Department of Biological Sciences, Wayne State University

2014 Publication (updated January 16, 2015)

Note: Some publications may have been listed as epub in 2013.

Alcedo, Joy

Fernandes de Abreu, D.A., Caballero, A., Fardel, P., Stroustrup, N., Chen, Z., Lee, K., Keyes, W.D., Nash, Z.M., Lopez-Moyado, I.F., Vaggi, F., Cornils, A., Regenass, M., Neagu, A., Ostojic, I., Liu, C., Cho, Y., Sifoglu, D., Shen, Y., Fontana, W., Lu, H., Csikasz-Nagy, A., Murphy, C.T., Antebi, A., Blanc, E., Apfeld, J., Zhang, Y., Alcedo, J., and Ch'ng, Q. (2014). An Insulin-to-Insulin Regulatory Network Orchestrates Phenotypic Specificity in Development and Physiology. PLoS Genetics 10, e1004225. Link

Waterson, M.J., Chung, B.Y., Harvanek, Z.M., Ostojic, I., Alcedo, J., and Pletcher, S.D. (2014). Water sensor ppk28 modulates Drosophila lifespan and physiology through AKH signaling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111, 8137-8142. Link

Allen, E.N., Ren, J., Zhang, Y., and Alcedo, J. (2014). Sensory systems: their impact on C. elegans survival. Neuroscience. Link

Ostojic, I., Boll, W., Waterson, M.J., Chan, T., Chandra, R., Pletcher, S.D., and Alcedo, J. (2014). Positive and negative gustatory inputs affect Drosophila lifespan partly in parallel to dFOXO signaling. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111, 8143-8148. Link

Anantharam, Arun

Passmore, D.R., Rao, T., and Anantharam, A. (2014a). Real-time investigation of plasma membrane deformation and fusion pore expansion using polarized Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy. Methods Mol Biol 1174, 263-273. Link

Passmore, D.R., Rao, T.C., Peleman, A.R., and Anantharam, A. (2014b). Imaging plasma membrane deformations with pTIRFM. J Vis Exp. Link

Rao, T.C., Passmore, D.R., Peleman, A.R., Das, M., Chapman, E.R., and Anantharam, A. (2014). Distinct fusion properties of synaptotagmin-1 and synaptotagmin-7 bearing dense core granules. Mol Biol Cell 25, 2416-2427. Link

Weiss, A.N., Anantharam, A., Bittner, M.A., Axelrod, D., and Holz, R.W. (2014). Lumenal protein within secretory granules affects fusion pore expansion. Biophys J 107, 26-33. Link

Arking, Robert

Barnes, V.L., Bhat, A., Unnikrishnan, A., Heydari, A.R., Arking, R., and Pile, L.A. (2014). SIN3 is critical for stress resistance and modulates adult lifespan. Aging (Albany NY) 6, 645-660. Link

Craig, T., Smelick, C., Tacutu, R., Wuttke, D., Wood, S.H., Stanley, H., Janssens, G., Savitskaya, E., Moskalev, A., Arking, R., and de Magalhaes, J.P. (2014). The Digital Ageing Atlas: integrating the diversity of age-related changes into a unified resource. Nucleic Acids Res. Link

Park, J.S., Pyo, J.H., Na, H.J., Jeon, H.J., Kim, Y.S., Arking, R., and Yoo, M.A. (2014). Increased centrosome amplification in aged stem cells of the Drosophila midgut. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 450, 961-965. Link

Beningo, Karen

Subramonian, D., Raghunayakula, S., Olsen, J.V., Beningo, K.A., Paschen, W., and Zhang, X.D. (2014).Analysis of changes in SUMO-2/3 modification during breast cancer progression and metastasis.J Proteome Res 13, 3905-3918.Link

Dowling, Thomas

Dowling, T.E., Turner, T.F., Carson, E.W., Saltzgiver, M.J., Adams, D., Kesner, B., and Marsh, P.C. (2014). Time-series analysis reveals genetic responses to intensive management of razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus). Evolutionary Applications 7, 339-354. Link

Ley, G., Saltzgiver, M.J., Dowling, T.E., Karam, A.P., Kesner, B.R., and Marsh, P.C. (2014). Use of a molecular assay to detect predation on an endangered fish species. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143, 49-54. Link

Unmack, P.J., Dowling, T.E., Laitinen, N.J., Secor, C.L., Mayden, R.L., Shiozawa, D.K., and Smith, G.R. (2014). Influence of Introgression and Geological Processes on Phylogenetic Relationships of Western North American Mountain Suckers (PantosteusCatostomidae). PLoS One 9, e90061Link

