Goals, Objectives & Policies
- Promote and participate in coordinated planning and decision-making among general and special purpose governments.
- Provide essential public facilities in a manner that protects investment in and maximizes the use of existing facilities and which promotes orderly, compact growth.
- Ensure that new or extended public facilities and services are made available in a logical, timely and equitable manner.
- Maintain a safe community with adequate levels of police protection, fire prevention and suppression, and emergency medical services.
- Use local resources whenever possible to encourage civic involvement, provide opportunities for contributions through volunteerism, and ensure that citizens have full opportunity to be heard and participate in city governmental affairs.
- Support the provision of safe, efficient and effective educational facilities.
- Provide for year-round walking, biking and jogging trails throughout Cathlamet.
- Maintain existing parks and support future recreation and cultural activities.
- Provide for improvements to existing facilities and system expansions by updating the Six Year Capital Improvements Plan on an annual basis and by making application for funding for prioritized projects.
- Identify key segments needed to enhance the pedestrian/bicycling network identified in the Cathlamet Shoreline Park & Public Access Program to complete linkages throughout Cathlamet, in consultation with the Washington Department of Transportation, by the end of 2003.
- Conduct an analysis of space needs, programming and estimated costs for more efficient provision of general government services, including the Town Library, by the end of 2002.
- Evaluate parking needs in the downtown commercial district by the end of 2002. Identify tools to promote shared use of facilities or other alternative methods to assist in meeting parking needs in the downtown district.
- Conduct an evaluation of current and potential revenue sources that are within the town’s authority and which could be made available for improvements and expansions to capital facilities and services. Identify outside sources of funds and cost-sharing methods to implement capital improvement projects by the end of 2003.
- Develop a Maintenance Plan to identify how capital facility needs will be addressed prior to securing dedicated funding source(s) by the end of 2003.
- Develop and adopt standards for streets, sidewalks, curbs, drainage and other public improvements by the end of 2002.
- Examine standards for street lighting, landscaping and signage for possible inclusion during the development of general city standards for street and utility improvements by the end of 2003.
- Complete and adopt the General Sewer Plan/Facilities Plan and incorporate findings in future updates of the Comprehensive Plan.
- Review ordinances and procedures relating to the provision of water and sewer services, including extension of services beyond town limits, to ensure consistency with the comprehensive plan and with other related codes and practices by the end of 2002.
1. Coordinate land use decisions and financial resources with a schedule of capital improvements to correct existing deficiencies, replace worn out or obsolete facilities and accommodate desired future growth.
2. Evaluate and prioritize proposed capital improvement projects using the following criteria:
a. the need to correct existing deficiencies, replace needed facilities, or to provide facilities for future growth;
b. elimination of public hazards;
c. elimination of capacity deficits;
d. financial feasibility;
e. consistency with projected growth patterns;
f. support for new development and redevelopment;
g. plans of state agencies;
h. impact to the local budget; and
i. location and effect upon natural and cultural resources.
3. Evaluate proposed comprehensive plan amendments and requests for new development or redevelopment as to whether they:
a. contribute to a condition of public hazards;
b. exacerbate any existing condition of public facility capacity deficits;
c. increase needs in the Six-Year Schedule of Improvements;
d. conform with future land uses as shown on the future land use map;
e. demonstrate financial feasibility when public facilities are provided, in part or whole, by the city;
f. affect plans and siting of state essential public facilities; and
g. affect significant cultural and scenic resources or critical natural areas.
- Direct development to those areas where public services and infrastructure and land characteristics are suited to urban uses and densities.
- Provide public facilities and services needed to support development in a timely manner to address the impacts created by development.
- Allocate city sewer and water connection fee revenues to system improvements and expansion. This should also apply upon enactment of a stormwater ordinance that establishes revenues to operate such a system.
- Require that all sewer, water, access, streets, drainage and related facility improvements installed in new developments must meet or exceed development standards established by the Town of Cathlamet.
- Require future development to bear its fair share of facility improvement costs in order to achieve and maintain acceptable levels of urban services and limit the costs to existing taxpayers.
- Examine and consider funding mechanisms for developer contributions towards fair share costs of public facility improvements such as drainage, streets, and recreation.
- Minimize effects of town growth upon agricultural lands, forest resources, and fish and wildlife habitat.
- Attempt to secure grants or private funds whenever available to finance the provision of capital improvements.
- Support and encourage the joint development and use of cultural and community facilities with other governmental or community organizations where there is mutual concern and benefit.
Cathlamet Comprehensive Plan
Public Facilities, Utilities & Services Element