A Bi-Weekly Publication – Issue Date: March 17, 2014
St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church
Michael Fletcher-Taylor, Pastor
Our Vision Statement: To enable our family of believers to lead our community to Jesus Christ
Through love and the sharing of God’s Word and to be an inviting refuge of comfort.
A Word From the Pastor
Dear St. Matthew’s family,
As we come to the end of my time as your pastor and as I prepare for my new journey in retirement, I have been looking at where we have experienced changes in the past 9 years. And the word that comes to my mind is WOW! God has given us a new vision and a new purpose, and has given us direction to move into mission and ministry that we never imagined we would go. And the exciting thing is that God is not done with St Matthew’s and, matter of fact, I believe He has just begun showing us His vision and purpose for this church. In other words, our growth is just starting.
But here is the deal we will face: There is no growth without change. And there is no change without loss. And there is no loss without pain. As a church that has committed to grow we know that without going through growing pains it won’t work. But are the pains worth it? Yes, it’s worth it. People in our community need the Lord, and as long as one person doesn’t know Jesus, we have to keep reaching out and God has shown us a way to do that.
There are some issues that we will face as we grow towards that vision God has given to us. We will face a lot of different criticisms. But there are three really common ones that we should prepare for:
1. The care issue. As our church grows, some of the people who have been around will say, “Why doesn’t the pastor care about me anymore.” And what this really means is, “Why are you not available to me like you used to be when the church was smaller.” But the truth is they’re right because the pastor is not as available. The solution is we need to develop more small groups. The pastor cannot personally care for everybody’s needs, or the church will never grow beyond the pastor. It is up to the church to teach people to have their pastoral care needs met in their small group. Growth means restructuring and every time you restructure you disappoint people and sometimes that is really hard.
2. The control issue. As our church grows, some people will begin to say things like, “I don’t feel as involved as I used to feel.” This is because growth upsets the balance of power between the pioneers and the homesteaders that have been here a long time. When the scales tip, you can expect criticism.
When the church first started growing many people said, “Isn’t this great? Look at all these new people coming in. Maybe they can help pay the bills!” Once you have more newcomers and fewer established members the question becomes, whose church is it?The answer is that it isn’t theirchurch and it isn’tyour church, but its God’s church.
You can have some measure of growth and some measure of control, but you can’t have a lot of control and a lot of growth at the same time. You have to choose but remember that without growth things die.
3. The comfort issue. You cannot grow without change, and change is never comfortable, and people want the church to grow as long as it doesn’t make them uncomfortable. But if the church is going to continue to grow, we must be willing to do mission and ministry outside our comfort zone.Remember, it takes unselfish people to grow a church.
So how do we navigate the relationships that exist in the church? Here are three things we need to do that aren’t easy, but are often necessary.
1. Be willing to let people leave. People will leave our church no matter what we do. Therefore, when we define God’s vision for St Matthew’s we are also choosing those who might leave, but also those who will stay and support the vision.You cannot surrender the leadership of our church to manipulators.Jesus invested the maximum time with those who would bear the maximum responsibility.
2. Continually remind people why we’re making these changes. There is only one reason to make changes– people need the Lord.We’re making these changes to reach one more person for Jesus, and to make a difference in someone’s life.
3. Affirm and appreciate people for the changes they do agree to make. Be grateful for minor changes. Focus on progress, not perfection. Change is hard, and God uses change to grow people. So affirm growing people who have chosen to embrace change for the sake of the kingdom.
Grace and Peace, Pastor Michael
April 12th Easter Egg Hunt & Easter Party 1:00-2:30 p.m.
April 13th Palm Sunday Services 8:30 & 10:55 a.m.
April 13th Church Council Meeting & Covered Dish Dinner 5:30 p.m.
April 16th Maundy Thursday Service on Wednesday 6:30 p.m.
April 18th Good Friday Service of Darkness 7:00 p.m.
April 20th Easter Sunday Services 8:30 & 10:55 a.m.
“Come and See” what is happening in worship at St Matthew’s
Why is Life Confusing?
Pastor Michael will teach four Messages on some basic questions that many Christians have. We will look at how God gives back to us when we give, at God’s solution to overcoming temptation, why we have so many problems in life and finally, we will explore the ever-looming question of what God’s will for our life really is.
