Great Bentley Parish Council
held on 2 July 2015 at Great Bentley Village Hall
Present / Cllr J. Hills (Chair), Cllr B. Herbert, Cllr K. Plummer, Cllr C. Warder, Cllr R. Taylor, Cllr G. Wright and P. Balbirnie. Also in attendance were approximately 30 members of the public.
Public Questions None
- Has a response been received from North Essex Parking Partnership regarding parking on Plough Road? No.
- It was reported that the road sign at the junction by Lufkins Farm has been replaced.
- How do we fill the parish councillor vacancy? In the first instance a public notice is published. If enough people request an election, one is held. If not, it may be a case of cooption.
07.15.211 / Apologies for absence: No apologies received.
07.15.212 / Minutes of the meeting held on 4 June 2015:
Cllr Balbirnie proposed the minutes of the meeting held on 4 April 2015, Cllr Warder seconded them and they were agreed as a true record of proceedings.
07.15.213 / Declarations of Interest: The Chairman reminded members of the need to declare any interests they have in relation to items on the agenda.
07.15.214 / Information & Reports: No reports were received.
07.15.215 / County and District Councillors Reports:
a) County Councillor: Alan Goggin, reported of an issue on the B1027. The resurfacing maintenance works have been causing problems for motorists
b) District Councillor: L. McWilliams reported that the Women’s Tour had been very successful and she thanked all those who supported the event. The inaugural Clacton Beach Festival takes place on 4 and 5 July and the Clacton Air Show is coming in August. Cllr McWilliams will be attending the Best Kept Village awards next week.
07.15.216 / Other Reports:
a) PCSO; Louise Cox’s report was noted. She is now on holiday until 8 July. The Clerk was asked to liaise with PCSO Cox to find out the situation with regard to the road closure for the Carnival.
b) TDALC; the minutes have yet to be received.
c) Transport; Statregic bus survey being undertaken. Raised platform due in August.
d) Footpaths; Mr David Gollifer presented his report.
e) Caretaker; Mr B McWilliams provided a brief written report.
f) Village Events for GBPC/Police consideration: The Penguin Random House; intercompany cricket match was held on the Green on 2 July.
07.15.217 / Correspondence:
a) Mr D Gollifer – Pond Survey, 11-06-15; Agreed.
b) TDC – Planning training for parish councillor’s, 15-06-15; Noted.
c) Essex and Herts Ambulance Service – Request for clothing bank, 16/6/1; Agreed to decline the request.
d) Ms P. Drew – Complaint relating to the non-release of an audio recording of the Planning Committee meeting, 16-06-15; Noted.
e) Ms P. Drew – Request to display a notice on the Green, 22-06-15; Agreed retrospectively.
07.15.218 / Parish Clerk Report: The Clerk presented his report is attached as Appendix A. He was asked to report the motorist sightline at the Heckford’s Road and A133 junction once more. In addition, the Clerk was asked to deliver notices to the residents of Chappell Terrace asking motorists not to park on the Green.
07.15.219 / Finance Report: The monthly expenditure report attached as Appendix B was proposed by Cllr Taylor, seconded by Cllr Edwards and agreed.
07.15.220 / Village Green Working Party: The Chair of the Working Party, Cllr Herbert presented his report attached as Appendix C.
07.15.221 / Winter Salt Bag Partnership Scheme: It was agreed to continue to participate in the Scheme again this year and order a ton of salt.
07.15.222 / New Bus Shelter on Thorrington Road: It was reported that formal notification of the award funding has been received. A cancellation of a shelter in another location has resulted in in the immediate availability of a ‘Colchester’ style bus shelter, the recommended style for this type of location. Cllr Taylor proposed that the offer of this shelter is accepted. Cllr Herbert seconded the motion.
RESOLVED: That the offer a Colchester style bus shelter is accepted and the necessary installation arrangements are made.
07.15.223 / Forge Lane Drainage: Cllr Herbert had covered this item in his Greens report under item 220.
07.15.224 / Future Agenda Items: The following items were requested as future agenda items.
- Audio recordings.
- Memorial plaque on new allotments.
- Replacement of 3 x green bins – obtain a quotation.
- Public Engagement.
07.15.225 / Exclusion of the Public: Cllr Taylor proposed that the nature of the business to be discussed under the next item 226 is commercially sensitive and therefore the item should be discussed in camera. Cllr Warder seconded the proposal and the motion was agreed.
Public Questions:
1) Kerbstones reported
2) It was reported that the signs at the entrance to the village (on Plough Road and Weeley Road) have been damaged and need to be repaired. The Clerk was asked to report this matter to the appropriate body.
3) The speed sign on Heckford’s Road is faulty. The Clerk was asked to report to Highways.
