Criteria and procedures for the appointment of Professors
1.1The Arts University Bournemouthmay, at its sole discretion, award professorial title to individuals of particular merit to recognise and acknowledge their achievements, and their contribution to their discipline or to the wider higher education sector.
1.2Professorial titles are personal to the individual and are not transferred to subsequent holders of similar posts without due consideration through this process.
1.3The University recognises professorships awarded by other institutions but notes that, in most cases, these lapse when the individual changes employer.
1.4The following professorial titles are available:
- Professor
- Associate Professor
- Professor Emeritus
- Visiting Professor
2.Award of title of Professor or Associate Professor
2.1Applications must be current and will need to demonstrate a significant level of achievement, including publications/creative works, in the 5 years immediately prior to the application, although it is appropriate for the application to include relevant experience and achievements for earlier periods. Professors are expected to have a record of achievement which ensures that they can maintain the standard of excellence and distinction associated with the title in the field of higher education. Therefore they are expected to continue their activities in their field of interests.
2.2A candidate for the title of Professor must demonstrate outstanding achievement in at least two of the following areas:
- Research and Publications
- Learning and Teaching
- Contribution to the University
- Contribution to the wider academic community
- Wider service to society.
Candidates will also be expected to demonstrate a significant contribution against other criteria.
2.3A candidate for the title of Associate Professor must demonstrate outstanding achievement in at least one of the areas outlined under paragraph 2.2. In addition, candidates will normally be expected to demonstrate a significant contribution against one or two further criteria.
2.4Outstanding achievement might be evidenced through:
- a proven track record of national or international research. This will include extensive publication of academic monographsor articles in peer-reviewed journals, which evidence an original contribution to, or development of, the discipline. In judging against this criterion, the Committee will have regard to both the number of publications, but also their national and international reach (that is, the prestige of the journal). Alternatively, this criterion may be met through the exhibition of work (understood in its broadest sense) within national and international contexts which demonstrate the development of the discipline through applied or practice-led research. If this approach is adopted, the applicant must also demonstrate how knowledge and its application in the field concerned has been furthered. This criterion may also be evidence through outstanding achievement in enterprise and knowledge transfer, which will normally require a sustained record of performance at national or international level using examples such as the application of innovation to respond to funding initiatives to meet industry and society demand, peer recognition, and securing funding from such bodies as the European Union, charitable and scientific foundations, commercial enterprises, government and other sponsors.
- outstanding contribution in learning and teaching. This criterion may be evidenced through a sustained record of performance at national or international level demonstrating a significant contribution to teaching and learning related activity, using examples such as innovation in teaching and learning; research into teaching; and external recognition of involvement in improving teaching (such as funded projects, consultancy work, contribution to conferences). Evidence is likely to include publication in peer-reviewed journals, and / or citations in such publications; and examples of significant innovative work undertaken in learning and teaching approaches, and/or in curriculum development, securing prizes or awards, and supporting the development of staff across the discipline in learning and teaching. Candidates should note that this criterion will not be fulfilled simply through adopting original or innovative approaches to learning and teaching (although this would contribute strongly to their application), but through the wider dissemination of the outcomes such that it evidences their leading contribution to national debates, or to the development of learning and teaching practice across the sector.
- a significant contribution to the University which has led to enhancement of the profile and reputation of the organisation. This will normally be evidenced through strong academic leadership, with examples such as innovative work demonstrating qualities of leadership relevant to the vision, values and strategic objectives of the University; supporting and encouraging personal and professional development of staff; facilitating and actively encouraging inspirational learning and teaching practice, research or knowledge transfer; developing and nurturing a strong academic environment and culture; enabling and encouraging innovative curriculum development and design.
- a demonstrable contribution to the discipline through the development of the discipline as an academic subject. This may include high level involvement in the intellectual development of a discipline or profession; the national or international standing of the individual in his / her profession, Learned Societies, subject associations or other such organisations; significant contribution to the development of the academic community; and leading academic change and development.
- a demonstrable contribution to the wider academic communitythrough, for example, leadership externally at a regional, national or international level, such as through leadership of, or contribution to leading sector-wide groups; and high profile public engagement, such as a significant contribution to shaping regional and national policy, or advising Government, industry or national / international committees.
- other activity within society which has raised the profile of the University and enhanced its reputation. Excellence under this criterion will be demonstrated through high public standing, and is likely to include example of successful public liaison; and pioneering work within the community in partnership with major organisations such as industry, local authorities, communities, external agencies and professional organisations.
Procedures for appointment
2.5There will be a formal call for applications for professorial title. This will be issued by the Secretary annually during the Autumn term of the academic year.
2.6Applicants must complete an Outline Stage Application form, for which a template is provided. The applicant is thus invited to indicate their performance against each of the relevant criteria, and their proposed referees (no references are required at this point). The Outline Application must be forwarded to the Secretary by the published deadline.
