School of Social Work Department of Psychology University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106 Phone (734) 936 -1450
Fax: (734) 763 - 5768
Email address:
1989 / Ph.D., Social Work and Psychology, University of Michigan1987-1988 / Inter-University Consortium on Political and Social Research: Summer Program in Advanced Statistics, Ann Arbor, MI
1986 / A.M., Department of Psychology, University of Michigan
1984 / Center for the Study of Social Administration, Hunter Schoolof Social Work
1978 / A. M. School of Social Service Administration University of Chicago
1976 / A.B., Department of History, Stanford University
Faculty Positions:
2001 –present / Arthur F. Thurnau Professor,School of Social Work and Department of Psychology, University of Michigan1995 – 2001 / Associate Professor, School of Social Work & Department of Psychology, University of Michigan
1994 – 1995 / Visiting Associate Professor, School of Social Work & Department of Psychology, University of Michigan
1994 –1995 / Associate Professor, School of Social Work, University of Washington
1989 –1994 / Assistant Professor, School of Social Work, University of Washington
Professional and Administrative Experience
+S 2012 –present / Chair. Personality and Social Context Area. Department of Psychology, University of Michigan2010 - 2015 / Faculty Ally for Diversity. Joint Interdisciplinary PhD program in SocialWorkand Social Science. University of Michigan
2007 – 2013 / Coordinator and Facilitator. MORE (Mentoring Others Results inExcellence) Graduate Student Mentoring Initiative. Rackham GraduateSchool. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
2005 – 2009 / Director. Joint PhD Program in Social Work and Social Science. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor
2002 – 2005 / Faculty Director. Edward Ginsberg Center for Community Service and Learning. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
1998 - 1999 / Faculty Associate.Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
+S 1995 - present / Coordinator. Detroit Initiative in Psychology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
1990-1994 / Trainer. Office of Continuing Education, University of Washington, Seattle
1987-1989 / Group Facilitator. Office of Minority Affairs, Student Orientation Office, Women's StudiesProgram, and College of Literature, Science and Art, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
1981-1984 / Program Director. Victim Services Agency, New York
1979-1981 / Principal Trainer. Domestic Violence Prevention Training Program, New York
1978-1979 / Social Worker. Morrisania Center for Child Development, New York
1978 / Research Assistant, On Lok Senior Services, San Francisco, CA.
Publications-- Books:
C. Garvin, L. Gutiérrez, M. Galinsky (in press). Handbook for SocialWork with Groups, 2nd Edition. GuilfordPress.
B.Checkoway & L. Gutiérrez (2006).Youth Participation and CommunityChange. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press. (Translatedinto Spanish, 2009)
C.Garvin, L. Gutiérrez, M. Galinsky (2004). Handbook for SocialWork with Groups. GuilfordPress.
L. Gutiérrez, M. Zuñiga, D. Lum. (2004). Educating Students for Multicultural Practice.CSWEPress.
L. Gutiérrez & E. Lewis (1999) Empowering Women of Color.New York: Columbia UniversityPress.
L. Gutiérrez, R. Parsons & E. Cox (1998)Empowerment in Social Work Practice: A Sourcebook.
Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.(Translated into Japanese, 2001)
L. Gutiérrez & P. Nurius (1994). Education and Research for EmpowermentPractice. Center forSocial Work Policy and Practice, University of Washington.
Publications-- Peer Reviewed:
Dessel, A., Westmoreland, A., Gutiérrez, L.(Accepted)The effect of multicultural courses onreducing heterosexism in Christian college students.Equity and Excellence in Education.
Levin, D., Woodford, M., Gutiérrez, L., Luke, K (2015). Graduate Social Work Faculty’sSupport for Educational Content on Women and onSexism. Social Work60(4):351-359.
Krings, A, Meier, E., Gutiérrez, L., Webster, K. (2015) The Comparative Impacts of SocialJustice Educational Methods on PoliticalParticipation, Civic Engagement, and Multicultural Activism. Equity and Excellence in Education. 48 (3)403-417
Woodford, M., Brennan, D., Gutiérrez, L., Luke, K. (2013) U.S. Graduate Social WorkFaculty’s Attitudes toward Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People.Journal of Social Service Research13 (1). 50-62.
Dessel, A., Woodford, M., Gutiérrez, L. (2012). Social Work Faculty’s Attitudes towardMarginalized Groups: Exploring the Role of Religion.Journal of Religion & Spirituality inSocial Work: Social Thought.31(3), 244-262
Woodford, M., Fredricksen-Goldsen, K., Grogan-Kaylor, A., Gutiérrez, L. (2012). Socialwork Faculty Support for Same-Sex Marriage: A Cross-National Study of U.S. andAnglophone Canadian MSW Teaching Faculty. Social Work Research.First publishedonline December 21, 2012
Woodford, M., Luke, K.,Gutiérrez, L. (2011) Support of sexual orientation and genderidentity content in social work education: Results from national surveys of U.S. andCanadian Faculty. Journal of Social Work Education,47(1): 19 -35.
Chadiha, L., Adams, L., Biegel, D., Auslander, W; Gutiérrez, L. (2004). EmpoweringAfrican American women informal caregivers: a literature, synthesis and practice strategies.Social Work. 49(1): 97-108.
Beadnell, B., Stielstra, S. Baker, D. Morrison, K. Knox, L. Gutiérrez & A. Doyle. (2003) Ethnic identity as a protective factor among African American women at risk for sexually transmitted diseases.Psychology, Health and Medicine. 8(2), 187-198.
Gutiérrez, L., Sakamoto, I., & Morson, T. (2003). Using groups for research and action: The Asian mothers’ support group.In Lindsay, Jocelyn (Ed);Turcotte, Daniel (Ed);Hopmeyer, Estelle (Ed). Crossing Boundaries and Developing Alliances through Group Work.Pp. 133-146. New York, NY, US: Haworth Press
Alvarez, L. Gutiérrez (2001) Choosing to do participatory research: An example and issues of fit to consider.Journal of Community Practice. 9(1): 1-20
L. Gutiérrez, J. Kruzich, T. Jones & N. Coronado (2001). Identifying goals and outcome measures for diversity training: A multi-dimensional framework for decision-makers.Administration in Social Work.
L. Gutiérrez, A. Yeakley, R. Ortega (2000). Educating students for social work with Latinos:Issues for the new millennium.Journal of Social Work Education. 36(3): 541-557.
L. Gutiérrez, H. Oh & M. Gillmore (2000).Toward an understanding of (Em)Power(Ment) for HIV/AIDS Prevention with Adolescent Women.Sex Roles.42(7/8) 581 – 610.
B. Nagda & L. Gutiérrez (2000). A praxis and research agenda for multicultural human service organizations.International Journal of Social Welfare
L. Gutiérrez & A. Rosegrant Alvarez (2000). Educating Students for MulticulturalCommunity Practice.Journal of Community Practice, 7(1).
LGutiérrez, K. Frederickson, & S. Soifer (1999). Perspectives of social work faculty ondiversity and societal oppression content.Journal of Social Work Education.
Gillmore, D. Morrison, C. Richey, M. Balassone, L.Gutiérrez& M. Farris. (1997). Effects of a skill-based intervention to encourage condom use among high-risk heterosexuallyactive adolescents.AIDS Education and Prevention, 9, Supplement A, 22 - 43.
C. Richey, M. Rogers Gillmore, M. Balassone, L. Gutiérrez, J. Hartway (1997). Developing and implementing a group skill training intervention to reduce AIDS risk among sexually active adolescents in detention.Journal of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Education for Adolescents andChildren. 1(1). 71-103
L. Gant & L. Gutiérrez (1996) Effects of culturally sophisticated agencies upon Latino social workers. Social Work, 41(6),624-632.
L. Gutiérrez, A. Rosegrant Alvarez, H. Nemon & E. Lewis (1996). Multicultural communityorganizing: A strategy for change.Social Work., 41(5).501-508.
L Gutiérrez (1995). Understanding the empowerment process: Does consciousness make a difference?Social Work Research, 19 (4).229-237.
L. Gutiérrez, K. DeLois & L. GlenMaye (1995). Understanding empowerment practice:Building on practitioner based knowledge.Families in Society. 76(9): 534-42.
Gutiérrez, L. GlenMaye & K. DeLois (1995). Organizational issues for empowerment practice: Implications for social work administration.Social Work, 40 (2).249-258.
L. Gutiérrez (1994). Beyond Coping: An empowerment perspective on stressful life events.
Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 21(3). 201-220.