Fan, Chuanzhu

Sivaji, M., Sadasivam, V., Narayanasamy, J., Samuel, S., and Fan, C. (2014). Detection, characterization and evolution of internal repeats in Chitinases of known 3-D structure. PLoS One 9, e91915. Link

Wang, J., and Fan, C. (2014). A Neutrality Test for Detecting Selection on DNA Methylation Using Single Methylation Polymorphism Frequency Spectrum. Genome Biol Evol. Link

Wang, J., Marowsky, N.C., and Fan, C. (2014). Divergence of gene body DNA methylation and evolution of plant duplicate genes. PLoS One 9, e110357. Link

Wang, M., Yu, Y., Haberer, G., Marri, P.R., Fan, C., Goicoechea, J.L., Zuccolo, A., Song, X., Kudrna, D., Ammiraju, J.S.S., Cossu, R.M., Maldonado, C., Chen, J., Lee, S., Sisneros, N., de Baynast, K., Golser, W., Wissotski, M., Kim, W., Sanchez, P., Ndjiondjop, M.-N., Sanni, K., Long, M., Carney, J., Panaud, O., Wicker, T., Machado, C.A., Chen, M., Mayer, K.F.X., Rounsley, S., and Wing, R.A. (2014). The genome sequence of African rice (Oryza glaberrima) and evidence for independent domestication. Nat Genet 46, 982-988. Link

Friedrich, Markus

Initiative, I.G.G. (2014). Genome Sequence of the Tsetse Fly (Glossina morsitans): Vector of African Trypanosomiasis. Science 344, 380-386. Link

Luan, Q., Chen, Q., and Friedrich, M. (2014). The Pax6 genes eyeless and twin of eyeless are required for global patterning of the ocular segment in the Tribolium embryo. Dev Biol 394, 367-381. Link

Mahato, S., Morita, S., Tucker, A.E., Liang, X., Jackowska, M., Friedrich, M., Shiga, Y., and Zelhof, A.C. (2014). Common transcriptional mechanisms for visual photoreceptor cell differentiation among Pancrustaceans. PLoS Genet 10, e1004484. Link

Greenberg, Miriam

Jadhav, S., and Greenberg, M.L. (2014). Harnessing the power of yeast to elucidate the role of sphingolipids in metabolic and signaling processes pertinent to psychiatric disorders. Clinical Lipidology 9, 533-551. Link

Raja, V., and Greenberg, M.L. (2014). The functions of cardiolipin in cellular metabolism-potential modifiers of the Barth syndrome phenotype. Chem Phys Lipids 179, 49-56. Link

Ye, C., and Greenberg, M.L. (2014). Inositol synthesis regulates the activation of GSK-3alpha in neuronal cells. J Neurochem. Link

Ye, C., Lou, W., Li, Y., Chatzispyrou, I.A., Hüttemann, M., Lee, I., Houtkooper, R.H., Vaz, F.M., Chen, S., and Greenberg, M.L. (2014). Deletion of the Cardiolipin-specific Phospholipase Cld1 Rescues Growth and Life Span Defects in the Tafazzin Mutant: IMPLICATIONS FOR BARTH SYNDROME. Journal of Biological Chemistry 289, 3114-3125. Link

Ye, C., Shen, Z., and Greenberg, M.L. (2014). Cardiolipin remodeling: a regulatory hub for modulating cardiolipin metabolism and function. J Bioenerg Biomembr. Link

Hao, Weilong

Kim, T., and Hao, W. (2014). DiscML: an R package for estimating evolutionary rates of discrete characters using maximum likelihood. BMC Bioinformatics 15, 320. Link

Wu, B., and Hao, W. (2014). Horizontal transfer and gene conversion as an important driving force in shaping the landscape of mitochondrial introns. G3 (Bethesda) 4, 605-612. Link

Higgs, Penelope

Higgs, P.I., Hartzell, P.L., C., H., and Hoiczyk, E. (2014). Myxococcus xanthus vegetative and developmental cell heterogeneity. In Myxobacteria: Genomics and Molecular Biology, Z. Yang and P.I. Higgs, eds (Norfolk, UK.: Caister Academic Press), pp. 51-77.

Holkenbrink, C., Hoiczyk, E., Kahnt, J., and Higgs, P.I. (2014). Synthesis and assembly of a novel glycan layer in Myxococcus xanthus spores. J Biol Chem 289, 32364-32378. Link

Muñoz-Dorado, J., Higgs, P.I., and Elías-Arnanz, M. (2014). Abundance and complexity of signaling mechanisms in the myxobacteria. In Myxobacteria: Genomics and Molecular Biology, Z. Yang and P.I. Higgs, eds (Norfolk, UK: Caister Academic Press), pp. 127-149.

