Annual Review & Enhancement of Courses

Long-Duration Trust Courses

Academic Year 2014- 2015

This report must undergo peer review and be approved by the Trust Academic Governance and Quality Assurance Committee before being submitted to the relevant University Partner.


  • To ensure excellence in the quality of education, learning and teaching
  • To identify and share good practice

Full Title and Award(s) of the Course:
e.g. DProf Systemic Psychotherapy
Trust Code/Trust Reference No:
e.g. M10
Number of enrolled students in the 2014-15 academic year:
Course Lead (Main Author):
Documentation required:
  1. External Examiner report(s) and course response(s) (where applicable)

Is the relevant documentation listed above included?:
(Yes/No please comment if No)

Academic Governance and Quality Assurance Committee:

Date considered and agreed: ______

Submission Deadline:

Submit before the XXXX to the Academic Governance and Quality Assurance Office () There will be a peer review of course REPs. This will take place in the second half of November. This may mean that course REPs will need to be revised after peer review and before being submitted to the Validating University.

List of Contents
Details of page number to completed by Quality Assurance office / page
1.Background to the Course: Overview of Strengths and Enhancements
2.Actions from the previous cycle (where applicable)
3.Staff development and Scholarly Activity
4. Enhancement Themes
5. Student Characteristics
6.Student retention
7.External Examiner Report(s) (where applicable)
8. Analysis of Student Feedback
10. Consolidated Action Plan
CVs for all new teaching staff
External Examiner report(s) and course response(s) (where applicable)


  1. Background to the Course: Overview of strengths and enhancements

What has been successful this year, including areas of good practice that could be shared?
Click here to enter text.
What issues have arisen this year and what will require monitoring in the forthcoming year?
Click here to enter text.
  1. Staff Development and Scholarly Activity

Please give details of staff development relating to learning and teaching involving any members of the course team during this period e.g. specific meetings attended or CPD activity including peer observation
Click here to enter text.
Please provide details of any relevant staff engagement in research, scholarship and professional activity during the year under review
Click here to enter text.
Please note issues or action items arising out of the above, or future plans on staff development arising in general
Click here to enter text.
Please comment, if applicable, on any staffing changes during 2013 - 2014
Click here to enter text.
  1. Enhancement Themes

Each year the Trust may need to seek additional specific information as part of the REP process. This year please comment on the following in relation to your course. These items will form the basis of some of the discussion at the REP cluster meetings.

Digital Literacy:
E.g. Use of Moodle; Online submission of Assessment; Podcasts; Recording and providing seminars or lectures digitally; providing staff support/development to enhance digital literacy amongst staff / Click here to enter text.
Employer Engagement:
Exploration of the links between employers, their representative organisations and the Trust / Click here to enter text.
  1. Student Characteristics/Profile

Characteristics of Year One intake September 2014:
Gender: / Age / Ethnicity
Chart added by QA unit / Chart added by QA unit / Chart added by QA unit
With reference to equality and diversity, please comment on the above characteristics data:
Click here to enter text.
  1. Student Retention data

Student withdrawals
Percentage, or if numbers lower than 10, in numbers:
Number of successful completions in the 2014/15 academic year compared to 2013/14 academic year:
Completed by Course Lead
Click here to enter text.
Please comment, if applicable, on any important differences compared to previous years:
Click here to enter text.
  1. Course Team Response to External Examiner Report(s) WHERE APPLICABLEReports and responses should be included with this pro-forma

Please confirm that a letter has been sent to the external examiner(s) responding to their annual report(s)
Yes: ☐ / No: ☐
If no, why has a letter not been sent?
Click here to enter text.
Please list any actions arising out of either the examiner’s annual report or the course assessment board in the consolidated Action Plan in Section 8
  1. Analysis of Student Feedback

Student Feedback/Survey Exercise 2014/15:
Forms distributed (n): / Forms returned (%):
Quantitative Responses to the major categories of the Internal Student Feedback/survey 2014/15:
Added by Quality Unit (% positive responses – Mostly or Definitely agree) / Course Lead comments:
Click here to enter text.
  1. Consolidated Action Plan

This Action Plan should be regularly reviewed by course committee throughout the year

Please describe below the areas you wish to change, develop or improve in the 2015/16 academic year
Including actions carried over from previous year; and actions from: external examiner reports; student feedback; student progression; course team plans; staff development
Objective / Action / Origin of Action e.g. from previous action plan; external examiners; course committee etc: / Responsible person / Timescale / Progress to date

Action plans should be SMART: Specific; Measurable; Achievable; Realistic; Time-Bound

Please include the following documentation with the completed form:

Minutes from all course committee meetings held during 2014/15

CVs of all NEW teaching staff (where applicable)

Revised Programme Specification (where amendments to the course have been made)

External Examiner report(s)

Course response(s) to External Examiner report(s)