Analyze Statements for Types of Learning
Use Tables 5.4 and 5.5 from Streamlined ID as a guide to identify the type of learning represented in each statement below. Afterwards, access the answer key to check your understanding. NOTE: you may categorize some of these learning statements differently than we did, or you may identify multiple categorizations for some of the statements. That’s okay, as long as you can logically justify your answers.
Gagné’s Types of Learning & Interpersonal Skillsa. Verbal Information/Declarative knowledge / f. Cognitive & Metacognitive Strategies
b. Intellectual Skills: Discriminations / g. Attitudes
c. Intellectual Skills: Concepts (concrete or abstract) / h. Psychomotor Skills
d. Intellectual Skills: Relational & Procedural Rules / i. Interpersonal Skills
e. Intellectual Skills: Higher Order Rules/Problem-solving
____ Use HTML5 coding to produce a website accessible from a mobile device and a personal computer.
____ List and describe five characteristics of mammals.
____ Swim the breast stroke for 500 yards.
____ Communicate more effectively by improving writing, speaking, presenting and listening skills.
____ Change a flat tire.
____ Apply the “ROY G. BIV” mnemonic to remember the order of colors in a rainbow.
____ Identify at least three organisms in pond water samples.
____ Determine the appropriate recipe adjustments for high-altitude baking.
____ Correctly identify parallelograms.
____ Reflect on physical appearance and hygiene to identify ways to make a better first impression on others.
____ Manipulate the settings on a 16mm film camera to produce artistic results under a variety of available light conditions.
____ Use a text frame to organize note-taking for a reading comprehension assignment.
____ Demonstrate a desire to maintain positive working relationships by choosing to use conflict resolution techniques to resolve disagreements.
____ Type a full page of unfamiliar text at 50 words per minute.
____ Define democracy and provide examples of democratic governments.
____ Follow shut-down procedures to secure a nuclear plant work station.
____ Parallel park a car.
____ Demonstrate an appreciation for music by enrolling in an elective music course.
____ Reflect on the success of personal learning strategies and modify the strategies used to improve learning performance.
____ Assemble and use a gyroscopic survey instrument.
____ Expand global personal networks by communicating effectively with members of other cultures.
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