MCCH Complaints

MCCH aims to provide services which meet the needs of its service users in ways which reflect the values of the organisation. MCCH will acknowledge and act upon any complaint received through the appropriate channels and encourages honest feedback on the quality of its services.

1.0Application of the procedure

This procedure applies to all MCCH services.

2.0Objectives of the procedure

To ensure a formal process will be undertaken in order to achieve a resolution where a concern has not been resolved informally by the manager.

3.0Complaints and who may use this procedure

3.1What is a Complaint? It is the outcome of a failure to respond satisfactorily to an area of concern or a serious failure in MCCH’s care. Every effort should be made by the manager to resolve the issue informally before this procedure is implemented.

3.2All MCCH services and workplaces have a copy of the Complaints Procedure.

3.3It is the duty of all managers to ensure that all service users and staff acting on their behalf know how to make a complaint and of the service user’s right to do so.

3.4It is the responsibility of all staff who have received a complaint from a service user, relative, commissioner or other interested party to try and resolve it as quickly as possible within the framework provided by this procedure,and to the satisfaction of all concerned.

3.5The Complaints Procedure explains how complaints can be made and to whom. Internal and external complaints will be dealt with in the same manner.

3.6All complaints are monitored and entered on a register.

3.7The Complaints Procedure applies to all complaints whether they are made by service users, relatives, commissioners, partner agencies or other interested parties.

3.8Staff should not use the Complaints Procedure as a vehicle for addressing their own concerns. If any member of staff has unresolved concerns about any issue, they should raise them with their Line Manager through the Grievance Procedure or the Disclosure of Confidential Information Procedure.

3.9If a service user who is also a member of staff wishes to make a work-related complaint, they should do so through the Grievance Procedure or Disclosure of Confidential Information Procedure. If the complaint is about the service they receive from MCCH or the way in which they are treated, they should use the Complaints Procedure.

3.10If a member of staff accompanying a service user in the community is approached by a member of the public wishing to make a complaint, no address other than that of Head Office should be disclosed.

4.0How to make a complaint

4.1When a complaint is made it should be recorded on Form 1a. The complaint should be reported immediately to the manager of the service or the member of staff in charge.

4.2The on-call duty officer should be informed if a complaint is made out of hours. It is the responsibility of the duty officer to inform the manager of the service about the complaint as soon as possible within working hours.

4.3Contract Managers will decide if stakeholders e.g. Registration, Commissioners, Care Managers, Carers, should be informed.

4.4Staff should be sensitive and supportive if a service user wishes to make a complaint and should take into account any special needs / requirements that the service could access to support the service user in making it (e.g. signer, advocate, recording equipment etc.).

4.5If a service user wishes to make a complaint but is unable to do so, a member of staff should make the complaint on his/her behalf and record that they are doing so. The complaint remains that of the service user, not that of the member of staff.

4.6All service users have the right to contact their local National Care Standards Commission Office or the Commissioner of their service about any complaint they may have. Local CSCI office addresses can be obtained from:-

Commission for Social Care Inspection
33 Greycoat Street
Tel: 020 7979 2000
Fax: 020 7979 2111


4.7If a complaint is received by letter from someone outside MCCH, the letter should be attached to a completed Form 1a and this procedure followed.

4.8A complaint will be acknowledged by the Director of Operations within five working days of the date of receipt.

4.9Complaints will be investigated by a Manager, usually theContract Manager, and the complainant will be advised of the outcome by the Head of Service who will also advise the Director of Operations of the outcome.

4.10Wherever possible, complaints will be resolved and the complainant informed within 28 days of the date on which the complaint was made. In exceptional circumstances where a complaint cannot be resolved within this time-scale, the complainant will be advised by the Director of Operations and an extended time-scale will be agreed.

4.11If a complainant does not feel that their complaint has been resolved to their satisfaction, they should forward details to the Director of Operations at Head Office within two weeks who will respond in five working days of receipt.

4.12If the complainant is still dissatisfied with the outcome, they may appeal to the Chief Executive within two weeks who will respond in ten working days of receipt.

4.13If the Chief Executive is unable to resolve the complaint, the issue will be referred to the Board Members of the Standards and Service Users Interests Committee.

5.0Service Users’ complaints about services provided by other organisations

5.1Staff should support service users if they wish to make a complaint about a service they receive from another organisation. If a member of staff wishes to complain about the service provided by another organisation, they should seekguidance from their Contract Manager before doing so.

5.2If it is agreed that a complaint will be made, the Complaints Procedure of that organisation should be adopted.

5.3If it is agreed that a complaint will be made to another organisation, details should be recorded on Form 1b for internal purposes only.

6.0Recording and Monitoring

6.1All services should insert their allocated service reference code in the box provided on Form 1a, and number each complaint chronologically e.g. Raglan House RH-01,RH-02. Details of the complaint should be entered as indicated by the headings on the form.

6.2Complaints Form 1a comprises:

  • White copy – to be sent to the Director of Operations
  • Blue copy – to be sent to the Contract Manager
  • Yellow copy – to be sent to the Head of Service
  • Pink copy – to be retained by the service

6.3All complaints made will be recorded on the Register at Head Office and copied to the Corporate Manager for statistical purposes.

6.4At the end of each month, a Complaints Summary Form (Form 1c) will be completed by each house/project/service and sent to the Director of Operations at Head Office so that the Register can be updated.

6.5Complaints should continue to appear on this form until they have been resolved. Space is provided for an explanation of how this is achieved.

6.6If no complaints have been received in the reporting period and there are no outstanding complaints, Form 1c should be returned stating “nil”. Form 1c comprises:

  • White copy – to be sent to the Director of Operations
  • Pink copy – to be retained by the Service

6.7Complaints Form 1(b) should be used to keep a record of complaints made about services not provided by MCCH. Form 1(b) comprises:

  • White copy – to be sent to the Director of Operations
  • Pink copy – to be retained by the complainant

6.8The outcome of such complaints should be recorded on Form 1(c) and a copy of the response sent to the service..

6.9All MCCH services / workplaces will retain copies of completed Forms 1(a), 1(b) and 1(c) filed in numerical order.

6.10Contract Managers will monitor complaints made at Registered Care Homes during their designated Monthly Visit.

6.11The Standards and Service Users Interests Committee (SASUI) will meet not less than four times a year and will monitor all complaints.

7.0Anonymous Complaints

7.1MCCH encourages people to take responsibility for their complaint and supports open comment. MCCH does not encourage anonymous complaints.





Service Requirement / Y/N/P / Comments/Action
Is there a copy of the Complaints Procedure available on site?
Are all complaints recorded?
Are all external contact details e.g. registration, advocacy etc., available to staff and services users?
Did any complaints require an investigation?
Was the Contract Manager immediately informed in the event of a serious complaint?
Was the Head of Service immediately informed in the event of a serious complaint?
Were the Commission for Social Care Inspection notified in the event of a serious complaint?

7th March 2002