January 23, 2012
The meeting was called to order in Heritage Hall by the Rev. Dr. Robert Laha, Jr. at 7:03 pm. The Clerk noted that a quorum was present.
Elder Cooper opened with a devotional and prayer.
Roll was taken:
MEMBERS OF SESSION PRESENT: Emma Beall, Jim Beall, Lee Berner, Kathy Callahan, Laura Campbell, Laura Cassidy, Gerry Cooper, Rob Dunn, Judi Elmore, Mike Farmer, Gail Freunsch, David Gray, Linda Lanam, Alan Matney, Jenny Parker, Lora Ries, Margaret Rizzi, Norma Roberts, Clay Sumner, J.C. McElveen (Clerk), the Rev. Dr. Robert Laha, Jr. (Moderator), the Rev. Ann Herlin (Associate Pastor)
MEMBERS OF SESSION EXCUSED: Sam Chamberlain, Brian Comey, Rich Johnson, Peggy Newman, Derrick Surratt, Mark Yachmetz.
OTHERS PRESENT: Church Educator Priscilla Andre-Colton, Church Administrator Bob Clark, Church Director of Music Sam Baker, Church Youth Director Mary Pratt, Tony Sherman
Approval of Minutes:
· Stated Meeting of Session, December 5, 2011.
· Thank you note for contributions to the General Assembly Mission Council.
Baptisms: Dylan Michael Lansburgh, son of Chris and Jennifer Lansburgh, on January22, 2012, the Rev. Ann Herlin officialing.
Weddings: Brian Gray Alexander (nm) and Cynthia Ann Piug (nm) on December28, 2011, the Rev. Ann Herlin officiating.
Deaths: Susan Clark (m) died on December 19, 2011. The Rev. Dr. Laha officiated the interment at the Presbyterian Cemetery on December23, 2011. A memorial service was held at OldPresbyterian Meeting House on January 15, 2012, the Rev.Dr.Laha and the Rev. Dr. Mercer officiating.
Robert Neitz (m) died on December 21, 2011. A memorial service was held at Old Presbyterian Meeting House on December 30, 2011, the Rev. Dr. Laha and the Rev. Ann Herlin officiating.
Membership: Dismiss from Membership
Scott Bruce (joined the Catholic church)
Move to Inactive Roll
Jonelle Davis, moved out of the area (at her request);
Barbara Emshwiller (moved; no contact information).
Dismiss with Letter of Transfer
Cal and Sally Simmons, and their children, Charlotte, Jeremy and Amanda, to St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Alexandria, VA.
Communion: December 11, 2011 - 8:30 am;
December 18, 2011 - 8:30 am;
December 24, 2011 - 7:30 and 11:00 pm;
January 8, 2012 - 8:30 am;
January 15, 2013 - 8:30 am;
January 22, 2012 - 8:30 am.
Introduction of the confirmands was postponed until a later time.
Elder Sumner reported on the discussion of the Blood Drive at the meeting of the Diaconate. He also observed a discussion of coverage for deacons who are absent for long periods of times. Also discussed were the logistics of hosting receptions at Memorial Services held at OPMH.
Chair of the Diaconate Sherman reported on the recently concluded Blood Drive. He noted that 32 or 34 people had signed up, and 28 donations were accepted. He also indicted that Deacons were assisting with the Memorial Services. Finally, he stated that the Deacons will host a "Heritage Luncheon" on April 22, 2012, for longer-term members of OPMH.
None. There had been no Presbytery Meeting since the last Session Meeting.
In addition to the written reports distributed prior to the meeting, the following matters were addressed during the meeting:
Elder Campbell presented the proposed budget. In conjunction with that presentation, she noted:
· The church experienced a 2011 budget shortfall of $38,130.00, which is being proposed to be absorbed in the 2012 Budget.
· Pledges for 2012 exceeded pledges for 2011 by approximately $50,000.00, with some additional pledges yet to come in.
· The Administration Ministry is proposing a 2% across-the-board salary increase for clergy and staff, for 2012.
· The Administration Ministry is proposing an increase in the number of hours a week for the Youth Director, from 25 to 30 hours, with a concomitant increase in salary, for 2012.
· The 2012 budget assumes no increase or decrease for the Facilities, Mission, Education, Worship or Membership and Evangelism Ministries, or for the Diaconate.
· In 2012, the cost of cleaning will be transferring from "Administrative – Other" to "Personnel.”
· A new Capital Campaign will be proposed for 2013, which will address Elliot House debt, the 2009 debt and deferred maintenance.
After discussion, the 2012 Budget, as proposed by the Stewardship and Finance Ministry, was moved, seconded and passed unanimously.
Elder Matney reported that, with respect to Adult Sunday School, the "Creeds and Confessions" class will continue through February 5; "What's a Presbyterian" continues through February 19; Sunday Morning Bible Study on "The Psalms" takes place February 12 – April29; a class on the Churchyard Burying Ground will take place on February 12; a series on "The Church in the Middle Ages" will occur from February 19 – March 11; a course on "Mission in the Reformed Tradition" will take place from March 18 – April 1; and a course on "Christians in the Workplace" will take place from April 15 – May 20.