Kashian, Daniel

Binkley, D., and Kashian, D. (2014). Tree-Level Patterns of Lodgepole Pine Growth and Leaf Area in Yellowstone National Park: Explaining Anomalous Patterns of Growth Dominance Within Stands. Ecosystems, 1-9. Link

Corace Iii, R.G., Shartell, L.M., Charles Goebel, P., Kashian, D.M., Drobyshev, I., and Hix, D.M. (2014). Bird communities of reference and altered mixed-pine forests: Implications for restoring fire-dependent forest ecosystems. Forest Ecology and Management 318, 183-193. Link

Cullinane-Anthony, B.L., Seefelt, N.E., Gregory Corace Iii, R., Kashian, D.M., and Gehring, T.M. (2014). Influence of residual forest patches on post-fire bird diversity patterns in jack pine-dominated ecosystems of northern Lower Michigan. Forest Ecology and Management 331, 93-103. Link

de Bruijn, A., Gustafson, E.J., Kashian, D.M., Dalgleish, H.J., Sturtevant, B.R., and Jacobs, D.F. (2014). Decomposition rates of American chestnut (Castanea dentata) wood and implications for coarse woody debris pools. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 44, 1575-1585. Link

Schneider, V.P., and Kashian, D.M. (2014). Immediate Herpetofaunal Responses to Prescribed Burning in Wetlands of Southeastern Michigan. Ecological Restoration 32, 144-152. Link

Kashian, Donna

Cornwell, E.R., Goyette, J.-O., Sorichetti, R.J., Allan, D.J., Kashian, D.R., Sibley, P.K., Taylor, W.D., and Trick, C.G. (2014). Biological and chemical contaminants as drivers of change in the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence river basin. Journal of Great Lakes Research. Link

Kashian, D.R., Krause, A.E., Sano, L., Nowell, B., and Drouillard, K.G. (2014). Capacity building in stakeholders around Detroit River fish consumption advisory issues. Freshwater Science 33, 674-678. Link

Nowicki, C.J., van Hees, E.H., and Kashian, D.R. (2014). Comparative effects of sediment versus aqueous polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) exposure on benthic and planktonic invertebrates. Environ Toxicol Chem 33, 641-647. Link

Ram, J.L., Banno, F., Gala, R.R., Gizicki, J.P., and Kashian, D.R. (2014). Estimating sampling effort for early detection of non-indigenous benthic species in the Toledo Harbor Region of Lake Erie. Management of Biological Invasions 5, 209-216. Link

Siersma, H.M.H., Foley, C.J., Nowicki, C.J., Qian, S.S., and Kashian, D.R. (2014). Trends in the distribution and abundance of Hexagenia spp. in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron, 1954–2012: Moving towards recovery? Journal of Great Lakes Research 40, Supplement 1, 156-167. Link

Stelzer, R.S., and Kashian, D.R. (2014). The role of conservation partnerships between scientists and nonprofit agencies in freshwater science and management. Freshwater Science 33, 670-673. Link

Stow, C.A., Dyble, J., Kashian, D.R., Johengen, T.H., Winslow, K.P., Peacor, S.D., Francoeur, S.N., Burtner, A.M., Palladino, D., Morehead, N., Gossiaux, D., Cha, Y., Qian, S.S., and Miller, D. (2014). Phosphorus targets and eutrophication objectives in Saginaw Bay: A 35 year assessment. Journal of Great Lakes Research 40, Supplement 1, 4-10. Link

Vijayavel, K., and Kashian, D.R. (2014). Evaluation of Clostridium perfringens as a tracer of sewage contamination in sediments by two enumeration methods. Environ Monit Assess 186, 5617-5624. Link

Vijayavel, K., Byappanahalli, M.N., Ebdon, J., Taylor, H., Whitman, R.L., and Kashian, D.R. (2014). Enterococcus phages as potential tool for identifying sewage inputs in the Great Lakes region. Journal of Great Lakes Research 40, 989-993. Link

Zein, M.A., McElmurry, S.P., Kashian, D.R., Savolainen, P.T., and Pitts, D.K. (2014). Optical bioassay for measuring sublethal toxicity of insecticides in Daphnia pulex. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33, 144-151. Link

Meller, Victoria

Apte, M.S., Moran, V.A., Menon, D.U., Rattner, B.P., Barry, K.H., Zunder, R.M., Kelley, R., and Meller, V.H. (2014). Generation of a useful roX1 allele by targeted gene conversion. G3 (Bethesda) 4, 155-162. Link