4) It was reported that vehicles were parked on both sides of Plough Road during the Carnival causing havoc. The Stewards experienced verbal abuse.
5) There was a plea for community assistance to marshal the carnival.
Part B
07.15.226Station Road/Southside Double-Kerbing Project: Consideration was given to the quotations received as part of the re-tender exercise.
Cllr Plummer proposed that the DA Cant Ltd quotation for the works totaling £7138.10 is accepted subject to obtaining a financial contribution towards the works from Friends of the Green (FoG). Cllr Balbirnie seconded the proposal.
RESOLVED: That the quotation from DA Cant Ltd is accepted subject receipt from Friends of the Green of a minimum contribution of £1500.
In the event of the necessary financial commitment, the Clerk should proceed and make arrangements for the completion of the works. Only bring this item back to members if FoG will not agree to make the financial commitment.
2 July 2015
- The Play Area Inspection Report: The annual inspection report prepared by The Play Inspection Company has been received TDC. Cllr Herbert has agreed to raise this matter as part of his Green report.
- Major Housing Development Proposals: I dealt with a complaint about a suggestion made at the last Parish Council meeting that there is a proposal for a housing development on land south of Thorrington Road from Mrs C. Black. She made it clear that this proposal is on land owned by her family but that there is no such development proposal being prepared by her family. I agreed to raise this matter at this meeting and clarify the situation.
I wish to note that much of the Clerk’s time over the past month has been understandably been used dealing with matters relating to the major housing proposals and in particular the Admiral’s Farm outline planning application.
- Parish Council Insurance Cover: I met with a representative of Came and Company, the broker that deals with the Parish Council’s insurance cover to review levels of cover. I raised the issue of my difficulty in obtaining competitive quotations on a like for like basis. I was assured that Came and Company as brokers are able to trawl the marketplace and obtain the necessary quotations to ensure that the Parish Council secures best value.
- Amenity Green Space, Larkfield Road: Further to the complaint at the last meeting regarding vehicles being parked on the green space, a letter asking motorists not to park on the green has been posted to all householders in the immediate vicinity.
- Motorist Sightline A133 and Heckford’s Road: This matter has been reported and is logged under reference 2406359.
Kevin Harkin
Clerk to Great Bentley Parish Council
Green Report 2nd July 2015
No meeting this month.
Forge Lane Mr Dorling met with Ms Fiona Clark from ECC Highways and showed her photos of the flooding and explained what we felt needed to be done, that is a large soakaway with three drains leading to it. She agreed entirely and promised that it would be put on the list of tasks, but could not say when. M.D. also showed her two other areas close by where flooding occurs. Between Restaurant 43 and Mill Flats where there is a blocked drain, outside Pond Cottage and in The Path. This will also be put into the system and done a.s.a.p.
Goal Posts The posts have been moved to their alternative position before the carnival. Whilst moving them it was noticed that they are becoming very corroded and we will soon have to replace them or otherwise.
Tractors On the day of the Village Show it is proposed to have a line of old tractors on display. Both of the Parish Council tractors would like to take part in this line up. They would be taken there by our usual driver and all usual health and safety rules would be abided by, if the Council agrees.
New Village Signs The signs have arrived and will be erected within the week. There will be invoices from the manufacturers of the signs to the PC.
Kerbstones Where the Fair has mounted the Green outside the Red Lion some kerbs have been broken and dislodged.
Play Area Report The report has been received and shows only minor risks on some items. The metal picnic table and two other items need painting. The rubber matting needs attention in several places and a bin needs stabilising.
Allotments A new padlock has been purchased and will be welded to a chain and the gate. There are some minor repairs to be done to the rabbit fencing. The remainder of the fence has been inspected and found to be intact.
Advertising Signs An advert for a commercial event had been placed near the signpost on the Green. This sign has been removed and the person involved with placing it there declares that she had been given permission by the PC. Also signs advertising a renewable energy company have been removed from the Green.
Bill Herbert
Held on 2 July 2015 at Great Bentley Village Hall.
PresentCllr B. Herbert, Cllr K. Plummer (Chair), Cllr C. Warder, Cllr R. Taylor, Cllr L. Edwards, Cllr P. Balbirnie, Cllr Hills and Cllr Wright.. Also, in attendance were approximately 120 members of the public.
Public Questions: The Chair invited questions from members of the public.
- With regard to 15/00682/OUT, can the PC confirm if there will S106 for education? It was explained that there almost certainly will be an S106 but that the planning authority will deal with that issue.
- Mr Harry submitted a 559 signature petition formally asking the Parish Council to object to all large scale development in the village. He read out a prepared statement from ‘Protect Great Bentley’ objecting to all large scale housing developments.
- It was noted that the comments on the TDC planning website are not attributed.
- Councillors were asked if they could confirm that they had read all documents presented to the Clerk. The Chair indicated that he had read all the documents.