2.7The Awards and Professorial Committee will consider the Outline Application, and advise on whether a Formal Application should now be made; the areas where further detail would be required; or whether the application should be rejected at this stage. In each case, the Awards and Professorial Committee will allocate a mentor, who can support and advise the applicant in developing their Formal Application. This mentorship will normally be for the duration of one year.
2.8A Formal Application must be received by the Secretary at least three weeks before the meeting of the Committee, in order that this can be confirmed to the external Professor(s).
2.9The applicant must submit:
i)An up-to-date academic curriculum vitae
ii)A written statement of not more than 3000 words outlining the case
iii)Supporting evidence (which may be research papers, examples of work, testimonials or other evidence of esteem)
2.10Each applicantshould also nominate three external referees, who will be invited either to prepare a written statement, or to attend the relevant meeting of the Committee.
2.11Quorum is not established at meetings which consider applications for professorships unless at least one external Professor is present. The applicant will normally be invited to suggest one or more Professors who would be suitable to judge their application.
2.12The applicantwill be invited to make a brief presentation to the Committee. The Committee will then have the opportunity to question the candidate.
2.13The candidate will then withdraw, and the Committee will consider the application in confidence. No Professorship may be awarded without the support of at least one external Professor who has heard the application.
2.14If, in the judgement of the Awards and Professorial Committee, the applicant has met the criteria for the award of professorial title, it will recommend this conferment to the Principal and Vice-Chancellor.
2.15If, in the judgement of the Awards and Professorial Committee, the applicant has not met the criteria for the award of professorial title, but has met the criteria for the award of an associate professorship, it will recommend conferment of the title Associate Professor to the Principal and Vice-Chancellor. An Associate Professorship is not awarded in a specific discipline or area of expertise. An Associate Professor may at any time re-enter the process with an application for full professorial title.
2.16The candidate will be notified of the outcome in writing within two weeks of the meeting. There is no right of appeal against the decision of the Awards and Professorial Committee.
2.17In the event that an applicant is unsuccessful, or is awarded the title Associate Professor, the Committee may appoint a mentor who can support and advise the applicant in how best to develop their profile for a potential future application. This mentorship will normally be for the duration of one year.
2.18The University acknowledges and respects professorial awards made by other institutions. In the event that the University appoints a member of staff who had been awarded a personal Chair in their previous post, the Awards and Professorial Committee will seek confirmation of the criteria, and that the process had been duly followed. It will then normally confirm a personal Chair from the Arts University Bournemouth.
3.Award of title of Professor Emeritus
3.1The title of Professor Emeritus is awarded to those who held the title Professor while employed by the University, but who have now retired from academic life.
3.2The normal expectation is that this title will be confirmed by the Awards and Professorial Committeeat its next available meeting following notification of the intention to retire from academic life. The Committee will confirm the title unless there are exceptional reasons not to do so, as outlined below (see Rescinding of professorial title).
3.3There is no formal conferment of the title, which will be effective automatically on retirement (or on approval of the Awards and Professorial Committee, whichever is the later).
3.4If a member of staff holds the title Professor while employed by the University, and subsequently takes up alternative employment elsewhere within the higher education sector, the professorial title will normally lapse.
4.Award of title of Visiting Professor
4.1The title of Visiting Professor is reserved for individuals of significant standing and prestige, who are considered able to make a significant contribution to University life.
4.2Candidates will be identified by the Dean of Faculty, who will be invited to complete a brief template of application, and to attach a curriculum vitae or similar document which outlines the candidate’s professional history and experience. Thetemplate will also include a statement of support from the Dean, outlining the particular strengths which this candidate would bring.
4.3The Dean will agree with the candidate, and include in the documentation for review by the Committee, a statement of expectations. This will note the number of visits which are envisaged to the institution, and the activities to be undertaken during these visits. It will also include the proposed length of the appointment.
4.4All Visiting Professorships are time limited. The shortest appointment is for one year; the longest appointment is for three years, although successive appointments are permitted and there is no maximum number of renewals.
4.5Whilst the Committee may consider nominations for Visiting Professorships at its regular meetings, it is acknowledged that this may not always be a convenient timescale. Hence ad hoc meetings of the Committee will be called to consider nominations where appropriate. Quorum is the Chair plus two members of the University professoriate (other than the proposing Dean; no external member is required. Consideration will be based on documentation only.
4.6The fee for the Visiting Professor will be determined by the Principal and Vice-Chancellor, as Chair of the Awards and Professorial Committee.
5.Rescinding of title
5.1The titles of Professor and Associate Professor will normally apply for the full period of the individual’s employment at the University; and of Visiting Professor for the period of time agreed by the Committee at (the most recent) conferment. However, the University reserves the right to rescind an award of professorial title at its sole discretion.