Joshi, S.S., Cheong, H., and Meller, V.H. (2014). A strategy for generation and balancing of autosome: Y chromosome translocations. Fly (Austin) 8, 58-62. Link

Menon, D.U., Coarfa, C., Xiao, W., Gunaratne, P.H., and Meller, V.H. (2014). siRNAs from an X-linked satellite repeat promote X-chromosome recognition in Drosophila melanogaster. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111, 16460-16465. Link

Pile, Lori

Barnes, V.L., Bhat, A., Unnikrishnan, A., Heydari, A.R., Arking, R., and Pile, L.A. (2014). SIN3 is critical for stress resistance and modulates adult lifespan. Aging (Albany NY) 6, 645-660. Link

Popadic, Aleksandar

Liu, J., Lemonds, T.R., and Popadic, A. (2014). The genetic control of aposematic black pigmentation in hemimetabolous insects: insights from Oncopeltus fasciatus. Evol Dev 16, 270-277. Link

Medved, V., Huang, Z.Y., and Popadic, A. (2014). Ubx promotes corbicular development in Apis mellifera. Biol Lett 10, 20131021. Link

Tong, X., Hrycaj, S., Podlaha, O., Popadic, A., and Monteiro, A. (2014). Over-expression of Ultrabithorax alters embryonic body plan and wing patterns in the butterfly Bicyclus anynana. Dev Biol 394, 357-366. Link

Steiner, Chris

Steiner, C.F. Stochastic sequential dispersal and nutrient enrichment drive beta diversity in space and time. Ecology 95, 2603-2612. Link

Vasseur, D.A., Fox, J.W., Gonzalez, A., Adrian, R., Beisner, B.E., Helmus, M.R., Johnson, C., Kratina, P., Kremer, C., de Mazancourt, C., Miller, E., Nelson, W.A., Paterson, M., Rusak, J.A., Shurin, J.B., and Steiner, C.F. (2014). Synchronous dynamics of zooplankton competitors prevail in temperate lake ecosystems. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281. Link

Tucker, James D.

Bakhmutsky, M.V., Joiner, M.C., Jones, T.B., and Tucker, J.D. (2014). Differences in cytogenetic sensitivity to ionizing radiation in newborns and adults. Radiation research 181, 605-616. Link

Joshi, G.S., Joiner, M.C., and Tucker, J.D. (2014). Cytogenetic characterization of low-dose hyper-radiosensitivity in Cobalt-60 irradiated human lymphoblastoid cells. . Mutation Research – Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 770, 69-78.

Little, M.P., Kwon, D., Doi, K., Simon, S.L., Preston, D.L., Doody, M.M., Lee, T., Miller, J.S., Kampa, D.M., Bhatti, P., Tucker, J.D., Linet, M.S., and Sigurdson, A.J. (2014). Association of chromosome translocation rate with low dose occupational radiation exposures in U.S. radiologic technologists. Radiation research 182, 1-17. Link

Petibone, D.M., Tucker, J.D., and Morris, S.M. (2014). Chromosome painting of mouse peripheral blood and spleen tissues. In Genotoxicity and DNA Repair: A Practical Approach; Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology, L.M. Sierra and I. Gaivão, eds (New York Springer Science+Business Media), pp. 141-158.

Seth, I., Joiner, M.C., and Tucker, J.D. (2014a). Cytogenetic Low-Dose Hyperradiosensitivity Is Observed in Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. Link

Seth, I., Schwartz, J.L., Stewart, R.D., Emery, R., Joiner, M.C., and Tucker, J.D. (2014b). Neutron exposures in human cells: bystander effect and relative biological effectiveness. PLoS One 9, e98947. Link

Tucker, J.D., Joiner, M.C., Thomas, R.A., Grever, W.E., Bakhmutsky, M.V., Chinkhota, C.N., Smolinski, J.M., Divine, G.W., and Auner, G.W. (2014). Accurate gene expression-based biodosimetry using a minimal set of human gene transcripts. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 88, 933-939. Link

Zhang, Xiang Dong

Cubeñas-Potts, C., Srikumar, T., Lee, C., Osula, O., Subramonian, D., Zhang, X.-D., Cotter, R.J., Raught, B., and Matunis, M.J. (2014). Identification of SUMO-2/3-modified proteins associated with mitotic chromosomes. PROTEOMICS, n/a-n/a. Link

Subramonian, D., Raghunayakula, S., Olsen, J.V., Beningo, K.A., Paschen, W., and Zhang, X.D. (2014). Analysis of changes in SUMO-2/3 modification during breast cancer progression and metastasis. J Proteome Res 13, 3905-3918. Link