Teacher: Ms Croll Room: F317
Course objectives:
In Geometry, students will…
- develop their geometric problem-solving skills
- communicate geometric and other mathematical ideas clearly and effectively
- work cooperatively with others to explore and solve problems and reason mathematically
- make connections within the field of mathematics and to other disciplines
- develop a positive attitude towards mathematics by being an active learner
Course Materials:
- Discovering Geometry: An Investigative Approach textbook
- 3-ring binder notebook
- pencil
- calculator
Classroom Expectations:
- Students are expected to bring the following items to class each day: Textbook; notebook (3-Ring Binder); pencil and eraser (not pen or marker); paper; daily assignments; and a positive, hard working attitude.
- Sit in your assigned seat immediately upon entering the classroom. Do not stand in the doorway or near the windows. Do not adjust the windows or blinds at any time.
- Be prepared to start class when the bell rings. This means to bring all materials listed above. You should have the work that is due on your desk, as well as any other materials needed during the class period. Put all bags and other items under your desk, not in the aisle. Have your notebooks opened and ready to start class.
- Do not crinkle or tear paper while the teacher is talking to the class. The pencil sharpener may be used before the bell rings. Throw things away at the end of the period. Do not talk unless you have raised your hand and been recognized by the teacher. Do not call out answers to other students’ questions. If you have a question, do not ask another student; ask the teacher – that is why she is here.
- Students will not leave their seats unless they have permission from the teacher.
- Regular attendance is essential to success in this course. Students will not be excused to be in shop, the band room, or any other area of the building. All work missed during an excused absence must be made up within 3 days.
Cheating Policy:
Cheating will not be tolerated.
Any of the following behaviors will be considered cheating.
- Any talking during tests, quizzes, and graded assignments.
- Wandering eyes during tests, quizzes, and graded assignments.
- Using a cell phone (or having a cell phone out) during tests, quizzes, and graded assignments.
- Copying another student’s assignment or allowing another student to copy your assignment.
If a student is found to be cheating, he/she will receive a zero for the assignment and a discipline referral will be sent to the office.
Policies for Grading:
Grading Scale
99-100% = A+95-98% = A93-94% = A-
91-92% = B+87-90% = B85-86% = B-
83-84% = C+72-82% = C70-71% = C-
68-69% = D+62-67% = D61-61% = D-
Your grade is determined as follows:(Percentages are approximate and may be changed slightly during the course of the year.)
50% Tests/Quizzes: Tests and quizzes will be used to asses the student’s mastery of the learning objectives that have been covered in each unit. Tests will be given for each unit and will be announced at least 3 days in advance. The mid-term exam and final exam are both cumulative.
Quizzes may be announced or unannounced.
50% Daily Assignments which may include but are not limited to the following:
--Participation/In-Class Assignments: The participation portion of the grade will be based on individual as well as in a cooperative setting. The in-class assignments will reflect the student’s performance on any graded assignment during class time.
--Homework: Homework will be used as reinforcement for individual learning objectives in each unit of study. Do all homework; make necessary corrections in class. All quizzes and tests parallel the homework assignments. In order to receive credit for homework, it must be completed before class. Late homework will not be accepted for credit, the only exception is for an absence.
-- Notebooks/Notebook Quizzes: The notebook portion of the grade will be determined by the number of assignments kept organized throughout the nine week period and any notes from class lectures or cooperative sessions.
--Math Blogs: Math blogsmay be used by students to answer given questions and to express ideas about mathematics.
--Projects: Projects will be used periodically to demonstrate different uses of mathematical applications.
Your grade will be determined based on total points. The district grading policy will be followed when assigning your grade at the end of each nine weeks.
Extra credit in the form of test bonus questions will be available from time to time throughout the year.
Sign Out Policy
In order to leave the classroom, a student must…
- Ask permission.
- If permission is granted, sign out, neatly, with your name, destination, date, and time.
- Take an appropriate hall pass.
- Sign back in when you return.
Tardy Policy:
Any student who enters the classroom after the bell rings will be considered tardy, upon the third, fourth, and fifth tardy to class, the student will be issued an after-school detention. Upon the sixth tardy to class, a discipline referral will be sent to the office.
Cell Phone Policy:
All cell phone must be turned off and be out-of-sight at all times. Any use of cell phone during class will result in detention in accordance with the cell phone policies.
Make-Up Work Policy:
It is the student’s responsibility to make up all work that is missed due to an absence from class. Please see Ms. Croll for information about assignments missed due to an absence from class. All homework assignments will be posted online. Test dates will also be posted online with at least a three day notice. Three days is the maximum time allowed for make-up work unless other arrangements are made with Ms. Croll due to extenuating circumstances.
Late Work Policy:
Any assignment turned in after the due date will incur a late penalty. The penalty will be based on a percentage of the total point possible on the assignment and the number of days late. No assignments will be accepted if they are more than 1 week late (unless there are extenuating circumstances and arrangements are made with Ms. Croll in advance.
- Aftermath is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00 – 4:00 in G410.
- Tutoring times with Ms Croll will also be available, times will be posted.