L. Gutiérrez & E. Lewis (1994). Community organizing with women of color: A feministapproach. Journal of Community Practice, 1 (2)
K. Bradshaw, S. Soifer, & L. Gutiérrez (1993). Toward effective organizing in communities of color. Journal of Community Practice, 1 (1).
N. Almeleh, S. Soifer, N. Gottlieb& L. Gutiérrez (1993). Women achieving personal andpolitical empowerment through workplace activism.Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work.
L. Gutiérrez. (1992). Information and referral services: The promise of empowerment.Information and Referral, 13 (1-2).
J. Gibson. & L. Gutiérrez (1991). A service program for safe home children.Families in Society, 72 (9), 554-562.
L. Gutiérrez & R. Ortega (1991). Developing methods to empower Latinos: The importance of groups.Social Work with Groups, 14 (2),23-44.
P. Dodd & L. Gutiérrez (1990).Preparing students for the future: A power perspective on community practice.Administration in Social Work: Empowerment Issues in Administrative and Community Practice, 14 (2), 63-78.
L. Gutiérrez (1990). Working with women of color:An empowerment perspective.Social Work, 35,149-154.
L. Gutiérrez (1989). Critical consciousness and Chicano identity: An exploratory analysis.In
G. Romero (Ed.) Estudios Chicanos and the Politics of Community.Berkeley: NACS Press.
L. Gutiérrez (1987). Coping with stressful life events: An empowerment perspective,WorkingPapers Series,(87-88-05) School of Social Work, The University of Michigan.
L. Gutiérrez (1987). Social work and battered women: A conflict of values analysis.Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work, 2. 36-52.
Publications– Book Chapters
L. Gutiérrez & R. Ortega (In press) Developing Learning and Teaching about Diversity and Social Justice In Taylor, I., Bogo, M., Teater, B., & Lefevre, M. International Handbook of Social Work Education. Routledge.
E. Lewis, I. Sakamoto, L. Gutiérrez (2014). Women of Color: Sources of Resilience andVulnerability.In A. Gitterman (Ed).Handbook for Social Workwith Vulnerable Populations.2ndEdition. NY: Columbia University Press.(major revision of chapter in 2002 edition)
L. Gutiérrez & E. Lewis (2012). Education, participation and capacity building in communityorganizing with women of color. In. M. Minkler (Ed).Community Organizing and CommunityBuildingfor Health, 2ndnd Edition. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. (major revisionof1997 chapter in 1stEdition)
L. Gutiérrez, A. Dessel, E. Lewis & M.Spencer. (2012). Promoting Multicultural Communication and Collaboration: Dialogue, Meditation, Consensus Building, andIntergroupEmpowerment. In M.Weil, et al. Handbook of Community Practice, 2ndEdition.SagePublications.
L. Gutiérrez & M. Creekmore.(2008). Cultural Institutions and the Arts.In T. Mizrahi & L.Davis (Eds). Encyclopedia of Social Work. NY: Oxford Press.
L. Gutiérrez (2008). The Constant Gardener. In J. Tropman, J., Rothman, J. Erlich.
Strategiesfor Community Intervention, 7thedition. Stamford, CT: Wadsworth Press.
L. Gutiérrez, E. Lewis, B. Nagda, L. Wernick & N. Shore (2005). Multicultural CommunityPractice Strategies and Intergroup Empowerment. M. Weil, et al. Handbook of CommunityPractice. Sage Publications.
L. Gutiérrez (2004). Participatory and Stakeholder Research. E. Freeman,Encyclopedia of Social Work:,Supplement. Washington D. C.:NASW Press.
L. Gutiérrez (2001). Multicultural Organizational Development.In. L. Dominelli, W. Lorenz, H. Soydan (Eds).Beyond Racial Divides Ethnicities in Social Work Practice. Aldershot:Ashgate Press.
E. Lewis, L. Gutiérrez, I. Sakamoto (2001).Women of Color: Sources of Resilience andVulnerability. In A. Gitterman (Ed).Handbook for Social Work with Vulnerable Populations.NY:Columbia University Press.
M. Spencer, E. Lewis & L. Gutiérrez (2000). Multicultural Perspectives on Direct Practice inSocial Work. In P. Allen-Meares & C. Garvin (Eds).Handbook of Direct Practice in Social Work:Future Directions. Sage Publications.
L. Gutiérrez & E. Lewis (1999) Strengthening Communities through Groups: A Multicultural Perspective. In H. Bertcher, L. Kurtz & A. Lamont (Eds).Rebuilding Communities: Challenges for Group Work. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press.
