Joel Doering For Demo Reel Please Visit
Over 13 years major market experience in Minneapolis MN
Photojournalist with proven abilities in storytelling and video composition. Recognized for maintaining high quality work while meeting tight deadlines. Proven track record of collaborating with reporters and producers to create accurate and compelling stories for television.
Strengths include:
Joel Doering For Demo Reel Please Visit
§ Motion Graphics Using After Effects
§ Non- Linear Editing and Post-Production
§ Creative Use of Light and Audio
§ Instinctive Eye for Shot Composition
§ Strong Technical Troubleshooting Skills
§ ENG Truck Operation & Safety
§ Production House Experience
§ Deadline Orientation
Joel Doering For Demo Reel Please Visit
Career Highlights
§ 2016 Upper Midwest Emmy Recipient KSTP-TV │ Photojournalist │ Newscast “Death of Prince”
§ 2011 Upper Midwest Emmy Recipient KSTP-TV │Video Editor │ Sports One-Time Special “Vikings Sports Wrap Live from TCF Stadium”
§ 2008 National Emmy Recipient KSTP-TV │Video Editor │ Outstanding Regional News Story -Spot News “35W Bridge Collapse”
Professional Experience
KSTP-TV 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS │ Minneapolis, MN 2006 - Present
Collaborate with reporters and producers to plan and develop enterprising stories. Shoot/edit daily news stories and create graphics. Consistently meet shooting and editing deadlines balancing speed and accuracy with strong editorial judgment and quality.
§ Shoot and edit features, investigations, breaking news, sports and daily news
§ Highly proficient in graphic design both still and motion
§ Specialize in turning video-poor stories into visually engaging pieces
§ Engage viewers using social media to promote content
QCTV 15 COMMUNITY TELEVISION │Champlin, MN 2005 - 2006
Community Affairs Producer (One-Man Band)
§ Photographer/Editor/Talent for segment “QC Outdoors”
§ Produced several local TV spots and programs including “Chamber Report,” “Health Matters,” and local sporting events
KMSP-TV FOX9 NEWS │Eden Prairie, MN 2003 – 2005
Technician in Engineering
§ Operated live studio cameras for news and promo shoots
§ Handled a variety of control room positions on a rotation
§ Traveled to Indianapolis to shoot/edit an entertainment special
Freelance Experience:
PIXPRO MEDIA, Minneapolis, MN
Education & Affiliations
Associates of Applied Science in Television Production (2002)
Brown College, Mendota Heights, MN
NPPA - National Press Photographers Association – Member (2006-Present)
2006 Television News/Video Storytelling Workshop Participant
§ Advanced composition, lighting, framing, & sequencing techniques
ENG Truck Operation Training (KSTP-TV)
Safety and operation of ENG live trucks
Keith Marler
Meteorologist KMSP-TV - Eden Prairie MN
(763) 412-8858
Arthur Kuh
Minnesota Wild - St. Paul MN
(763) 447-5541
Nic Ortiz
Chief Video Editor KSTP-TV, Woodbury MN
(651) 642-4415