ABAC Staff Forum
Fall Meeting
September 16, 2015
Health Science Bldg room 114
Meeting was opened with and Invocation and blessing of the food by Clayton Riehle.
Refreshments were purchased with Staff Forum Expendable
Vice Chair Chad Jerkins introduced ABAC President Dr. David Bridges.
Dr. Bridges updated us on building projects here at ABAC and other BOR information.
One question was brought to the President’s attention: It had been rumored that payroll for December would not be paid until January one. In the past we have always gotten them early. What would this December bring?
Dr. Bridges advised us that this had already been brought up and that the Chancellor had been contacted and advised that this was not a good decision and that there is hope that we will remain as before.
The ABAC Calendars are still being worked on at this time.
State Policy for Holiday is 10 paid days, however the BOR Poldi has 12 paid holidays that has been approved.
We hope to have the 2016-17 calendar published soon.
We hope to have the new Math Science building ready for Fall 2016 and there are plans to renovate King in January 2017,
Health Care: There are some changes coming but not sure what.
The call boxes on campus are under review, some people want them removed and just rely on cell phones, but other want to keep the call box as they indicates exactly where you are on campus. It was also thought that additional boxes night be a help.
Chair Corey Langston introduced Dean Bernice Hughes,
Dean Hughes, thank us all for helping make last year’s Family day a success. She asked if we would help again his year with purchase of the food and then food service. Cory was to get with us later with the menu.
Dean Hughes also discussed the needs of former Foster Care students, as well as fundraisers for emergency needs for students.
Chair Cory Langston called the business session of our meeting to order.
The minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed and approved.
Deidra Martin, Director of Advancement Development introduced everyone to Give Back to ABAC, I (Nancy Anthony) asked if everyone would consider giving to Give Back to ABAC into the Staff Forum Expendable funds, instead of having Tom Turkey this year. Deidra also invited everyone to the Ice Social in October.
Thank you all.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted
Nancy S. Anthony