- Mr Dennett’s read out a prepared statement opposing the development for the reason of road safety. He suggested that the traffic survey is inaccurate saying that most journeys in to the village from the development will be made by car and not on foot. The development would introduce a very serious road safety issue crossing Heckford’s Road at a very tight bend.
- Spoke in support of the development. Disagreed that the pedestrian access will be along the road but instead will be across the village green.
- Suggested that the village school cannot be expanded. Therefore, a financial contribution for education will not resolve the issue. The Chair clarified the education issue.
- Mr Golifer asserted that there is an environmental and conservation issue. The development should not proceed based on ecological survey report. Also, the urbanization will destroy the unique nature of the GB.
- Mrs Maskell reminded those present that 6/7 years ago TDC were designating wildlife centres across the District and had identified the pumping station as one of them.
- Spoke in support of the development acknowledging that the environmental survey had been completed in the winter months but that there was a recommendation that and rec another survey in the summer.
- Mr Mead said that the village is being ‘steamrollered’. No, we don’t want large housing developments.
- Mr Adams demanded that GBPC must oppose all these large scale applications.
- Spoke in support asserting that the younger generation needs affordable housing.
- A prepared statement was read out indicating that there is a surface water issue at this site.
06.15.85 Apologies for absence: Apologies have been received from Cllr Hills.
06.15.86 Declarations of interest: The Clerk addressed members advising that their conduct in relation to interests is governed by the Localism Act 2011. At a meeting of the Council at which he/she is present, a member must disclose any disclosable interest of which he/she is aware including an interest that is not registered. Having declared the interest the member must not participate in the discussion on the matter and must not take part in any vote.
a) Cllr Hills reiterated his personal interest in application 15/00682/OUT as explained at the last meeting. He left the meeting for item 06.15.88a returning afterwards.
b) Cllr Wright declared a pecuniary interest application 15/00682/OUT. He left the meeting for item 06.15.88a returning afterwards.
c) Cllr Plummer declared an interest in application 15/00862/TCA. He left the meeting for 06.15.88c item during for which Cllr Hills took over the chairmanship.
06.15.87 Minutes of the meeting held on 4 June 2015: Cllr Balbirnie proposed the minutes, Cllr Herbert seconded them and they were agreed as a true record of proceedings.
06.15.88 Planning Applications: Item a) below was deferred at the last meeting.
The Chair suspended the meeting and asked Mr Brian Morgan of ADP Ltd the planning agent for application 15/00682/OUT to comment on the development proposal. Mr Morgan outlined the proposal saying that he acknowledges that there will be some opposition to the development but assured councillor’s that the developer seeks to listen to resident’s views and incorporate them in the development wherever is possible.
Planning Reference No. / Application Details / Address/Location15/00682/OUT
Mr G Wright / Proposed erection of 75 dwellings, garages, roads and associated works. / Land at Admirals Farm Heckfords Road Great Bentley
Decision: Cllr Taylor proposed that this Council requests that TDC Planning refuse the application on the basis of several points of objection. Cllr Herbert seconded the motion.
- Detrimental effect upon the conservation area, see Great Bentley Conservation Area Review 2006 and is not sustainable environmentally.
- That a site of this size in a medium sized village is unsustainable.
- It makes no reference to the new emerging local plan 2014 and is outside the previous development boundaries.
- Both on Health and Schooling issues the proposals only make worse the current overloading of both services and neither authority has offered a solution.
- Nothing has been suggested to address the issue of access to the A133 where one would presume most of the additional traffic would exit the village. It will not be obvious to transport officers without visiting the site how difficult egress is here morning and evening. Additionally, most of the occupiers would drive to the village centre to access the facilities making the existent snarl up problem worse.
- The suggestion that children should access the village school by crossing at the very dangerous bend on Heckford’s Road or walk across the Green in wet weather are untenable.
- That if this motion is approved then supporting documents that have been submitted to the parish Council as objections should be referred to in the representations to TDC.
- That should TDC Planning be minded to approve the application that this approval should have conditions to it (a) Any permission should specifically exclude land between Moors Lane and Heckford’s Road being other than farmland to retain the rural aspect from the Conservation Area and (b) That an order be made to preserve the trees and fauna in the Old Water Board land to retain the screen this provides from the north to the development.
15/00846/TCAMr D Gollifer / 2 No. Lime trees - remove overhanging branches / Cambria Weeley Road Great Bentley
Decision: The Committee agreed ‘no objection and no comment’.
15/00862/TCAMrs Maria Pagram / 1 No. Walnut - fell, 1 No. Plum - fell / The Burrow Plough Road Great Bentley
Decision: The Committee agreed; ‘no objection but the Parish Council would want another walnut tree planted on the site in an appropriate location’.