The Accounting Club at UHH
Friday, October 14, 2011
3:00 pm in K127
Attendance Officers:
President- Emily Anderson
Vice President- Natalie Asato
Treasurer- Ashley Sato
Secretary- SinivaPota
Attendance Members:
Robyn Taniguchi
Julia Perrieria
Jesse Soberman
Kristen Romuar-Cabico
Lisa Tokuyoshi
Kelli Okumura
Charlotte Kekela
Ken Yeo
Lauren Nakashima
Zack Pettus
Andrew Gipson
Anna Lung
Spencer Chute
Kellie Vause
Alvin Nguyen
3:02CALL MEETING TO ORDER—Emily Anderson in rm. K127
3:02General Announcements(Emily)
- KrispyKreme Fundraiser Update (Thank you all for coming out and working, we were very successful)
- Voting on By-laws (We are going to be voting on all of the changes on the bylaws and constitution today since there are enough members for a quorum (2/3 of the members)) We have 21 out of 29 members.
KrispyKreme Fundraiser Update (Natalie)
- Presold—362 Tickets
- Individual boxes sold at each location were:
- 212 KTA
Made a $3,065 profit, therefore bringing us to our halfway mark of our trip goal of $7,000
3:03Overview of By-laws and changes to make (Emily)
- Brief Introductory
- First off we want to let everyone know that what we are asking for in the bylaws are not only applicable to the general members but to all officers as well. We are not asking something of you that we are not asking of ourselves as well. ALL MEMBERS (board and general) are all following the same rules, and we need to come to an agreement of all the rules before hand.
- Today we will be voting on making changes to the bylaws
- Most importantly please note that we will NOT ENFORE ANY RULES UNTIL OCT 28th 2011
- Proposal to change the following by-laws & casted votes:
- ARTICLE 1 section 2—“Absences”
-After discussion a motion to move to change the bylaws to state that: EACH member is allowed to have 3 EXCUSED absences, whether it is an event (fundraiser or otherwise) or meeting. An excused absence will be defined as informing the executive Board that they will not be attending such event preferable at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled event, but not limited to the day of the event.Notification by person, email or phone call is allowed. If deciding to send an e-mail, you can either utilize our personal emails, or the club email address, which is,
-EACH member is allowed to have 2 UNEXCUSED absences, whether it is an event (fundraiser or otherwise) or meeting. UNEXCUSED absences will be defined as to the general member not showing up at all to the event without any prior notice. Meaning that you had no PRIOR contact with either one or all board members in regards to the reason of your absence.
-Also ALL members are not expected to come to an event/ meeting WITHOUT a 7 days’ notice from the board. (We will try our best to give members more notice than that but will not hold it against you for not making it if less than 7 days notice is given).
-Open for questions:
- If 3 excused absences are used and a member is going to be absence again they may use their unexcused absence in replace of excused absence even in notice is given. However, a member will not be able to use excused absences in exchange for unexcused absences…once a member misses 2 events/ meetings without prior notice their membership will be terminated.
- Clarify: If you miss the Accounting Club Career Night on October 28th, yes it will count as one of your absences
-The absence rules will go into effect on October 28th 2011. Which means that the first event each member is responsible for making is on Oct 28, 2011 the Accounting Club Career Night
-VOTE: YES 19 NO 1 (1 no vote)
- ARTICLE 3 section 5—“Removal of Board Member”
-Before, the decision of removing a board member was left up to the votes casted by the GENERAL CLUB MEMBERS, but we are now proposing to have the removal of a board member left entirely up to the votes casted by the remainder of the executive board members after 2 written warnings. The reason for which this is proposed is because the executive board members have ALL the facts and behind the scenes/ weekly meetings and work closely with each other, therefore, it would be better for the voting decision to be left up to the board members, and not the general members. Also this is how the by-laws used to be and they were changed, but were not sure why or how.
- No this does not mean that the members will not know what is going on, if the situation does arise a full explanation will be given to the general members. Also this does not mean that the board can just kick anyone out whenever they feel like it, they still need to go through the proper motions and need proof that the officer is not performing their duties, as well as have given tat officer two written warnings prior to a vote.
-VOTE: YES 19 NO 1 (1 no vote)
- ARTICLE section 1—“Committee”
-Proposal to take out FINANCE committee and replace with special events i.e Oahu Committee
- None
-VOTE: YES 19 NO 1 (1 no vote)
- ARTICLE 7 section 1—“Order of Business”
-As opposed to ROLL CALL, we propose for a general sign-in sheet
- None
-VOTE: YES 20 NO 0 (1 no vote)
- ARTICLE 8 section 4—“IRS”
-Proposing to make an addition to the by-laws which states that if accounting club dissolves, then all profits would go to a charitable event.
- If the club does dissolve we do not know right now which non profit would get the money, there would have to be a meeting to discuss that at the time. We would just need to make sure that no member would get the money or else that would not qualify our club as a non profit organization and we would not be eligible for the 501C3 status that we are applying for.
-VOTE: YES 20 NO 0 (1 no vote)
- ARTICLE 2 section 1—“Change to constitution”
-Added in to the purpose of the club, “and coordinate events with professionals that will help guide them on their career path”. This is to better explain what our club is about to new and interested members since we have added the career night and the Oahu ‘Meet the Pros Mixer’ annually.
- None
-VOTE: YES 20 NO 0 (1 no vote)
3:26October Night—(Ashley)
- FRIDAY, OCT 28, 2011 6-8 at Campus Center
- 4 confirmed business will be present, not taking into consideration those at HAPA
- Representatives from the county, banks, local CPA’s and MORE are coming!
- Will send out reminder emails
3:27Meeting Adjourned by Emily Anderson