This practical and interactive program has been developed exclusively to enable AFI members and guest delegations to exchange knowledge on financial inclusion with a strong focus on agent banking, financial education, citizen assistance and banking services and consumer protection.

Questionnaire Instructions

The visiting delegation must fill out only one questionnaire for the IWFI, expressing the information related to the correspondent areas of its institution.

The answers provided by visiting delegations to this questionnaire will be used in the fine tuning and customization of the program in order to enhance its effectiveness to visiting delegations´ needs.


Dec. 7 – 11, 2015, Brasília (DF, Brazil)

I.  Regarding the following topics, please inform

1.  Regulation and Supervision affecting banks and non-bank institutions

a)  My country has a regulation framework

We have one / We have one but it needs to be improved / We are drafting one / We do not have one
Agent Banking / o / o / o / o
Citizen Assistance and Banking Services Consumer Protection / o / o / o / o
Financial Education / o / o / o / o

b)  Is the regulation framework for

Banks / Non-Bank Institutions / Both
Agent Banking / o / o / o
Citizen Assistance and Banking Services Consumer Protection / o / o / o

c)  Which institution/department is responsible for supervision?

Agent Banking / [Institution/Department]
Citizen Assistance and Banking Services Consumer Protection / [Institution/Department]

2.  Please list the main challenges your institution is facing

Agent Banking / [Challenges]
Citizen Assistance and Banking Services Consumer Protection / [Challenges]
Financial Education / [Challenges]

3.  Kindly list your policy questions below

Agent Banking

Citizen Assistance and Banking Services / Consumer Protection

Financial Education

II.  Regarding the composition of your delegation

A.  for each topic, please indicate the number of participants for each level of experience.

Agent Banking / Consumer Protection / Financial Education
Level of experience*
(Number of Participants) / N / I / A / N / I / A / N / I / A
Regulation and supervision affecting banks and non-bank institutions
Commercial banks’ experience
Bank agents’ experience
Credit institutions’ experience

*N: Newcomer

I: Intermediate

A: Advanced

B.  Is there an potential interest of your institution of considering a follow-on Brazilian technical cooperation (besides the International Week) related to Agent Banking, Consumer Protection or Financial Education?

o Yes / o No / o I do not know yet

C.  Are there any other policy areas you would like BCB to address? Please specify below


(This question is intended to register the necessity of addressing any other subject, considered important by the visiting institution, closely related to Financial Inclusion but NOT included in the IWFI agenda.)

Institution Name: