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1. Only athletes and officials are allowed inside the fenced in area of the track.
2. Event Limitations: Athletes must participate in their division based on date of birth
as of December 31, 2015.
AgeDivisionMaximum Events
6-8 3
19 & up (Open) None
30 & up (Master’s) None
Note: Athletes who compete in more than the events allowed will be disqualified form the meet and consideration for the high point award.
3. Relays: All 4 members of relay teams must be in the same age division, same gender, and be members ofthe same Track Club (No exceptions). No combining age groups or genders for relays. No unattached relays.
4. Athletes Check In Area: Athletes in running events are to report to the Athlete Check In Area one event prior to start of their event. Athletes in field events are to report to their field event area when the event starts.
5. Scoring: Relays and Individual: 1st--10, 2nd--8, 3rd--6, 4th--4, 5th--2, 6th--1.
6. Awards: Medals for first, second, & third place in each event. The four members of the winning relay team will receive medals and the members of the 2nd and 3rd place teams will receive ribbons. 6-8, 9-10, 11-12 yr. old will receive ribbons for 4th- 5th-6th place, in individual events. High Point Scorerin each division of boys and girls, 6-8 and up. A Team Championship Trophy will be awarded to the team with the most points (boys and girls combined).
7. Field Event Attempts: Competitors in 6-8, 9-10, 11-12 divisions will be given 3 attempts and the competitors in 13-14, 15-16, 17-18 divisions will be given 4 attempts in the Long Jump, Triple Jump, Shot Put, and Discus, Javelin, & Hammer.
8. Running Event Procedures: A. Events will be run on a rolling schedule.
B. All races will be run heats against time.
C. Divisions and heats may be combined when possible.
D. Heats and lanes will be assigned at the starting line.
E. Automatic timing will be used.
F. Girls will run first unless otherwise denoted.
9. Finish Line Area:No coaches, parents, or non competing athletes allowed under the tent at the finish line area.
10. Results: During the meet, results will be posted on North end of the bleachersapproximately 45 minutes after completion of event. After the meet, results will be posted on approximately by 6 hours after the conclusion of the meet.
11. Spike Length: 1/4th inch spikes only.
12. Mighty Mites--50 Meter Dash: Special race for Boys & Girls 5 years old & under. Registration will be done at the front gate during the regular registration time. Entry Fee: $1.00. Participation ribbons awarded to each competitor.
13. Open & Master’s Divisions: Open Men/Women & Master’s Men/Women are welcome to compete in any event. Entry Fee is $8.00. is set up for Open & Master’s entries or one may enter day of meet. May combine with 17-18 yr. old division. No awards presented in these divisions.
13. Admission Fee:Spectators
Adults: $5.00
Children 6 yrs. old--High School: $3.00
5 yrs. old & under: FREE
One (1) pass for every 10 athletes on your team roster.
14. Meet Site: Pearl High School, 500 Pirate Cove, Pearl, MS. 39208
15. Contact Person:Coach Dennis Groll – C. 318.355.2598 E-mail: