Environmental Science I (841)
Science: Grade 11-12National Standards
/Time Allotment
/ WH Student Expectations1. Analyze ways in which the environment shapes living communities.
/ a. Analyze biomes as products of climate and the physical nature of the terrain: 23.1.1soil type
atmospheric circulation
temperature and seasonality
precipitation patterns
b. Analyze physiological requirements of organisms that limit them to a particular geographic area: 23.1.2 thermoregulation nutrition reproductive cycles light/dark cycles
c. Discuss applications of the above principles to the effects of global warming on biological diversity and distributions of organisms, including crops and domestic animals. 23.1.3 / TEXT pp 74-100
Videotape Series The Living Planet
Videotapes on global Warming
Biorama project
Travel brochure assignment
Design an insect survival game
Invent a fish
Origami Frog
Protozoa and speriodimp experiments / 1 period
5 period
1 period
3 period
2 period
1 period
1 period
1 period
3 period / 1,2,3,5,7
2. Describe energy flow in ecosystems. / a. Explain how solar energy fuels most communities. 23.2.1
(1) Review photosynthesis.
(2) Review the first and second laws of thermodynamics.
(3) Discuss primary production, food webs, and predation.
(4) Discuss geothermal vent communities as notable exceptions.
b. Discuss applications of the above principles with respect to the effects of deforestation, smog, and "nuclear winter." 23.2.2 / TEXT PP 100-121
Videotapes on photosynthesis, respiration and life at the bottom of the sea
Videotape on Global warming
Solar energy in a bottle / 1 period
4 period
1 period
2 period / 1,2,3,5,7
3. Explain how materials are cycled tperiodough the biosphere. / a. Compare and contrast global/gaseous cycles versus local/sedimentary cycles. (L, E, P) 23.3.1
(1) Review essential nutrients.
(2) Review the water cycle.
(3) Review carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur as examples of elements cycled globally.
(4) Review phosphorus and calcium as examples of elements cycled locally.
b. Discuss the application of the above principles with respect to standards of air and water quality. Emphasize point source versus diffuse pollution, acid rain, and ozone depletion. 23.3.2 / TEXT pp100-121
Videotapes on biogeochemical cycles
Taunton River Watershed Materials
Materials from MWRA / 1 period
2 period
2 period
3 period / 1,2,3,5,7
4. Explore ways in which populations of organisms are shaped by their environments. / a. Investigate population growth rate, intrinsic rate of increase, and population control. 23.4.1
b. Explore carrying capacity. 23.4.2
c. Apply the above principles to global population growth and wildlife management. 23.4.3 / TEXT pp121-164
Videotapes on animal populations, human populations, and global hunger issues
Survival game / 1 period
3 period
1 period / 1,2,3,5,7
5. Examine ways in which species interact to form recognizable communities. / a. Compare and contrast competition within and between species. 23.5.1
b. Analyze how predation and food webs help to structure communities. 23.5.2
c. Apply the above principles to: the importance of biological diversity in maintaining communities and ecosystems; fragile habitats; causes of endangerment of example species; environmental policy; strategies to protect biological diversity (gene banks, captive breeding, sustainable development). 23.5.3 / Text pp100-120
Videotape series The Living Planet.
Videotapes on DNA, human genome project, and biodiversity
Report of Endangered Species / 1 period
2 period
2 period / 1,2,3,5,7
6. Demonstrate the proper use and care for scientific equipment. / a. Demonstrate proper use of microscopes, slide preparation techniques, metric measuring devices, and dissection tools. 23.6.1 / Lab worksheet on microscope
Videotape on microscope / 1 period / 1,2,3,5,7
7. Observe and practice safe procedures in the classroom and laboratory.
/ a. Demonstrate knowledge of safety rules before working in the laboratory. 23.7.1
b. Model safety rules in all teacher demonstrations. 23.7.2
c. Demonstrate safe handling and disposal of chemicals. 23.7.3
d. Demonstrate safe handling of animals and disposal of dissection specimens. 23.7.4
e. Demonstrate appropriate personal safety and hygiene during laboratory activities. 23.7.5 / Videotape on lab safety.
Worksheet on Lab safety / 1 period / 1,2,3,5,7
8. Integrate computers, calculators, and multimedia technology into classroom and laboratory activities. / a. Computers and/or probes may be used to simulate scientific processes. 23.8.1
b. Computers may be used to gather data and interpret graphs. 23.8.2
c. Calculators may be used when necessary to solve basic mathematical problems. 23.8.3 / Computer simulation software
PASCO software and probes
Powerpoint Presentations
Travel Brochures / 3 period
3 period
5 period
2 period / 1,2,3,5,7
9. Apply the components of scientific processes and methods in classroom and laboratory investigations. / a. Use process skills found within the scientific method such as prediction, observing, hypothesizing, gathering and interpreting data, and drawing conclusions. 23.9.1 / Whole series of simple engineering projects.
Design energy efficient vehicles.
Design environmentally sound household / 10 period
2 period
10 period / 1,2,3,5,7
10. Investigate the interrelationships of science, technology, and society. / a. Illustrate how careers of community helpers relate to science. 23.10.1
b. Explore how scientific advances have changed cultures. 23.10.2
c. Examine ethical situations as they relate to scientific developments. 23.10.3 / Text pp 418-445
Report on famous environmentalists
Work of Buckminster Fuller
Geodesic dome building
Videotape, The Lorax
Human Genome research
Medical advances Science Odyssey / 1 period
1 period
2 period
2 period
1 period / 1,2,3,5,7
11. Communicate results of scientific investigations in oral, written, and graphic form. / a. Prepare written laboratory reports and interpret the results of laboratory work through group or class discussion. 23.11.1
b. Organize and present data, charts, tables, and graphs in oral or written form. 23.11.2 / Pasco software
Lab sheets
Travel Brochure
Advertisements for Inventions and House projects / 2 period
2 period / 1,2,3,5,7
12. Research current scientific topics using resources in addition to the textbook. / a. Write original research papers or reports using age appropriate literature. 23.12.1
b. Have students demonstrate awareness of current scientific events through locating and sharing information from current age appropriate periodicals, magazines, newspapers, and electronic media. 23.12.2 / Internet Resources
The World Game
NOVA and American Experience Videos / 1 period
1 period
1 period
3 period / 1,2,3,5,7