SA31 2NN
Telephone - 01267 237841 Fax – 01267 237848
The information contained in this prospectus is accurate at the time of compilation in January 2014. It should be noted that subsequent changes could take place affecting the information provided before the start of, or during the school year 2013/2014.
MEMBERS Mr E L DaviesHeadteacher
County Cllr E Williams
Cllr M Jones
Cllr G Lloyd
Mrs Z Jenkins
MrsB Richards
Mr G Morgan
Mrs A Bowen
Mr D Stephens
Mrs S Davies
Mrs D Williams
Cllr S Howells
Mr D Williams
Headteacher Mr E L Davies
UJ Mr A Owen (Deputy Headteacher)
LJ Mrs G Evans
Y1/2 Mrs N Elias
Llywelyn Mrs E Morris
GwenllianMrs C Thomas
GlyndŵrMrs W Davies
Non2 Mrs A Vaughan-Owen / Miss N Davies
Non 1 Mrs M Mason
Dewi Meithrin Mrs B Richards }Mrs G Howells NNEB
}Mrs D Williams NNEB
Dewi Derbyn Mrs E Davies / Mrs C Rh Thomas / Miss N Davies }Mrs A Bowen NNEB
ALNCOMrs C Rh Thomas
PPAMrs T Bowen/ Miss E Evans / Miss N Davies / Mrs M Llewelyn
TeachingAssistants Mrs M Thomas
Mrs H Roberts
Mrs S Lewis
Mrs T Eldridge
Mrs M Williams
Mrs S Rowlands
Miss T Patterson
Mrs C Williams
Miss A Edmunds
Mrs A Thomas
Mrs S Evans
Miss S Thomas
Mrs A Spagoni
Miss A Blight
Mrs C Fraser-Jones
Miss A Lloyd Thomas
Miss S Owen
Administrative Officer Mrs J Lewis / Mrs A Thomas
Cook in Charge Mrs M Hughes
Caretaker Mr P Hopkins
Dinner Supervisors Mrs. C. Higgins(School Meals Clerk)
Mrs R Firth Mrs S Rowlands
Mrs J JensenMrs D Evans
Mrs T EldridgeMrs M Williams
Mrs A SpagoniMiss S Thomas
It gives me great pleasure to extend a very warm welcome to you as prospective parents of LlangunnorC.P.School. I am proud to introduce our School Prospectus and I hope that you will find it interesting, informative and, above all, that it will help allay any fears or misgivings that you may have regarding your child starting school with us. I assure you that we will do our utmost to ensure that your child will be afforded every opportunity to develop to his/her full potential both educationally and socially.
Pleser yw i mi eich croesawi fel darpar rhieni i Ysgol Gynradd Llangynnwr. Gyda balchder y cyflwynaf i chi brospectws yr ysgol, yn y gobaith y bydd o ddiddordeb ac o fudd, ac yn fwyaf arbennig yn eich sicrhau o unrhyw ofnau sydd gennych ynglyn a danfon eich plentyn i'r ysgol. Hyderaf y gwnawn ein gorau i sicrhau y bydd eich plentyn yn derbyn pob cyfle posibl i ddatblygu i'w lawn botensial yn addysgiadol yn ogystal ag yn gymdeithasol.
A Community Primary School for pupils aged 3 to 11 years. The present school buildings were opened in 1961 with extensions in 1980 and 2002.
The school is sited in semi-rural surroundings south of the town of Carmarthen, close to the River Tywi.
The school has available for its 260+ pupils large playing fields, together with a well stocked hall/gymnasium.
Llangunnor School aims to provide each pupil with a happy and caring environment where every child is encouraged to develop as an individual and in so doing acquire understanding, knowledge and skills relevant to adult life.
LlangunnorSchool is a school which aims to -
1. Care for all children.
2. Provide a broad and balanced curriculum in order to nurture lively, enquiring minds and to encourage application to tasks.
3. Encourage every child to develop as an individual andinso doing acquire understanding, knowledge and skills relevant to adult life.
4. Emphasise learning and academic success so that languageand number can be used effectively.
5. Believe in close contact with parents.
6. Stresses high standards of courtesy, dress and behaviour.
7. Support close community links.
8. Develop personal and moral values and tolerance for other ways of life.
1. To read fluently and accurately with understanding.
2. To communicate clearly and confidently in speech.
3. To develop legible handwriting and good standards of spelling, syntax
punctuation and usage.
4. To listen attentively and with understanding.
5. To learn how to acquire information from various sources.
6. To understand the applications of mathematical ideas in various
7. To analyse and to solve problems.
8. To acquire a set of moral values and to develop habits of self discipline.
9. To be aware of the geographical, historical and social aspects of the
local environment.
10. To use several forms of arts and crafts as means of expression.
11. To develop agility and physical co-ordination.
The School is organised into classes of mixed age and mixed ability.
KS2 comprises of two classes where the main medium of instruction is English. There are also three classes of this age group where the main medium of instruction is Welsh.
The Foundation Phase comprises of one Welsh medium Nursery class, two Welsh medium Reception classes, one English medium Year1/2 class, one Welsh medium Year 1 class and one Welsh medium Year 2 class.
The Nursery Unit accommodates children who are admitted at the beginning of the term following their third birthday, on a part-time basis.
Normally, pupils commence school on a full-time basis at the beginning of the second or third term dependent on parental choice and availability of places.
Prospective parents and children are encouraged to visit school for tea on a pre-arranged day during the term prior to entry. These children then attend a school session without parents.
Strong links are forged with Cylch Meithrin pre-school group which is sited in one of the school’s cabins.
Talk about the School and include your child in adult conversation whenever possible - never talk down to your child. Discuss arrangements for shopping, holidays, trips etc. Watch suitable programmes on television. Encourage your child to use paints and crayons - activities which give opportunity for conversation and increased confidence. Play games with your child - help your child to realise how numbers occur in everyday life e.g. How many spoons on the table? Make use of local playgroups and teach your child nursery rhymes. Ensure that your child can accomplish simple tasks for himself and that he is toilet trained. Show your child how to put things away tidily, wash his hands, follow simple instructions, etc. Try to familiarise your child with such activities as listening to stories, looking at pictures, visiting the library, playing with other children, sharing etc. Talk to your child's teacher to find out more does and don’ts.
Movement inside School will be at a walking pace.
No child will leave the School premises without permission.
Valuables should not be brought to School.
Clothing must be labelled.
The bringing of sweets to school is frowned upon.
School begins at 9am promptly. Pupils arriving after 9am will be registered as late on our school records.
The correct dinner money should be brought on a Monday in a clearly labeled envelope.
Those who bring a packed lunch are discouraged from bringing glass bottles, hot soup etc. as they constitute a danger. We are a healthy school and therefore expect packed lunches to be well-balanced. Sweets, chocolates and sugary drinks are discouraged.
Suitable clothing is expected for P.E. and games etc.
All must comply to fire drill rules.
Jewellery is not allowed. Any child arriving at school wearing jewellery will not be allowed to participate in the following:-
Swimming lessons
PE and games lessons and other sporting activities
Public performances
Until he/she is able to remove the jewellery before coming to school.
Parents are expected to notify the school by telephone on the first day of absence.
All pupils and parents are expected to observe these simple rules which are designed to ensure the smooth running of the School. All children are expected to conform to certain standards of behaviour, to conduct themselves in a courteous and orderly manner and to respect the rights and property of others. If a serious misdemeanour occurs, parents are contacted and requested to come to discuss the situation with the Headteacher.
School Attendance Percentage of Attendance
Autumn Term 201293.08%
Spring Term 201393.62%
Summer Term 201393.58%
We aim, within LlangunnorSchool, to provide equality of opportunity for all children whatever their age, ability or disability, gender, race or background. We want all our pupils to achieve their full potential during their time with us. As such, we work to ensure that our expectations, attitudes and practices – in particular those relating to gender – do not prevent any child from reaching their potential.
As a parent I shallalways try to / As a pupil I shall
always try to / As a school we shall always try to
Preparing for School day / send my child to school clean and neat and wearing school uniform as often as possible. Make sure my child has everything needed for school. / Be neat and clean and wear my school uniform whenever possible. Bring everything I need for my school day. / Promote personal hygiene and the school uniform. Ensure that the pupils know what is needed each day.
Attendance and Punctuality / ensure that my child is present and punctual every day. / Come to school every day on time / Always promote attendance and punctuality.
School Work and Homework / Make sure that my child does his/her homework at all times. Encourage and support my child to do his/her best. Ensure that my child does his/her homework regularly. / Listen to my teacher and work hard at all times in order to achieve my personal targets. Do my homework neatly and return it on time. / Teach effectively and purposefully.
Prepare your child, via the National Curriculum, for their future.
Set purposeful work and mark it regularly
Set appropriate homework.
Behaviour / Encourage my child to develop high standards of behaviour at all times. / Follow school rules at all times. Behave well inside and outside school. / Promote high standards of behaviour within school rules.
Pastoral Care / Inform the school if there are any problems likely to affect my child’s education. / Let my teacher know of any worries or problems before I leave school for the day. / Listen to and respond to worries and problems appropriately.