R. Ortega, E. Lewis, L. Gutiérrez, B. Reed (1999). Sample Course Outline: Social Work with Groups. In J. Figueira-McDonough, F. E. Netting & A. Nichols Casebolt (Eds.).Integrating Gender in the Social Work Core Curriculum: A Collection of Course Outlines. Alexandria,VA: CSWE Press.
L. Gutiérrez (1999). Reflecting on Reflections: Current, Emerging and Future trends forcommunity organization practice. In J. Rothman (Ed).Reflections on community organization. Itasca IL: Peacock Press.
L. Gutiérrez & C. Lord (1998). Toward a social constructionist method for community practice. In P. Nurius and C. Franklin (Eds.). Constructivism in Practice (pp. 279-290).Milwaukee: Families International.
L. Gutiérrez, B. Glover Reed, R. Ortega & E. Lewis (1998) Teaching About Groups in a Gendered World: Toward Curricular Transformation in Group Work Education. In J. Figueira-McDonough, A. Nichols-Casebolt & F. Netting. (Eds). New York: Garland.
L. Gutiérrez. (1998). Macro Practice for the 21st Century: An empowerment perspective. InD. Tucker, C. Garvin & R. Sarri.Social Work and Social Science: An Integration.WestviewPress.
L. Gutiérrez & E. Lewis (1997). Education, participation and capacity building in community organizing with women of color. In. M. Minkler (Ed).Community Organizing and Community Building for Health. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
L. Gutiérrez (1997). Multicultural community organizing Social work’s role in the 21st century.In E. Gambrill & M. Reisch (Eds.)Social Work Practice in the 21st Century.PineForge Press.
L. Gutiérrez & B. Nagda (1996). The Multi-CulturalImperative in Human ServicesOrganizations: Issues for the 21st Century. In P. Raffoul & A McNeece (Eds).Future Issues for Social Work Practice. Allyn & Bacon.
Ginorio, L. Gutiérrez, A. Cauce & M. Acosta.(1995). Psychological Issues for Latinas.In H. Landrine (Ed). Cultural Diversity in Feminist Psychology.Washington DC: APA Press.
N. Hooyman & L. Gutiérrez(1994).Planning for the prevention of sexual harassment.InM. Weil, M. Hughes & N. Hooyman (Eds).Sexual Harassment and Schools of Social Work: Issues Costs and Strategic Responses. Alexandria, VA: CSWE Press.
R. Ortega, C. José, X, Zuñiga, & L. Gutiérrez (1993).Latinos in the United States: A Classroom Experience. In D. Schoem, L. Frankel, X. Zuñiga, & E. Lewis (Eds).Multicultural Teaching inthe University. Praeger Press.
L. Gutiérrez. (1992). Empowering ethnic minorities in the 21st Century: The role of human service organizations. In Hasenfeld, Y. (Ed).The Organization of Human Services: Structure and Processes. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications
L. Gutiérrez & E. Lewis (1992). A feminist perspective on organizing with women of color. InJ. Erlich & F. Rivera. (Eds).Community Organizing in a Diverse Society. (Pp. 113-132). Boston:Allyn & Bacon.
Gutiérrez (1991). Empowering women of color: A feminist approach. In N. Hooyman & B ricker-Jenkins (Eds).Feminist Social Work Practice in Clinical Settings (pp. 199-214).Beverly Hills: Sage.
L. Gutiérrez, R. Ortega, & Z. Suarez (1990).Self-help and the Latino community. InT. Powell (Ed.) Working with Self-Help.Silver Spring, MD.: NASW Press
Publications-- Other:
L. Gutiérrez. (2010). Forward. In M. Roberts-DeGennaro & S. Fogel (eds).EmpiricallySupported Interventions for Community and Organizational Change.Chicago, IL: Lyceum.
L. Gutiérrez (2007). Celebrating Diversity.Social Work Today.March/April 07 issue. Pg. 25
D. Perkins, D. Altman, L. Gutiérrez, J. Kelly, J, Rappaport, S. Saegert, S. Maton (2006). Community-Based Interdisciplinary Research:Introductionto the Special Issue. Special Issueon Community-Based Interdisciplinary Research, American Journal of Community Psychology, 38 (1-2).Pp 1-7
R. Ortega, L. Gutiérrez, A. Yeakley (2006). Latinos and Social Work Education: A Bibliographywith Annotations.Alexandria VA:CSWE Press. (CD ROM)
L. Gutiérrez (2001). Introduction. In E. Freeman. Substance Abuse Intervention, Prevention,Rehabilitation and Systems Change: Helping Individuals, Families and Groups to Empower Themselves. NY: Columbia University Press.
