Thursday, 1st
7:30 pmAdult Choir Rehearsal
Saturday, 3rd
9:00 amPraise Team Rehearsal
Sunday, 4th
8:00 amPraise Team Rehearsal
9:30 amAdult Choir
10:00 amWorship Service/Communion
New Members Received
Sunday School
11:30 amChildren’s Choir
12-2 pmSr. & Jr. Youth Groups
Wednesday, 7th
1:00 pmPsalm 119 Adult Study
6:30 pmMen of St. Paul’s
7:30 pmConfirmation
Thursday, 8th
7:30 pmAdult Choir Rehearsal
Friday, 9th
5-6 pmBackpack 4 Kids
6:30 pmSr. YG Retreat - Departure
Saturday, 10th
8-11 amMEF Pancake Breakfast – Social Hall
9:00 amPraise Team Rehearsal
Sr. YG Retreat
Sunday, 11th
8:00 amPraise Team Rehearsal
9:30 amAdult Choir
10:00 amWorship Service
Sunday School
11:30 amChildren’s Choir
Sr. YG Retreat - return
Monday, 12th
7:30 pmConsistory
Wednesday, 14th ASH WEDNESDAY
1:00 pmCrossing the Waters
7:30 pmWorship Service
Thursday, 15th
6:00 pmUrban Air Fundraiser
7:30 pmAdult Choir Rehearsal
Saturday, 17th
9:00 amPraise Team Rehearsal
Sunday, 18th
8:00 amPraise Team Rehearsal
9:30 amAdult Choir
10:00 amWorship Service
Sunday School
11:30 amChildren’s Choir
Soup Swap
12-2 pmSr. Youth Group
6:00 pmJr. Youth Groups
Monday, 19thPresident’s Day
Church Office Closed
Wednesday, 21st
1:00 pmCrossing the Waters
6:30 pmLent Family Supper
7:30 pmConfirmation
Thursday, 22nd
7:30 pmAdult Choir Rehearsal
Saturday, 24th
8-10 amApplebee’s Fundraiser
9:00 amPraise Team Rehearsal
Sunday, 25th
8:00 amPraise Team Rehearsal
9:30 amChoir Rehearsal
10:00 amWorship Service
Sunday School
11:30 amChildren’s Choir
Monday, 26th
7:30 pm24 to Double
Wednesday, 28th
1:00 pmCrossing the Waters
6:30 pmLent Family Supper
7:30 pm Confirmation
Pastor Rich takes Friday Off.
March 4, 14 & 21 – Lent Family Supper
March 25 – Palm Sunday
March 30 – Good Friday
February 2018
What are you hopes and dreams for 2018?
Do they scare you?
We attended church on the first Sunday of 2018, with Adam, Ashley and the Grandsons. The pastor’s sermon was Chasing the Lion.
He introduced his sermon by saying, “If your dreams don’t scare you they are too small.”
When he first read the morning’s scripture text, I must confess, I questioned the accuracy of his translation. I had to look it up to see if it was right.
He read from 2 Samuel 23:22.
“There was also Benaiah, son of Jehoiada, a valiant warrior from Kabzeel. He did many heroic deeds, which included killing 2 champion of Moab, Another time, on a snowy day, he chased a lion down into a pit and killed it.”
This text of scripture is the basis for a book entitled, Chasing the Lion, by Mark Batterson.
The pastor’s sermon that morning, at least for me, raised 2 questions, Am I a dream chaser? and Are my dreams too small?
A “too small dream” is not a “God size dream." The difference is that the former is attainable without the help of God, the later is attainable ONLY with the help of God.
I share an excerpt from the book, “At the end of our lives, our greatest regrets will be the God ordained opportunities we left on the table, the God-given passions we didn’t pursue, and the God-sized dreams we didn’t go after because we let fear dictate our decisions.
Most people believe God is real, but few people actually live like it. The result is a widening gap between their theology and their reality. They allow their circumstances to get between them and God instead of letting God get between them and their circumstances.
When everything is said and done, God isn’t going to say, “Well said,” “Well thought,” or “Well planned.” There is one measuring stick: “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
I want to challenge you, as I was challenged to dream BIG, to dream God-sized dreams.
Lion Chaser’s Manifesto
Quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely after death.
Run to the roar.
