April 25 - May 3, 2015
Main Company Information
Company Name:
City: State: Zip Code:
Telephone: +1- Fax: +1-
Web Site:
Number of Employees: Year Established:
Contact Information
Primary Contact: Mr. Ms. Dr.
If different than above:
Telephone: +1- Fax: +1-
Additional Telephone Numbers (identify type; i.e. cellular, etc.): +1-
Alternate Contact: Mr. Ms. Dr.
If different than above:
Telephone: +1- Fax: +1-
Additional Telephone Numbers (identify type; i.e. cellular, etc.): +1-
Insert information for any additional contacts
Section A: Your Business
Product or Services Description: Describe your products, services or their applications, including any unique characteristics and competitive advantages.
Harmonized Tariff Codes (HTS) (also known as Schedule B): List the top five harmonized tariff codes that apply to your CORE products or services, up to the 6 digit-level. (Note: If you don’t know your HTS codes, contact us for discussion.)
Product Content: In a world of globalization and free trade agreements, it is not uncommon for products to have content or value-added from mixed countries of origin. Indicate the % of domestic content or value and name the countries where at least 10% of the content or value was added to the products that are part of your CORE business. Countries of origin may be an important factor in considering import requirements.
Section B: Your Customers
Describe the characteristics of your target customers, including demographic, geographic, or other identifying characteristics.
What marketing channels do you use to reach your target customers in your domestic market?
Check all that apply.
Catalog Sales
Company direct Sales
Direct Advertising-Print Media
Internet Sales (E-Commerce)
Sales Reps
TV or Radio Ads
Joint Venture Partners
Competition and Market Share: Indicate your top competitors and indicate what % of the market share your company has compared to the competition.
Export Experience:
A) What % of total sales last year were export sales? %
B) Over the past 3 years, how many export shipments has the company averaged per year?
C) Name the top 3 countries that your company exports to:
Section C: Target Market
Which of the following is the best description of your company’s activity in the target market for the focus products or services indicated above?
No previous activity
Indirect sales through domestic distributors, brokers or export management companies
Established history of export sales
Established history of import purchases
Other (specify):
Target market objectives: Indicate your goals (check all that apply):
Explore market potential
Increase market share or sales volume
Source product(s) for import
Contract manufacture components or finished products
Establish company-owned sales office or distribution center
Joint venture or acquire an existing company in the target market
Contract services in the target market
Other (specify):
If your objectives include increasing sales in the target market, what percent of last year’s total company sales were derived from this market? %
How would you rate the results you’ve had so far in the target market?
Excellent, sales have increased % over the past years.
Good, but would like to increase business by % over the next years.
Fair, would like to expand but don’t know how to proceed.
Negative, despite our best efforts, need help
New market – No past objectives
With respect to the target market, which of the following best describes the language skills and cultural knowledge of the participant?
No meaningful skills
Limited to polite phrases and travel-related vocabulary
Can comfortably discuss business and products/services but lack technical vocabulary and negotiating skills
90%-100% fluent in language and culture. Can negotiate complex contractual agreements and discuss abstract concepts with ease.
Section D:
What kind of sales contacts are you seeking in the target market? (check all that apply)
Catalog sales companies
End users (specify type(s) below)
Government procurement offices
Assembly plants
Sales reps
Advertising & PR agencies
Trade Journals
Yellow pages
TV Stations
Radio stations
Trade show organizers
Others (provide more specifics in the question below)
What are your criteria for the new sales contacts you want to identify? (Note: Include any special qualifications or capabilities required. Examples: size or location of sales force; technical or engineering skills; installation or after-sales service support; numbers or locations of warehouses or distribution centers. In the case of media contacts, examples might be: reader, listener or viewer demographic; circulation size, etc.)
Do you want us to include contacts that currently have an established relationship with your competition? Yes No
Do you have any existing sales relationships in the target market? Yes No
If “yes”,
(a) Is it an exclusive arrangement? Yes No
(b) Are they aware that you are seeking new relationships? Yes No
(c) How do you want to handle this search request?
We will contact them
Contact them on our behalf
Identify and provide contact information for existing relationships, regardless of who will be contacting them:
Participation Agreement
The International Trade Office of the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) has responsibility for planning and implementation of the above activity. IEDA serves as the liaison between participating companies and the overseas contractors for each event; plans new events based on input from companies and contractors; coordinates logistics; compiles company/product information provided by participating companies for inclusion in event directories; collects participation fees; and provides on-site event management and quality assurance. Participating companies agree to provide all necessary paperwork, company brochures and participation fees by specified deadlines; make necessary travel arrangements and pay all expenses incurred by their representatives for transportation, lodging, meals and any AV equipment rental; and when applicable submit ETAP Final Report by specified deadlines for reimbursement. Company representatives agree to participate in all scheduled meetings unless advance arrangements are made; conduct themselves in a professional manner; participate in the debriefing; and complete a brief evaluation.
Cancellation of participation 60 days prior to departure will result in a maximum reimbursement of 50% of participation fee. Reimbursement amount will be adjusted based on actual costs incurred as of cancellation date. Cancellation 45 days or less prior to departure will result in forfeiture of all participation fees regardless of actual costs incurred as of cancellation date. All reimbursements will be processed by IEDA upon receipt of a formal letter of withdrawal from participation in the planned activity, and an invoice, on company letterhead and will be considered effective from the date of receipt at the IEDA offices. Events cancelled by IEDA will result in a 100% refund of participation fees.
Completed by: Name Title Date
For Office Use Only:
Date Received: __________________ Date Sent: ____________________
Fee: $__________________
ETAP Application
Traveler Information Sheet
Company Description Product
Marketing Materials