Asheville Podiatry Associates, P.A.

Patient Last Name ______ First ______Middle _____

Mailing Address ______

City ______ State ______Zip Code ______

Home Telephone ______Cell______Work ______

E-mail Address ______

Date of Birth ______Age ______Sex M or F Marital Status (circle) S M W D P

Race (circle) African American American Indian Caucasian Asian Other Declined

Ethnicity ( circle) Hispanic Non-Hispanic

How did you hear about our office?: Physician Patient Internet Ad Other ______

Employer ______ Occupation ______

Preferred Pharmacy and Address ______

Primary Insurance ______Secondary Insurance ______

Who carries the Insurance (subscriber)? (circle) Self Child Spouse Partner Other ______

Name Of Subscriber ______Subscriber DOB ______

Subscriber SSN ______Subscriber Employer ______

If someone else (other than the patient or the patient is a minor) is responsible for the patient bill, please complete:

Responsible Party Name ______ DOB ______

Responsible Party Address ______

Responsible Party Telephone # ______

Please Note: All Copay and un-met deductibles are due at the time of service. It is the patient / guardian's responsibility to know and understand their individual health insurance coverage.


Signature of patient, parent/guardian or POA

Asheville Podiatry Associates, P.A.

Name:______Date: ______

Complaint: ______

How long has this been bothering you? ____ Days _____Weeks ____Months ____Years

Please CIRCLE the answers to the questions below.

Did the problem start: gradually or suddenly?

Is the problem: worsening, improving or staying the same?

What type of pain are you having? Sharp, dull, aching, throbbing, burning, numbness, tingling

Is the pain: constant or intermittent?

Is the problem worse with: weight bearing, non-weight bearing or both?

What previous treatment have you received for this problem?

Medication (which one)______,

Different shoes.padding, shoe inserts, rest, surgery,

Other treatment ______.

Did these treatments help? Yes/ No.

Name of primary care physician(s)______

Last seen by physician______

Review of Systems:

Constitutional Respiratory Musculoskeletal Cardiovascular

___Fever ___Cough ___Foot/leg injuries ___ Chest pain

___Weakness ___Wheezing ___Joint pain/stiffness ___ Palpitations

___Fatigue ___Shortness of breath ___Back pain/neck pain ___ Poor circulation

___Weight gain ___Sleep apnea ___Unequal leg length ___ Fainting

___Weight loss ___Snoring ___Muscle Cramps ___ Varicose Veins

___Loss of appetite ___Lung Disease ___Falls ___ DVT

___Asthma ___Osteoporosis ___High blood pressure

___Heart Problems

Endocrine Skin Neurological Immune System

___High blood sugar ___Dryness ___Abnormal balance ___Frequent infections

___Low blood sugar ___Itching ___Numbness ___Chemotherapy

___Frequent urination ___Skin Lesions ___Headache ___High dose steroid

___Excessive thirst ___Scars ___Tingling ___ Transplant

___Diabetes ___Rash ___Restless leg ___ AIDS

___Thyroid problems ___Stroke ___ Lupus

___Cold/Heat intolerance ___ Cancer

Gastrointestinal Blood/Lymph

___Nausea ___Bleeding tendency

___Vomiting ___Bruising tendency

___Diarrhea ___Anemia

___Heart burn ___Liver disease

___Stomach problems ___Kidney disease

___Stomach ulcer ___Hepatitis OVER

Social History

Use of Alcohol... ____ Never ____Rarely ___Moderate ____Daily

Use of Tobacco... ____ Never ____ Previously, but quit ____ Packs per day

Use of Drugs.... ____ Never

Family History: Any relatives with similar foot problems? Yes / No What relation? ______

Please list all surgeries (tonsillectomy, appendectomy, etc.)





Please list all medications including prescription and over the counter vitamins, minerals and supplements:

Name of medicine Dosage







Medication Allergies Yes / No ______


Height: ______Weight: ______

Shoe Size: ______

Asheville Podiatry Associates, P.A.

Thank you for choosing Asheville Podiatry Associates for your foot and ankle care. Please understand that payment of your bill is ultimately your responsibility. The following is a statement of our Financial Policy which we require you to read and sign prior to any treatment.

•Full payment is due at time of service for all self-pay, co-pays, deductibles, non-covered services and supplies. The Guardian/Adult accompanying a minor is responsible for any payment due at time of service.

Our Office Accepts Cash, Check, and ALL major Debit/Credit Cards

Regarding your Insurance

Accurate insurance information must be given at the time of service; otherwise we cannot bill your insurance carrier. Your insurance coverage is a contract between the subscriber, and the insurance company. If your insurance company has not paid your account within 45 days of treatment, the balance will be transferred to you. We will do our best to verify coverage and provide you with an estimate of what is covered. You are responsible to know your benefits; including copays, deductibles, and non-covered services. We do not guarantee coverage by your insurance carrier for any services or supplies. We will file your charges to your primary insurance carrier and to your secondary insurance only if we are contracted with them. We do not file tertiary insurances.

No Show Appointments

If a current patient does not show up for a scheduled appointment or cancels an appointment without 24 hours notice, our policy is to charge $30.00 per visit. ______

Please Initial


We are not a billing service. As a courtesy to our patients the first bill mailed to you for an account balance is free. A billing service fee may be charged for each additional bill mailed from our office. Accounts over 90 days may be sent to a collection agency.

Record Requests and Disability Forms

Original medical records and x-rays are the property of Asheville Podiatry Associates. We will be glad to make copies of your records for a nominal fee. All disability and FMLA forms must have the patient portion of the form completed in full and all associated fees paid prior to completion. Please allow 7-10 days for completion of record requests and disability forms. ALL requests must include; a signed authorization for release of information, and addressed, stamped envelope if you are not picking them up.

I authorize release of any information concerning: me, my child, and or the individual for whom I am the responsible party, advice and treatment provided for the purpose of evaluating and administering claims for insurance benefits. I also authorize payment of insurance benefits, not paid by myself, directly to Asheville Podiatry Associates.

I have read and agree to the above Financial Policy of Asheville Podiatry Associates:

Signature of Patient or Responsible Party (Guardian, POA)Date


Asheville Podiatry Associates, P.A.

Request for Confidential Communications and Patient Acknowledgment of Receipt of Notice of

Privacy Practices "HIPPA"

I request Appointment Reminder Calls be made in one of the Following Ways:

Telephone voice message to the following telephone number ______

Text messages to the following telephone number ______

E-mail to the following address ______

I prefer not to receive reminder calls ______

I request that all other communications to me be Asheville Podiatry Associates and /or staff be handled in the following manner:

Leave message on home answering machine Yes ___ No ___

Leave message with person(s) answering my home telephone Yes ___ No ___

Leave message on my cellular telephone Yes ___ No ___

Emergency Contact: Name______Phone #______

I authorize the following individual(s) to receive communication and information regarding my health care:



I acknowledge that upon request that I am entitled to a copy of Notice of Privacy Practices and that I have read or had the opportunity to read if I so choose, and understand the notice.


Print Name of Patient or Guardian Date


Signature of Patient or Guardian Date