Set God-sized goals. Pursue God-given passions.
Go after a dream that is destined to fail with divine intervention.
Stop pointing out problems. Become part of the solution.
Stop repeating the past. Start creating the future.
Face your fears. Fight for your dreams.
Grab opportunity by the mane and don’t let go.
Live like today is the first day and the last day of you life.
Burn sinful bridges. Blaze new trails
Live for the applause of nail-scarred hands.
Don’t let what is wrong with you keep you from worshipping what’s right with God.
Dare to fail. Dare to be different.
Quit holding out. Quit holding back. Quit running away.
Chase the lion.
Pastor Rich
Matthew 16:18-19; Ephesians 1:1
The Second Question That Matters
11 -
Luke 15:11-24
Actions, Not Words of Love
18 - LENT
Luke 15
Grace, What Makes It Amazing
25 - LENT
Lenten Series
The God We Can Know
Exodus 3:1-14
Knowing the Great “I Am”
February’s benevolent distribution, 8% of January’s income including the communion offering, is to be split between Fish program and church families in need.
February 18
On Sunday, February 18 you will have a chance to exchange $5 for a quart of home made soup.
January’s Soup Swap raised $320
If you are willing to make some soup there is a sign up in the narthex or contact Tanya Roberts @ 732-651-1257 or email
The men of St. Paul’s are invited to gather on Wednesday, February 7that 6:30pm for supper and fellowship.
“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.”
- 1 John 3:1
Lord our God, we thank you that we may be your children and may be led by your hand. Give us patience and faith, especially when our way on earth seems difficult and life is full of grief and hardship. You are light. You show us the right path. You go before us in the self-denial and patience taught us by your Word. Protect us on all our ways. May your kingdom grow among us until it can be plainly seen that you, O God, are truly with us doing your work and bringing us joy, even though what we do seems fruitless. But your work endures. In your work we rejoice, and we want to give thanks to you every day. Amen.
Lenten Sermon Series
The God We Can Know
02/25 Knowing the Great I Am
03/04 Knowing God’s Satisfaction
03/11 Knowing God’s Care
03/18 Knowing God’s Power
03/25 Knowing God’s Way - Palm Sunday
03/29 Knowing God’s Guidance - Maundy Thursday
04/01 Knowing God’s Possibilities - Easter
This month’s Sunday meeting dates and times.
February 4 @ 12:00PM - 2:00PM
Game Super Bowl LII party. We will have our own version of the super bowl to predict the winner!
Sunday, February 18
Sr. YG @ 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Jr. YG @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Regular meeting of fun, fellowship & faith.
Our church APP is 4 months old, do you have it?
For iPhone & iPad
For Android Phone & Pad
The church APP will keep you informed about how you can help bring God’s love to the heart of the community.
You will find a weekly listing of events, a monthly calendar, a prayer wall to leave prayer requests, a daily devotional, a link to our Facebook. You will be able to make a donation.
Have you signed up?
myEoffering is electronic giving that enables you to make your offering using electronic fund transfer or credit card.
It is as easy as going to:
and click on member login to set up account.
myEoffering will allow your weekly offering to continue uninterrupted, enabling us to fund our ministry of bring God’s Love to the heart of the community.
FACT: Our financial secretary made the consistory aware that in 2017, that when Pastor Rich is away attendance is down. When attendance is down, income is down.
A very small percentage give an offering for the Sunday(s) missed.
By using myEoffering you can schedule weekly giving. Faithful consistent weekly giving is essential to the financial health of our church’s ministry.
Feb. 14, 2018
This year we will be hosting the joint Ash Wednesday service with the Milltown Methodist Church.
The service time is 7:30PM
FEB. 15
Join in a night of fun for all ages.
Its wall-to-wall trampoline arenas, runway, drop zone, slam dunk track, trampoline dodgeball arenas, trampoline free-style open jump areas, the Urban Warrior Course™, The TUBES indoor playground, The Warrior Battle Beam, Climbing Walls and an Indoor Ropes Course.20% of the cost of your ticket will be donated to the youth group’s mission trip.
The first of our five Wednesday night dinner will be February 21st. The dinners start at 6:30pm followed by a worship service at 7:30pm. Suggested donation for dinner is $10.
The theme of this year’s Lenten worship services is: 40 Days with Jesus.
