Transition 1302.13, 1302.71(a-e), 1302.72(a,b)


Staff will establish and maintain procedures to support successful transitions for enrolled children and families into Head Start and from Head Start into Public Schools or other programs. Staff will engage parents in becoming their child’s advocate in the transition process.


1.  Transition into Head Start will begin with the recruitment of children, with the major emphasis in the spring but continuing year round. This will include transition into Head Start from homes, SoonerStart referrals, Child Care settings and Child Find activities. Transition will continue with enrollment and Parent Orientation.

2.  The Head Start Curriculum will be used to help children transitioning into Head Start, beginning with getting acquainted and learning rules. Extra attention will be given to parents and children having separation anxieties, with books, pamphlets, videos, Parent Staff Conferences and Home Visits if needed.

3.  Education and training will be provided to parents to prepare them in exercising their rights and responsibilities concerning the education of their children in the school setting.

4.  The April Parent Committee meeting will be to discuss School Readiness, developmental progress and abilities of children. Public School personnel (Pre-K and/or Kindergarten Teachers, Principal, Superintendent) will be invited to be this meeting to give parents opportunities to ask questions and find out requirements of child’s next setting.

5.  To provide smoother transitions, staff will give children opportunities to visit Kindergarten, schools and other programs. Parents will be invited, as a means of encouraging communication with teachers and other school personnel. This will provide an opportunity for parents to engage in decisions related to their child’s education.

6.  KI BOIS Head Start will make efforts to support effective transitions for families who move out of the community in which they are currently served, including homeless families and foster children, to other Early Head Start or Head Start programs. If Early Head Start or Head Start is not available, the KI BOIS Head Start will attempt to assist the family in identifying another early childhood program that meets their needs.

7.  KI BOIS Head Start will assist families who have decided to transition their children to other early education programs, including public pre-kindergarten, in the year prior to kindergarten entry.

8.  At least one Staff/Parent contact will be held toward the end of the child’s participation in the Head Start program to help parents to understand the child’s progress while enrolled in Head Start. This may be a Home Visit or Parent/Staff Conference. Transition Packets will be given to parents at this meeting.

9.  Specific out of Head Start transition activities for children with disabilities will begin in March. (See “Transition Out of Head Start for Children with Disabilities” Policy).

10.  Appropriate transition activities to recognize the child’s participation in the program will be held at the end of the school year. Graduation exercises are not considered developmentally appropriate practices for early childhood programs.

11.  A written Transition Agreement will be formed between Head Start and Public Schools in the area. A School representative will indicate, on the Agreement, what information Head Start should transfer to their school and the school readiness skills that children need when entering their school.

12. Information concerning Head Start children will be transferred to Public School or other program with parent’s permission.

13. Transition activities will be documented on the KI BOIS Head Start Transition Activities Report (KHS-810) and kept in the Family Community Engagement binder.

Listed below are some possible Transition Activities:

·  Welcome letters

·  Participation in transition planning. (Such as SoonerStart)

·  Inviting families, children and staff from other settings to visit center

·  Parent Orientation

·  Parent Handbook

·  Special attention given to parents and children having separation anxieties, with books, pamphlets, videos, referrals parent staff conferences and home visits

·  Invite former Head Start parents as speakers at Parent Committee Meeting

·  Coordinating I.E.P. meetings

·  Development of written transition plans for individuals with disabilities

·  Assisting parents in accessing services

·  Engaging parents in advocating for children including those with special needs

·  Bus evacuation drills

·  CACFP Food Regulations

·  Staff and cooks meeting with parents when special diet is required

·  Parent and/or medical professionals meeting with staff when medication is to be administered

·  Assisting parent committees in setting up a spring parent committee meeting with public school to answer parents’ questions about transition

·  Providing translator when necessary

·  Prepare preschoolers for cafeteria by instituting cafeteria days at public school

·  Children participate in elementary school visits. (i.e. school red ribbon week, week of young child activities, riding school bus, educational experiences, and library days)

·  Joint staff trainings planned for Head Start and other early childhood personnel

14. Specific transition activities for children with disabilities will be recorded on IEP Progress Reports (KHS-507) and Special Needs Activity Plan (KHS-508).

15.  Parents of dual language learners will have a translated note/letter/information, or an interpreted call, staff conference, or home visit whenever possible.