5.2The grounds on which professorial title may be rescinded are as follows:
i)if it is demonstrated that the evidence used in support of the professorial application was in some way misleading or false (whether deliberately or otherwise)
ii)if it is demonstrated that either of the external referees, or the external professor who considered the application, may have had some undisclosed conflict of interest
iii)if either of the external referees, or the external professor who considered the application, subsequently withdraws their support
iv)if further evidence comes to light which calls into question the professor’s standing within the relevant field(s) of expertise, either prior or subsequent to the appointment. This includes evidence of academic or professional misconduct, either before or after the award, or behaviour which is unbefitting to the holder of professorial title
v)if the holder of the title, over an extended period, fails to demonstrate professorial qualities (for instance, ceases to publish in refereed journals or to engage with the subject community).
5.3Any member of the University community who is made aware of any evidence as described should contact the Secretary to the Committee in confidence at the earliest opportunity, citing any relevant sources and including any documentary evidence. The Secretary will then meet with the Chair in confidence to determine whether the evidence is sufficiently substantial to warrant a hearing. (In the event that the allegations are made against the Chair, the Secretary will meet with the Deputy Chair.)
5.4Only if it is agreed that there is sufficient evidence to warrant a hearing will the allegations be made known to the professor concerned. The Professor will then be invited to a meeting, with no fewer than 5 working days notice, to answer the charges. The hearing may be delayed if, for instance, the Chair determines that further investigation is required on behalf of the University to determine the facts of the case, or to retrieve further evidence.
5.5The Chair will convene a panel to consider the allegations. The panel will comprise the Chair plus two further internal members of the Committee. If the allegations are made against the Chair, the Deputy Chair will take over this responsibility. No external members are a formal part of this panel, but externals may be invited as witnesses, or to act as advisers to the panel.
5.6The allegations will be presented, and the professor will be invited to speak in his/her own defence. He/she may also be cross-questioned by the panel.
5.7The panel will reach a judgement on the balance of probabilities. It will guided by best academic practice, and will be mindful of the need to uphold the University academic reputation at all times. The decision is communicated in writing within 5 working days of the meeting.
5.8If the panel dismisses the case, no further action is taken.
5.9If the panel upholds the case, it immediately rescinds the professorial title. No other action is possible through this process (although the Chair may refer the matter for further consideration through the Disciplinary and Dismissal Procedure, with the report of the meeting forwarded as evidence).
5.10There is right of appeal to the Chair of the Board of Governors. Appeal must be made in writing, within ten working days of the judgement of the panel being communicated. An individual may appeal on the following grounds:
- That due process was not followed, and that this had a material bearing on the outcome; and/or
- That new evidence has since become available which is pertinent to the case, but was not available at the time of the hearing; and/or
- That the decision of the panel was perverse, taking into account all the evidence presented.
5.11The Chair of Governors, or another lay Governor nominated by the Chair of Governors to act on his/her behalf, will conduct a full review of the documentation relating to the case. He/she will not normally meet with the parties concerned, but may request a meeting with the Chair of the panel to request clarification of any points raised. The only possible outcomes are that the Chair of Governors or his/her nominee either reject the appeal,oruphold the appeal and require the panel to reconvene to reconsider the case. In such circumstances, the Chair of Governors or his/her nominee will identify those areas of doubt which he/she wishes the panel to reconsider. This finding does not require that the decision be reversed, only that the panel should satisfy itself on the points identified.
5.12If required to reconvene, the panel will determine whether the individual is required to attend this reconvened meeting. It will hold the reconvened meeting as soon as is reasonably practical, but must give the individual at least 3 working days notice.
5.13In reviewing the case, the panel must take due account of the comments of the Chair of Governors or nominee. It may either confirm its original decision, or reverse its decision. The outcome will be communicated in writing within 5 working days of the meeting.
5.14There is no further right of appeal.
5.15If a professorial title is rescinded, the individual concerned may not re-apply for professorial title within three years.
Terms of reference and constitution of the Awards and Professorial Committee
Terms of reference:
- To determine the criteria for the award of the professorial titles of the Arts University Bournemouth
- To confirm the award of professorial title on candidates as appropriate
- To advise the Academic Board and Governing Body on candidates suitable for the award of an Honorary Fellowship of the University
- To keep under review the criteria and procedures for the appointment of Professors, and to make recommendations for any amendments to Academic Board.
Principal and Vice-Chancellor (Chair) / (ex officio)Deputy Vice-Chancellor / (ex officio)
Deans of Faculty (2) / (ex officio)
Up to 2 further members of the University Professoriate, nominated by the Chair / (ex officio)
Up to two external members with the title Professor, approved by the Principal and Vice-Chancelloron the grounds of their experience and expertise
Minuting Secretary
NB Quorum will not be established for consideration of nominations for the award of Professor unless at least one external member attends the meeting.