It is a series of eyewitness accounts that dramatically retell the course of Christ’s ministry leading up to his crucifixion.
Applebee’s Flapjack
Fund Raiser
February 24, 2018
8am - 10am
The Senior Youth Group is hosting this fund raiser for the benefit of the church.
Tickets are available after worship or at the church office.
$10 for adults
$ 8 for seniors
$ 7 for children 5 - 12 years old
Children under 5 are free.
DEC. 2017 YR to DATE
Income$ 38,450.74 $261,831.51
Expense$ 17,109.86 $275,403.16
Gain/(Loss) $ 21,340.88 ($ 13,571.65)
DEC. 2016 $ 5,686.15 ($ 38,008.09)
Are you a liberal?
I know this is a loaded question in these contentious days we live in. In fact, the word liberal for many has become almost a dirty word hasn’t it? In fact, most liberals would prefer the term progressive. At the same time, many Christians would never want to be called a liberal. Yet I want you to know that a true disciple of Christ is indeed liberal!
Before you break and run let me explain. In II Corinthians Paul addresses the offering that was being taken up for the Saints in Jerusalem.
Near the end of chapter nine he sums up his encouragement by saying in verse thirteen, “Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God…. for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else.”
Whether politically you are a conservative or a liberal let’s all be liberal in our giving. Your liberal gift WILL help Bring God’s Love to the heart of the community.
Do you have photos you don’t know what to do with Join our Scrapbooking Club. We meet two Wednesdays a month in the social hall from 10am – 2 pm, $5.00, bring your lunch. Call Donna Lucid to RSVP or with any questions at 908-331-1758.
We presently have 13 families and 24 children. Each back pack will be filled with 8 breakfast, 8 lunches and 8 suppers.
Here is a list of food items needed for the back packs:
Hormel chili
Can soups
Dinty Moore stews
Tuna fish
If you shop at the big box stores and can purchase a case that would be super.
Do you have photos you don’t know what to do with Join our Scrapbooking Club. We meet two Wednesdays a month in the social hall from 10am – 2 pm, $5.00, bring your lunch. Call Donna Lucid to RSVP or with any questions at 908-331-1758.
Consistory Minutes
January 15, 2018
In Attendance: Nick Bamond, John Garback, Debbie Kovacs, Robert Ramsen, Tracy Rucinski, Beckie Rumen, Kathy Shanabrook, Sean Sullivan, Melanie Dwyer, David Hastings, Lois Jessen, Becca Jones, Matt Park, Greg Reeves, Nikki Wesen, Debbie Paley, and Pastor Rich Weyer
Meeting called to order at 7:38pm by Pastor Rich who opened the meeting with a devotion from
1 Chronicles 11:22 and prayer.
December’s meeting minutes were approved without change. Motion by Sean S./Second by Dave H.
- None
- Debbie P. explained her role and what is provided at each meeting to new consistory members
- Our church benevolence tithing is up to 8% for 2018 (7.5% last year)
- In 2017, we gave $15,170.28 in tithings to a
variety of organizations, groups, and families
(detailed sheet provided by Debbie P.)
- January’s Distribution (8% of our income and December’s communion offering):
$1,000 PR Relief Mission
$300 Milltown Fire Department
$1,382 balance to specific church family in need
- Debbie explained that we are in the red for 2017 ($13, 571.65) but this is an improvement from 2016 ($38,008.09)
- Our current financial situation prevents us from giving raises to paid employees. However a motion was made to give bonuses to Pastor Rich ($2400), Emily ($1000), Carol ($200), Debbie ($200). Motion by Kathy S./Second by Lois J.
- February 4 – Team 2
Communion Offering/Benevolence
- February’s Distribution is to be split between Fish program and church families in need.
Pastor Rich expressed gratitude to Lois Jessen, Debbie Cheeseman, and everyone involved in worship through the Advent and Christmas season. The Cantata, pageant, special music and use of drama enhanced our worship. Our live stream on Facebook has been successful for those who cannot attend.
Ministry Teams
Church & Family
- Our Lenten family dinners will take place Feb. 21 – Mar. 21 and our theme is “40 Days with Jesus”; we need this team to produce a flier, sign up sheets and announcements, organize beverages and desserts, etc. Jeff Vitanza will handle meals for all 5 nights as well as set-up and clean-up.
