2:15-3:30Closing session and evaluations (choose one):

  1. Further Reading Instruction: Reading Strategies -Bella Hanson

What say the experts about effective strategies for improving reading comprehension and vocabulary? What say you about the strategies that work for you? We will talk about the strategies and practice some of them. This session is for teachers of intermediate and advanced learners.

  1. Teaching Computer Literacy: Methods that Matter - Susan Wetenkamp-Brandt, MLC

Computer literacy instruction is becoming a regular part of life in ABE programs across the state. If you are new to teaching computer literacy, you may be worried that you’re out of your element. Do you know what teaching methods work best for a computer literacy lesson? Is teaching computer literacy really that different from teaching other ABE classes? Come to this session for an overview of teaching methods and computer learning activities that really work.


  • Register online at (follow the links from Events and Registration in theRIGHT-hand menu)
  • Please make all checks and purchase orderspayable to HamlineUniversityand send to:

ATLAS - HamlineUniversity

1536 Hewitt Ave., MS – A1790

St Paul, MN55104

FAX: 651-523-3083