Mar 23, 2014
Sermon: WHY AM I HAVING SO MANY PROBLEMS?—Why is Life Confusing?
Scripture: "When all kinds of trials crowd into your lives, don't resent them as intruders, but welcome them as friends! Realize they come to test your faith, and to produce in you the quality of endurance. But let the process go on until that endurance is fully developed, and you will become a person of mature character (and) integrity with no weak spots." James 1:2-6 (Phillips)
Mar 30, 2014 United Methodist Women’s Sunday
Apr 6, 2014 Guest Speaker…Debbie Gant
Apr 13, 2014 Psalm Sunday
Sermon: HOW CAN I RESIST TEMPTATION? Why is Life Confusing?
Scripture: "Happy is the man who doesn't give in and do wrong when he is tempted, for afterwards he will get his reward the crown of life that God has promised those who love Him." James 1:12 (LB)
Apr 23, 2014 Easter Sunday
Scripture: “In a little while the world will no longer see Me, but you’re going to see Me because I am alive and you’re about to come alive!” John 14:19
“He included everyone in His death so everyone could be included in His life, A FAR BETTER LIFE than people ever lived on their own.” 2 Cor. 5:15 (Mes)
Apr 27, 2014 Guest Preacher…Rev Elson Hargrove
May 4, 2014 Guest Preacher…Rev Elson Hargrove
The Ascend and Spot 31
4:00-4:45 p.m. Free time in the youth room
4:45-5:15 p.m. Kids lesson
5:15-5:30 p.m. Kids games in Fellowship Hall
5:15-5:30 p.m. Youth in Fellowship Hall (games)
5:30-6:30 p.m. Community Dinner and Fellowship (donations are welcomed)
6:30-7:15 p.m. Movies/crafts/youth room (6th grade & under can pick one)
6:30-7:15 p.m. Worship/Small Groups
7:15-8:30 p.m. Choir
8:30-9:30 p.m. Praise Band
Average Worship Attendance – 2013
January / 176 / April / July / October / Annual 2011 / 155
February / 170 / May / August / November / Annual 2012 / 162
March / June / September / December / Annual 2013 / 175
Save your aluminum pop can tabs, soup can tabs and some aluminum can tabs. Bring them to the church and put in the container. We found out last weekend that Ronald McDonald House on 61st next to St. Francis Hospital wants our aluminum tabs. I'll see that they get there every so often. Thank you.
Joyce Hargrove
Please save the UPC labels from Best Choice Products and put them in the
drawer in Fellowship Hall. It takes a thousand of those labels for the UMW
to collect money from the Affiliated Grocers.
Thank you.
Update on Pantry Needs
Thanks for your great response. We now have a good supply of beans, rice and spaghetti noodles and macaroni but we do need spaghetti sauce and cheese sauce or soup.Also peanut butter in small to medium jars and canned vegetables. We have a good supply of canned beans (pinto etc.). Chili Mac and canned Chili are good, also Corn Beef Hash. Still needing oatmeal, grits, cereal, biscuit mix and cornbread mix. Thanks so much for your offerings. Everyone has been so generous. Please remember all items should be in the original packages as we cannot give items that have been repackaged.
Barbara McDowell / March BIRTHDAYS
6 Deanna Rocha
10 Ann Marie Boyce
10 Rich Brasher
13 Stephanie Dent-Pancoast
16 Alon J. Soderfelt
16 Stephanie Butler
17 Larry Boyce
17 Frances Martin
18 Jim Kimbrel
22 Kaleb Schneider
22 Barbara Schneider
23 Barbara Patterson
23 Brona Kimbrel
30 Noah McCammon
30 Deanna Peterson
Sarah Circle
We are studying the Book of Mark. Come and join us for Bible study and refreshments every Tuesday morning at 9:30 in the Parlor. There are several 2014books from the UMW reading program available for you to
check out.
The VIM team will be serving your favorites –
pancakes, biscuits ‘n gravy, French toast ,
scrambled eggs & more! Sunday, March 23rd.
Come and enjoy the camaraderie from 7:30 until
9:00 am.