L. Gutiérrez(2000). Forward. In R. Fong.Culturally Competent Practice: Skills, Interventions, andEvaluations.Boston: Allyn & Bacon Press.
L. Gutiérrez (1995).Empowerment and Latinos: Implications for practice.Family Resource Center Report, 13 (3-4), 5-9.
Bernstein E, Wallerstein N, Braithwaite R,GutiérrezL, Labonte R,Zimmerman M. (1994). Empowerment forum- a dialog between guest editorial-boardmembers. Health EducationQuarterly, 21: (3)281-294.
L. Gutiérrez, M. Balassone & M. Gillmore (1993).Developing Gender and Ethnically Relevant AIDS Prevention Interventions for High Risk Adolescents. (ERIC Document Reproduction ServiceNo. ED 371 282)
L. Gutiérrez & R. Ortega (1989). Using groups to empower Latinos: A preliminary analysis. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Symposium. Association for the Advancement of Social Workwith Groups.
C. Shapiro & L. Gutiérrez (1982). Crime victims services.Social Policy, 13. 50-51.
L. Gutiérrez, H. Oh, M. Rogers Gillmore.Understanding Perceptions of Risk And(Em)Power(Ment) For STD Prevention In Adolescent Women. ERIC Document ReproductionService No. ED 431 987.
Publications in Progress:
Westmoreland, A. & Gutiérrez, L.The impact of multicultural courses on racial empowerment. To be submitted toCultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.
Gutiérrez, L., Duntley-Matos, R., Woodford,M. Social Work Faculty Attitudes towardMulticultural Content: a Replication, To be submitted toThe Journal of Social Work Education.
Gutiérrez, L.,Sakamoto, I, Woodford, M. Faculty Attitudes toward Multicultural Curricular Content: A Bi-National Study.To be submitted toThe Journal of Social Work Education.
Gutiérrez, L, Krings, A., Mustafa, A. Why Get Involved? Emerging Adult’s Motivations for Community Engagement. To be submitted to theJournal of Community Practice.
Special Issues Edited
L. Gutiérrez, L.Gant, K. Richards-Schuster (2014) Special Issue on InterdisciplinaryScholarship for Community Practice.Journal of Community Practice.
B. Checkoway & L. Gutiérrez. (2006). Special Issue on Youth and Community Participation.Journal of Community Practice.
Maton, K., Perkins, D., Altman, D., Gutiérrez, L., Kelly, J, Rappaport, J., Saegert, S. (2006). Special Issueon Community-Based Interdisciplinary Research,American Journal ofCommunity Psychology,38 (1-2).
L. Gutiérrez & R. Astor (1999). Special Issue on Gender.Social Work in Education, 21 (4).
Hooyman, N. & Gutiérrez, L. (1994).Feminist Thought, Social Policy, and Social Work Practice.Special issue of the Journal of Applied Social Sciences, 18 (1).
Research Reports:
L. Gutiérrez. (2015). Longitudinal Evaluation of Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion’sCommunity Engagement Initiatives: 1999-2014. Ann Arbor MI: Universityof Michigan School ofSocial Work.
L. Gutiérrez, Mirasol, A., Witbrodt, K. (2012).Detroit Connections Final Evaluation Report.Ann Arbor MI: University of Michigan School of Social Work.
Gutiérrez, L. & Spencer, M. (2008).The Mosaic Model for Youth Development through the Arts.Detroit, MI: Mosaic Youth Theater.
Gutiérrez, L. (2000).Preliminary Evaluation Report: Abstinence Education Demonstration Project.Office of Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention. US Department of Health and Human Services.
Gutiérrez, L. & McCray, V. (1999).Preliminary Evaluation Report: Abstinence Education Demonstration Project. Office of Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention. US Department of Healthand Human Services.
Gutiérrez, L &. Agbayani-Siewert, P. (1992).Outpatient MentalHealth Services for EthnicMinorities in Washington State: A Provider Survey. Olympia, WA: Mental Health Division.