Spiritual Life
- We are hosting the Ash Wednesday service on February 14th;Team 3is responsible for worship and possibly fellowship/food after church
- Pastor Rich briefly explained our “24 to Double” program. He spoke about first-time attendees, how to welcome them and explain procedures for children, invite to coffee hour, get contact info, and follow-up. We also talked about having a Pastor’s breakfast once per week/month and conducting a Spiritual Gift Test at this meeting.
- There is a 5-week study on Psalm 119
- Lenten study begins 2/14 – Crossing the Waters
- Jr. and Sr. Youth Groups are going well; youth are inviting friends which has resulted in both groups being comprised of church and community members; Sean S. shared positive stories from December
- Sr. YG Retreat will be held February 9-11
- Upcoming Fundraisers for Mission Trip: 2/15
Urban Air & a Mega 50/50 drawing April 15
- Upcoming Fundraisers the youth is hosting for the benefit of the church: Applebee’s Flapjack Breakfast & Super Bowl Pool. The pool will be set-up this week by Pastor Rich.
-2018 projects - Parking lot resurfacing and lines
Old Business
- Stained glass window project: windows are now in excellent shape and one window which was in 5 or 6 pieces was put back together; dedication writing was restored; windows are now crated and will be delivered to Imhoff; no news from insurance company
- Capital Improvement Fund Appeal – need to raise minimum of $400,000 for list of projects; Deacons should meet to prioritize list and come up with plans for Fund Drive (Go Fund Me and grants were mentioned)
- 24 to Double – Pastor Rich will download and distribute intro sheets as well as login/PW info to be used at home
- Carol’s 25th Anniversary celebration – coffee hour to be held in February or March
New Business
- Election of Officers:
President – Sean Sullivan,
Vice President – Dave Hastings,
Co-Secretaries – Beckie Rumen & Kathy Shanabrook,
Financial Secretary – Debbie Paley;
Scholarship – Kate Heavers, Lois Jessen, Grace
Elections were approved – M/S by Lois J./Becca J.
- Formation of Ministry Teams
- Suggestion was made that Carol send texts rather than e-mails when Property & Ground issues arise; P&G team members also need keys to access buildings
- Bucket of salt should be made available to ushers to ensure sidewalk safety in winter
- Church & Family team will work on Lenten family dinners and Spiritual Life team will make a decision regarding Ash Wednesday fellowship
Future Dates
- 24 to Double – January 29th
- Consistory – February 12th
- 24 to Double – Feburary 26th
Meeting called to end at 9:20pm, Pastor Rich closed the meeting with Prayer Concerns and the Lord’s Prayer. M/S by Lois J./by Rob R.
Fran Christ
Lynn Junker Simms
Ethel Varinecz
Dr. Grace Kothari Charitable Fund
@ 1:00PM
Get ready for the wettest, stormiest, wildest trip through the Gospels you’ve ever taken! The Gospels are dramatic and incredibly wet, set in a rich maritime culture on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Yet we’ve missed much of this perspective—until now.
In this 6-part series, Leslie Leyland Fields, author, speaker, and seasoned Alaskan fisherwoman, takes us on a journey through the life of Christ. She leads us across the waters of time and culture out onto the Sea of Galilee, through a rugged season of commercial fishing with her family in Alaska, and through the waters of the New Testament beside the ragtag fishermen disciples. Her own story and her fresh insights will challenge our understanding of Jesus and what it means to “Come, follow me.”
Session 1 Under the waters
Session 2 Calling out of the water
Session 3 Rocking the Boat
Session 4 Storming the Peace
Session 5 Over the Waters
Session 6 The Final Catch
Music at St. Paul’s
Ash Wednesday Choir
On Wed., Feb. 14, our adult choir will be joined by that from the Methodist Church to sing two anthems at our 7:30 service. Want to join us for the evening? Speak to Emily ASAP.
Holy Week Choir
It’s already that time! Beginning on Thurs., Feb. 15, our Thurs. choir rehearsals will be devoted mainly to the music for Holy Week, including a rousing processional and march for Palm Sunday, two poignant reflections for Maundy Thurs., and “When I Survey” for Easter morning. Extra singers would be terrific! We rehearse from 7:30 – 9 pm on Thursdays.
4Consistory Team #2Communion