INCA Head Start Lesson Plan
Week of: Teacher:
Study: Clothes Investigation: 6. What special clothes do people wear for work?
/Choice Time
Small Group
/Read Aloud
/Large Group
Round up /Zoo
Activities / Learning CenterMaterials
MM11, “What Is My Job?”
Talk about people in certain jobs wear special clothes.
Show pictures from the book Who Wears What?
Talk about why certain jobs require certain uniforms. / Play with people in the block area. Take pictures of constructions
LL05, “Jumping Beans” or LL17, “Walk a Letter” / Who Wears What? / Recall the day’s events
Invite children who worked in the block area to share what they did. Use the photographs you took as prompts / Pick activity / Mental Health:
Pick activity / Art/Writing:
eBook Who Wears What?
Play people in uniforms or work clothes; digital camera
Dramatic Play:
Work clothes
Button and lacing boards
Sand & Water:
Rhythm sticks
P14, “Moving Through the Forest”
Tuesday: pg80 Calendar/Helpers
Pass out rhythm sticks to the children
MM26, “Echo Clapping”
Talk about what kinds of clothing our families wear when they go to work.
Invite children to share family photos, record words children use to describe the clothes / Explore the clothing collection for items that resembles the ones worn by family members in the pictures.
Family Photo Book or What kinds of Clothes do people wear to work LL04, “Bookmaking” or / Uncle Nacho’s Hat / Recall the day’s events
Share the boo the children made during small-group time / Pick activity / Humanities:
Pick activity
Wednesday: pg82Calendar/Helpers
MM01, “People in Your Neighborhood”
Tell children that a visitor will be coming to talk about their work clothes.
Invite children to generate questions / Play with rhythm sticks
M59, “More or Fewer Towers” or M19, “Which has more?” / Little Red Riding Hood
BD04 / Recall the day’s events
Remind children of the visitor who will be coming tomorrow / Pick activity / Social Studies:
Pick activity
Thursday: pg84Calendar/Helpers
MM27, “Diddle, Diddle, Dumpling”
Introduce visitor, invite visitor to talk about their job and uniform.
Invite children to ask questions / Use buttons and lacing boards
Story Problems or Problems at a Clothing Store, M22, “Story Problems” / Llama Llama Red Pajama
SE05 / Recall the day’s events
Talk about the class visitor and write a group thank-you note.
Remind children a visitor will be coming tomorrow. / Pick activity / Healthy/Safety:
Pick activity
Friday: pg86Calendar/Helpers
MM27, “Diddle, Diddle, Dumpling”
Introduce visitor, invite visitor to talk about their job and costume.
Invite children to ask questions / Wear costumes in dramatic play
Story Problems or Problems at a Clothing Store, M22, “Story Problems” / Little Red Riding Hood
BD04 / Recall the day’s events
Discuss what the children learned from the visitor today and write a group thank you note. / Pick activity / Nutrition:
Pick activity
Daily Transition:
5. / Daily Literacy: (Words of the Week) / Monthly Cooking (Food) Activity: / Music:
5. / Color:
INCA Head Start Lesson Plan
Week of: Teacher:
Study: Clothes Investigation: 6. What special clothes do people wear for work?
Individual Help: / Material Sent Home:(e.g. Zoo-phonics activity worksheets, newsletters)
Parent Suggestive Activities: (Activity & Signature)
Family Partnerships:
If you have not already done so, please send in photos of family members wearing work clothes. We will use them in this week’s investigation. We can take photos of family members during drop-off time if they arrive in their work clothes.
• Please note that our end-of-study celebration is next Friday.
• We are still gathering clothes for our clothing drive.
• We invite you to access the ebooks, Who Wears
What? and Little Red Riding Hood. / Wow! Experiences:
Thursday—A visitor who wears a uniform to work
Friday—A visitor who wears or uses costumes