Agbayani-Siewert, P. & Gutiérrez, L. (1991).Mental Health Needs of Latinos in Skagit County, WA: An Integrated Study. Olympia, WA: MentalHealth Division.
Gutiérrez, L., Poore, C., & Garcia Roberts, M. (1990).Latinos at Michigan: An Exploratory Study.Ann Arbor, MI: Office of Minority Affairs, University of Michigan.
Garnett, S. & Gutiérrez, L. (1980).A Survey of Program Needs of Children in Violent Families. NewYork, NY: Abused Women's Aid in Crisis.
Book Reviews:
L. Gutiérrez (1993).Culture and the Restructuring of Community Mental Health,byW. Vega & J. Murphy.Social Service Review.
L. Gutiérrez (1990)Feminist Perspectives onWife Abuse,by K. Yllo & M. Bograd.Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work.
Checkoway B, GutiérrezL. (1988). The New Populism: The Politics of Empowermentby Boyte, H., Riessman, F. Community Development Journal, 23: (2)131-132.
B. Checkoway & L.Gutiérrez (1987).Self Help Organizations and Professional Practice,by Thomas Powell.Social Policy, 18.63-64.
Papers Presented(Refereed):
January 2016. Gutiérrez, L. Theater and Urban Youth Development: the Mosaic Project.Society forSocial Work and Research Conference. Washington D.C.
October 2015. Weaver, A., Woodford, M., Gutiérrez, L. Strategies for Addressing IntergroupConflicts in Communities: Implications for Educating Community Organizers.Council on Social WorkEducation Annual Program Meeting. Denver, CO.
October 2015. Brady, S., Lesniewski, J., Gutiérrez, L. Bridging Theory, Research, Ethics, andPractice inSocial Work EducationThrough CBPR. . Council on Social Work Education AnnualProgram Meeting. Denver, CO.
August 2015. Dinh, H. & Gutiérrez, L. Exploring the Dynamic Effects of Intersecting SocialIdentities on Social Justice Consciousness. American Psychological Association Conference.Toronto, ON, Canada.
October 2014. A. Krings, C. Lanza, S. Kemp,L. Gutiérrez.Place-Based Community Organizing:Implications for Social Work Education. Annual Program Meeting.Council on Social WorkEducation Annual Program Meeting. Tampa, FL.
October 2014. L. Gutiérrez,G. Mason, L. Gant.Educating Students for Arts-Based CommunityChange Annual Program Meeting.Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting. Tampa,FL.
June 2014. T. Mizrahi, L. Gutiérrez, L. Gant, K. Richards-Schuster, A. Krings.Interdisciplinary perspectives on scholarship and education for communitydevelopment practice. International Association for Community Development (IACD) AnnualGeneral Meeting, Glasgow,Scotland, U.K
November 2013. L. Gutiérrez, M. Vail, L. Montero.The Impact of Religious Identity andReligiosity on Student Community Engagement.Annual Program Meeting. Social Work EducationAnnual Program Meeting.Dallas, TX.
August 2013. B. Montano-Maceda, A. Westmoreland, L. Gutiérrez.Stereotype Threat Paradoxof Latina/o Emerging Adults.American Psychological Association Conference: Honolulu, Hawai’i.
November 2012. D. Levin, L. Gutiérrez, M. Woodford. Investigating Graduate Social WorkFaculty Support for Content on Women and Sexism.Annual Program Meeting,Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting: Washington D.C.
November 2012. A. Krings & L. Gutiérrez. Does Social Justice Education Influence PoliticalParticipation, Civic Engagement, and Multicultural Activism? Annual Program Meeting,Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting: Washington D.C.
October 2012. L. Gutiérrez& A. Westmoreland.The role of diversity learning in enhancingstudents’ critical consciousness and political empowerment.International Society for the Study of Learning and Teaching Conference. Hamilton, ON.
August 2012. S. Pandit, A. Krings, L.Gutiérrez. What motivates young people toengage in community service?American Psychological Association Conference. Orlando, FL.
August 2012. B. Kawaii-Bogue, M. Graham-Bailey, L. Gutiérrez. Exploring the Relationshipbetween Marginalization & Social Justice Engagement.American PsychologicalAssociation Conference. Orlando, FL.
August 2012. A. Westmoreland, L. Gutiérrez. Social Identities as a Predictor for Social Justice Action: Examining Tajfel’s Social Identity Theory.American Psychological Association Conference. Orlando, FL.