The Middle School Youth ski trip occurred over the Martin Luther King Holiday, with 15 youth and 3 advisors. The Senior High Ski Trip is scheduled to occur February 18-20. There will be a Chili Cook-off on March 18. Vacation Bible School will be July 15-21.
The Reformed Institute Convocation will take place on January 28; a course on the Book of Confessions will be offered, by the Reformed Institute, on February 4, 18, March 3, 17 and 31, at National Presbyterian Church, from 9:45 – 12:00.
On March 3, Union Theological Summary will sponsor "Equipping Church Leaders for Ministry." That program, which offers 15 workshops and 2 keynote speakers, is only $25.00 and includes lunch.
Elder Rizzi elaborated on the Mission Ministry report by noting that, though our Local Mission cash contributions are distributed throughout the year, the bulk of the National/Global mission contributions are disbursed at the end of the year, when needs and available resources are more clearly known. Elder Rizzi also indicated that a very generous gift of $10,000.00, given to support Mission during 2011, was able to accomplish a great many things.
Elders Rizzi and Cooper and Joan Moser met with representatives from Alive! on January24, 2012, to discuss additional ways in which OPMH can assist Alive! Mission Connect, a program designed to offer individuals the opportunity to work on relatively short-term mission projects locally, and get to know each other better, is in the planning stages.
On motion of Elder Dunn, and seconded, it was approved, unanimously, to approve the special offerings for 2012. Those include:
· One Great Hour of Sharing
· Pentecost Offering
· Peacemaking Offering
· Thanksgiving Offering
· Christmas Joy Offering
Elder Elmore reported that the Congregational Dinner will be on March 4, 2012, at Goodwin House, in Alexandria. Elder Newman is working on setting up dinner groups. The "What's a Presbyterian" classes are very well-attended. February 19, 2012, is the last class, and the Session will receive members on that day.
Elder Callahan reported that the OPMH Oral History project is underway, with History and Archives Committee members obtaining the oral histories. History and Archives also reported that it has received, as a gift, $500.00 to do basic conservation work on the portrait of Dr.James Muir. As well, Erben Organ restoration fundraising is underway.
There was some discussion as to whether a defibrillator should be purchased.
The annual statistical report to the Presbytery from the OPMH will be attached to the Minutes of this meeting. (Attachment 1)
Elder Callahan recommended approval of Elder Farmer and Elder Elmore to be the Session representatives on the 2012 Nominating Committee. The Motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved.
Elder Callahan then requested an Executive Session of the Session, to consider the Pastors' Terms of Call.
The proposed Terms of Call for the senior pastor, the Rev. Dr. Robert Laha, Jr., for the fiscal year 2012, beginning (retroactively) January1, 2012 through December 31, 2012 are:
Items FY 2011 FY 2012 Remarks
Salary $62,261 $63,506 Salary Component
Housing $73,560 $75,031 Housing Component
Medical Reimbursement $2.120 $2.162 Included in BOP Base
Effective Salary subtotal $137,941 $140,699
Board of Pensions (BOP) $44,141 $45,375 Specified BOP rate (32.25%)
Dental $ 675 $ 675 Specified BOP rate
SEICA $10,390 $10,598 7.65% of salary and housing
Continuing Education $2,120 $2,162
Auto Expense $10,200 $10,404
Total $205,467 $209,913
The proposed Terms of Call for the Rev. Ann Herlin, for the fiscal year 2012, beginning (retroactively) January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012 are:
Items FY 2011 FY 2012 Remarks
Salary $16,450 $ 6,347 Salary component
Housing $53,047 $48,000 Housing component
Medical Reimbursement $1,646 $1,679 Included in BOP Base
Effective Salary subtotal $71,143 $56,026*
Board of Pensions (BOP) $22,766 $23,403** Specified BOP rate (32.25%)
Dental $340 $340** Specified BOP rate
SEICA $5,317 $4,158 7.65% salary and housing
Continuing Education $1,590 $1,622
Auto Expense $1,590 $1,622
Total $102,746 $ 87,171
On motion made, seconded and approved unanimously, the Session recommended to the Congregation that it approve these Terms of Call.
The recommended Terms of Call will be presented to the Annual Congregational Meeting on February 5, 2012.
Elder Parker stated that the Facilities Ministry had nothing to report, in addition to what had previously been provided to the Session.
Elder Beall reported that the first Friday of April is Good Friday. Therefore, the Taize Service on that day will have an appropriate theme. Elder Lanam is looking at the issue of how best to structure Summer Sunday Evening services. She will report at a later date. Elder Beall encouraged all Duty Elders to read the written instructions for Duty Elders before performing their duties.
On Motion made, seconded and passed unanimously, the 2012 Communion Schedule (Attachment 2) was approved.
The next Stated Meeting of Session will be held in Heritage Hall on February27, 2012.
The Pastor and Session members shared pastoral joys and concerns within the Congregation and in the greater world.
The meeting was closed with prayer by Elder Dunn at 8:23 pm.
J. C. McElveen
Clerk of Session
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