SBI 3UE Genetic
· Pedigree is a chart that show the genetic relationship between individuals in a family
Autosomal Dominant Features· Presence of affected individuals in successive generations
· Equal number of affected males and females
· Each affected individual usually has at least one affected parent
· Two affected parents have unaffected offspring
· Unaffected individuals who marry unaffected individuals rarely have affected offspring / Autosomal Recessive Features:
· Unaffected parents have affected offspring
· Equal number of affected males and females
· All offspring are affected when both parents are affected
· In rare disorders, affected children who are the offspring of marriages between first cousins or other closely-related family members
X-Linked Dominant Features
· Each generation usually has an affected individual· All daughters of affected males are affected
· Both sons and daughters of an affected heterozygous female may be affected
· Generally, twice as many females as males /
X-Linked Recessive
· All sons of an affected mother are affected· Affected fathers never transmit the trait to their son
· Unaffected parents may have affected offspring
· Generally, there are more males than females