Home/School Links / Attend parents meetings, read letters from school and respond to them when needed. Support the school and it’s rules when needed i.e. discipline. / Ensure that I give all school letters to my parents. / Arrange regular parents evenings. Report regularly on the progress, attendance and punctuality of your child. Make you aware of any worries we have about your child.
Extra Curricular Activities / Support activities held by the school / Take advantage of as many opportunities as I can. / Inform you of all events that are to be held in school or that the school is part of.
Parent’s Signature: ………………………………………………….. Date: ………………..
Pupil’s Signature (Year 1 onwards) …………………………………..Date: ………………..
Signed on behalf of the School: ………………………………………Date: ………………..
The whole curriculum is based on the requirements of the National Curriculum as described in the Education Reform Act (1988) and subsequent amendments. The school provides a full range of Primary School subjects and the curriculum is designed to ensure that progression is closely monitored and that opportunities are afforded to acquire skills, knowledge and values over a wide field which in turn prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. Class teachers at our school plan work for the children they teach on a regular basis in order to set achievable goals for both themselves and their children to attain. Careful planning by all staff and pupils throughout the school ensures that work is matched to pupils’ abilities, experience and interest, whilst at the same time ensuring that there is progression, continuity and balanced skills coverage throughout and between the Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2.
The Curriculum ensures that all pupils study a broad and balanced range of subjects which will promote the mental, physical, spiritual, moral, and cultural development of pupils at the school. The Foundation Phase has adopted a Cross Curricular approach along thematic lines i.e. a theme is selected for each term with six themes over a two year period and all areas of study are linked to the chosen theme. These themes are Colours and Fables, Creatures, Space and Travel, Myself and Others, Wales and Food. At KS2 the 2008 Skills Curriculum is delivered following subject based schemes of work. From September 2013 the National Numeracy and Literacy Framework has been adapted across the school.
Curriculum planning takes place in a number of stages, for both the Foundation Phase and Curriculum 2008.
The National Curriculum comprises both Core and Foundation subjects. The Core subjects are Mathematics, Science, English and Welsh. The foundation subjects taught are Design Technology, Information and Communication Technology, Humanities (History, Geography and Religious Education), Art, Music, P.E. and Health Education.
The Foundation Phase consists of seven areas of study in the Welsh stream and eight in the English stream. The areas of study are as follows:-
Personal and Social Development, Well-Being and Cultural Diversity
Language, Literacy and Communication Skills
Mathematical Development
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Physical Development
Creative Development
Religious Education
The 8th area of study for the English stream is Welsh Language Development
In accordance with the philosophy of the National Curriculum, all pupils will have their work assessed continuously throughout their school years. Pupils will be assessed using on entry Assessment.Teacher Assessments and other assessments suggested by the LEA. A profile is commenced on the child from the first day he/she starts school in which all information relating to the child's progress is kept. Samples of the child's work are periodically kept as a record which can be referred to in order to check the child's progress and for diagnostic purposes. A written report will be issued at the end of each academic year and these may be retained by parents.
Realistic yet challenging targets are set annually for School improvement.
Religious Education is obligatory for all pupils during the compulsory years of education. Parents may request that their children be excused from attending these lessons, should this be contrary to their beliefs. The same applies to attendance at morning service. Such requests must be made in writing to the Headteacher.
The document regarding information about how to make a complaint about the school curriculum, collective worship and other related matters according to the arrangements established by the L.E.A. is available in school.
PSE is taught as and when the need arises within the curriculum and is always dealt with in a sensitive and professional manner. The school nurse assists with talks on growing up, puberty and personal hygiene to older pupils.
The school is a Dual Stream school- the Welsh stream being designated as a Category A school and the English stream as a Category B school, in accordance with Carmarthenshire Education Authority's Language policy. The policy states that:
1. In Welsh medium schools Welsh will be the main medium of the life and work in the nursery, infant and junior phases. English shall be introduced as pupils transfer to the junior phase so that pupils have the opportunity to develop an equal competence in both languages by the time they leave the primary school.
2. In English medium schools Welsh should be used as a medium in the life and work in nursery and infant phases. Bi-lingualism is highlighted as an area of study in the English medium foundation phase. This will secure a sound foundation for the continued development of the learning of the Welsh language into the junior phase to ensure an equal opportunity for both English and Welsh in the life and work of the school. It is the aim of the school to develop linguistic competence in both languages by the age of 11 years.
Children with special and additional needs are taught in the mainstream classes, although some pupils are withdrawn to the ALNCO’s classroom for individual or small group support. The school's Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator will consult closely with the classroom teacher to ensure that attention and support will be given to the child's difficulties within the context of the mainstream curriculum. All pupils are encouraged to take a full and active part in all school activities. Parental consent, support and co-operation are sought in all arrangements.