Hogs ‘N Hot Rods 2014
Arts & CraftsVendor Application
City, State, Zip______
Phone______Cell Phone______
Email Address______Contact Person______
Describe Merchandise to be sold______
OK Tax ID #______
Electric Outlet YES_____ NO______Amperage?______20.00
Booth Space is 10’ X10’. Cost: $50.
- Event day is Saturday, June 14, 2014in Collinsville, OK. Application and all applicable fees should be received
no later than June 1, 2014.All registration fees are non-refundable.
- Vendors should be set up and vehicles off the street by 8 a.m. Vendor assumes all responsibility for loss, theft
or damage.
- All sales during the event are subject to the local and state sales tax rate of9.267%. The tax monies will be
collected at the end of the event by a representative of Collinsville Downtown Inc. If you have a sales tax ID,
wemust have a copy of your tax ID for our files. A sales tax form will be provided to all vendors at check-in.
4. In order to purchasean Arts and Craft booth, ALL items in the booth MUST be handmade! Otherwise, you are
considered a “Commercial” vendor and the fee will be$75.00 for any commercial items in the booth.
5. Your location will be provided to you upon your arrival the day of the event.
6. If electric is requested, the Vendor will be responsible for bringing theirown extension cords. PLEASE NOTE:
Extension cords, tents, tables and chairs are not provided!
7. You may begin tear down when the awards ceremony begins. We ask that your area be clean and vacated by
6:00 p.m., no laterso that the street can be reopened. This is strictly enforced by the Collinsville Police Department.
8. This is an outdoor event and there are no guarantees for weather. Registration fees are not refunded unless
Collinsville Downtown Inc. cancels the event.
9. PLEASE NOTE: City of Collinsville guidelines state that at least 4’ (4 feet) of sidewalk thoroughfare must be
availablefor foot traffic. Sidewalk vendors must be set up to allow for proper passage.
HOLD HARMLESS CLAUSE: The exhibitor/vendor assumes the entire responsibility and liability for losses, damages, and claims arising out of injury to persons or damage to displays, equipment, or other property brought upon the premises and agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Collinsville Main Street Program and it’s owners, servants, agents, officers, and any employees against all claims or expenses for such losses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, arising out of use of space at the event. The exhibitor/vendor understands that the Collinsville Main Street Program does not maintain insurance covering the exhibitor/vendor’s property or lost revenues and it is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor/vendor to obtain such insurance.
We look forward to seeing you at our 13thAnnual of Hogs ‘N Hot Rods!
Mail Applications to:
Collinsville Downtown, Inc.
Attn: Mary Risley
1126 West Main Street
Collinsville, OK 74021
Office: 918-371-5530
FAX: 918-371-4060