We’re here to serve you.
Thanks! The VIM Team!
Ronald McDonald House
Our good cooks for March 27, 2014 for Ronald McDonald House are Virgie Bachelder and Alon Soderfelt providing the main dishes. Desserts will be prepared by Jeanine Keller and Rita Robison.
Thank you to our wonderful cooks. / NEWSLETTER DEADLINE
The deadline to submit articles for the March 31, 2014, newsletter is Friday March 28th.
Please send articles to the church at and be sure to copy
March 9th, 2014 March 16th, 2014
Luke 6:38 “Give and it will be given to you..for with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.”Bereavement—Former member, Sheri Potts
Please pray for Larry McKelvey brother and mom for complete healing and a speedy recovery.
Prayers for Terry Kennedy whose friend passed away.
Alon would appreciate continued prayers for her mom and brother.
Continued Prayers
Clint, Skip Hurst, Rita Robison, Deanna Peterson, Dr. Michael Crow, Del Gatzke and his daughter Laura, Deanna Rocha’s daughters friend, Gordon and Judy Godfrey’s friend, Pastors Michael and Sharon, Marge Perry for back pain, Marge Perry’s nephew, Jan Colvin’s friend’s husband, Debbie Gants friends daughter and granddaughter, Paul Youngblood’s cousin, Barbara Youngblood’s friends grandbaby, Judi Olsen’s friends nephew, Leona Robison nephew, also Judy Tipton Williams’ friend, Andrea Laney son and his deployment, Lawrence Long and his friend, Deanna Rocha friends daughter and also her friend that had surgery, Gordon Godfrey, Alon Soderfelt friends, Terri Kennedy’s friend, Bud Loveless and family, the jobless, the homeless and our military.
Yours in God’s love,
Barbara / Jeremiah 29:11 “I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future!”
Andrea Laney is asking prayers for her sister’s mother in-law whose sister passed away. She is also asking for prayers for her father who was in the hospital but is now back at the nursing home.
Alon is asking for prayers for her friend’s mother who is in hospice care and for her father as well.
Marge Perry would appreciate prayers for her son who is suffering with severe headaches. He will be seeing a Neurologist soon. Also Marge needs our prayers for her health issues.
Please pray for my friend’s granddaughter who has been diagnosed with aggressive cancer and is the mother of two young sons.
Continued Prayers
Dr. Mike’s mom, Larry McKelvey’s brother and mom. Clint, Skip Hurst, Rita Robison, Deanna Peterson, Dr. Michael Crow, Jeff Galapon step sister who has health issues, Del Gatzke and his daughter Laura, Deanna Rocha’s daughters friend, Gordon and Judy Godfrey’s friend, Pastors Michael and Sharon, Marge Perry for back pain, Marge Perry’s nephew and his rehab, Jan Colvin’s friend’s husband, Debbie Gants friends daughter and granddaughter, Paul Youngblood’s cousin, Barbara Youngblood’s friends grandbaby, Judi Olsen’s friends nephew, Leona Robison nephew, also Judy Tipton Williams’ friend, Andrea Laney son and his deployment, Lawrence Long and his friend, Deanna Rocha friends daughter and also her friend that had surgery, Gordon Godfrey, Alon Soderfelt friends, Terri Kennedy’s friend, Bud Loveless and family, Mercedes Ellis, Richard & Virgie Bachelder & family the jobless, the homeless and our military.
Bereavement – Tom Robison and family, the family of Sheri Potts
Yours in God’s love,
All local meetings are on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Call Jan @ 918-252-2909 or Alon @ 918-622-7006 if you need a ride or child care.
Notice to all UMW members At our meeting this Thursday, March 20th we would like to collect items for the Tulsa Day Center. Items needed are all sizes of men's jeans; ladies underwear, especially sizes 5, 6 & 7; ladies bras; all sizes of men's shoes and men's steel toed boots sizes 10-12. They can also use skillets; pots & pans; can openers; towels & wash cloths; alarm clocks; dishwashing liquid; Comet/Ajax; all purpose cleaners and sponges.
Let's show our love by contributing these items tothis worthy cause. Anyone at St. Matthew's is invited to donate any of the above items as well. Many thanks. Alon