Goodwood School Community Council(Minutes)May 25, 2016
Members Present: Sabrina N, Tania P, Audrey C, Liz Thompson,Shelley M
Regrets: Angela C. Sue S. Stephanie D.
Guests: Elinor Hansen (Trustee), Nancy Mann (PIC Rep for N. Durham)
Agenda Item / Decision/ Action Taken / Person(s) responsibleWelcome & Introductions / Nancy Mann – Trustee
Nancy Mann – Parent Involvement Committee rep for N. Durham
Both have been SCC chairs / All
Guest Speakers
Nancy Mann / What is the PIC; how do we work together
Nancy is new to DDSB this year;
Volunteer role as Parent Involvement Committee rep for North Durham.
PIC rep works as a rep for the region. Works with regional SCCs but NM recognizes communication is a challenge – hard to reach out to SCCs b/c lack of continuity across academic years; SCC members change, and PIC rep mandate does not include contact with schools unless invited by principal.
PIC reps can get together w/ SCCs4x per year at regional SCC meetings. Typically North Durham is poorly represented at these meeting; geography is a big player as well as busy family schedules, weather.
Goal: to make better home learning connection within the schools.
If we would like to reach out to other SCCs within the area, this could be done through the PIC.
Elinor said she could also help connect SCCs from the region.
Discussed the roles of the different SCC's;
Suggested the idea of connecting the North Schools for a regional SCC meeting.
We can contact Nancy about issues that we wish to address.
Audrey can help with Sandford – will provide contact of SCC rep to Tania.
To get volunteers to sign up for small jobs – Sign Up Genius is very useful.
Elinor Hansen / Topic: Fund the Need Campaign
Board is asking parents to contact MPP with petition to increase funding for services to support students with Special Needs.
1 in 4 (15 000) students in Durham are identified as Special Needs.
Inserted info From DDSB: Students with special needs are those who require support services because they have one or more needs related to developmental, physical, mental health, cognitive and/or behavioral challenges.
The Durham District School Board has trimmed special education costs.
Durham has lost funding for special ed due to province funding reorganization - re-allocating moneys acrossschool boards
Want to help these kids.
Audrey: Will this raise our taxes?
Elinor: Not immediately, but eventually.
Management of children with behavioural special needs was identified as a concern at Goodwood.
Tania: Parents are sympathetic and understanding regarding children with special needs; however integrating behaviourally challenged students who are violent causes stress and fear for the other involved children (and their parents). Parents have expressed concern about this.
Elinor: Every child has the right to an education; we have to try to understand that discomfort will arise while trying to work through these challenging situations. There is a crossroads/conflict here.
Tania: What is the end point for bullying; at what point is a child removed from the school?
Elinor: When there is criminal activity.
Tania: What supports are available for the children who are in fear and have anxiety due to bullies?
Elinor & Liz: the Safe Schools officer is coming to Goodwood PS.
Children need to be identified and have a safety plan put in place to help alleviate stresses.
Discussed the possibility to provide an information session to parents about the issue of bullying and
to understand the decision process for how bullying is dealt with. Elinor said she could help arrange this. Involve the safe schools officer.
Meeting in the Fall regarding special needs, bullying.
Continue with plan to integrate leadership activities in the schoolyard. / Elinor
Minutes & Treasury report / Minutes approved after online review by members
No new treasury business
PRO Grant Application / Agreed to apply for a ‘math night’ that we market as a fun & games night. Will apply to get Box Cars and One Eyed Jacks
Can afford both a picnic lunch & an evening workshop if approved.
Evening session: will try to coincide with parent teacher night.
Application due on May 29 – Tania & Sabrina / Tania & Sabrina
Final BBQ Plans / Family Games & BBQ night June 2 (or June 9).
Sabrina has purchased games
Tried to finalize food/grocery numbers
Will try to get popcorn from the Roxy to sell.
Some volunteers have stepped up; jobs will be allocated
Public Health Nurse will attend
Announcements will be made re: Playground, Healthy Schools, etc. / Tania, Sabrina, Audrey
Principal Report / Safe Schools initiative: Daniel Hunter to visit school to talk about Safe Schools. Will meet with grades 4, 5 & 6
Two interior hall security cameras have been installed. / Liz
Garden / Veggies planted; grade 7 & 8’s did a great job; many thanks to Stephanie.
Looks great! / Liz Thompson
Next Meeting
Subcommittee / Planning subcommittee – date TBA; before next SCC meeting (June 15) / Tania
June 15 / – SIPSAW feedback, and look at our accomplishments and future goals.
Adjournment / 8:15pm?