The Tower
Vol. 16, No. 5 Trinity United Methodist Church, Iron Mountain, Michigan September 2016
Pastor’s Ponderings/Homecomings and Farewells
August has one foot in summer and the other foot in autumn. The hot days are followed by cooler evenings. The long days of June and July roll into quicker August nights and later morning light. Our church is kind of the same way. People come back to worship as we move to the two worship time frame. This year, the re-installation of re-furbished pews will also welcome home those who have been uncomfortable with the seating challenges we have faced. Hasn’t it been quite the adventure? And won’t it be fun to see the children, going to Sunday school, singing before the 10:30 worship, and serving as acolytes?
But adventures, like so many things, do come to an end. Even as we are celebrating the homecoming of returning to the school year schedule, we are faced with farewells and good-byes. On page 4 of The Tower you will see a longer than usual list of people who have gone to be with God over the last two months. What you don’t see are the families that have moved away this summer—Katie and Patrick Kennedy with Brigid and Joseph have moved to Iowa. Rick and Jan Thompson have moved deeper into Wisconsin. There may be other families as well, who we’ll find out about as time goes by...
Yes, communities move between homecomings and farewells in a rhythm like the seasons. There is joy and there is sorrow. There are patterns, and then there are times of seeming chaos that can throw us out of balance. Yet, our church family finds equilibrium, even in the midst of changing seasons, in our shared faith in Jesus. We remember how we are the body of Christ and how God is with us always. We reacquaint ourselves with our Vision Statement (see the box on this page) and we look ahead to new goals for next year.
I invite you to spend some time looking at page 7…It’s a list of Goals for 2017, as prepared by our Church Council. Some new ones have been added. Some have been amended. Some are the same as for 2016. Please look at them and ask the Holy Spirit if we are missing anything. Is there something else that we should seriously consider a goal for the next year? Some new adventure that we are ready to take on in order to serve God faithfully? Those are hard questions that need the energy and thought and prayer of everyone in the congregation. If you would like to add your ideas to this process, please feel free to call or e-mail the office, and someone will call to talk with you. Your Church Council has done a great job and is open to hearing other voices as we move into the future together.
Anchoring ourselves in the Words of God is a valuable way of maintaining equilibrium in the ever-changing tides of life. Starting in September, I will create a weekly devotion made up of a Scripture reading and two or three questions. Each person who comes to worship will receive a slip of paper with the same reading and questions. You’ll have a chance during the week to consider what this particular passage means for you personally and as a follower of Jesus. If you have questions, insights or inspirations, I invite you to share them with your friends and with phone call or e-mail or make an appointment. On the following Sunday, that same reading will be highlighted in worship and during the sermon. Your contributions to the worship experience will enrich all of us….
For example, on September 4, let’s all be thinking about Romans 12:11-12: Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer.
How does God re-invigorate your faith when you start to feel worn out and weary?
What keeps you serving the Lord and rejoicing in hope… in spite of it all?
Read and memorize the scripture. Consider the questions. Talk to each other and on September 11, we will all be blessed by the Holy and infinitely loving words of God. In the name of Jesus Christ, Pastor Geri
Our Vision Statement
Trinity United Methodist Church
actively invites people to explore
the life-changing message of Jesus,
connect with others, mature as disciples,
and be sent to transform our community.
Sunday, September 25, 2016—Class for people curious about membership. See page 6.
…actively invite…
United Methodist Women’s general meeting will be a potluck at noon on Thursday, September 8.
Charge Conference, September 18
Our annual charge conference with District Superintendent Rev. Elbert Dulworth will be Sunday, September 18 at 11:30 a.m.
It’s a time each year to highlight ways that we have grown as a congregation and ministered to our community. There are also business items that need to be voted upon for the upcoming year.
We will all celebrate our ministries and missions together during the 10:30 worship time. There will be a brief time of transition after worship and before the business meeting begins. Our hope is that many people will stay to participate in this important facet of our life together as disciples of Jesus. Everyone is welcome. All professing members of Trinity United Methodist Church can vote.
The Staff/Parish Relations Committee will meet at 9:15 a.m. that day with Rev. Dulworth.
The Stewardship Committee is thinking about having a chili cook-off that day. Watch for more details!
Chili Cookoff, September 18
After the annual Church Conference on September 18, the Stewardship Committee will be hosting a Chili Cookoff. You are encouraged to prepare and bring your favorite chili recipe. There is a sign-up sheet to let the committee know how many chilis to expect.
All are encouraged to stay for the brief Church Conference after 2ndservice, but you can head down to the Fellowship Hall to get your chili prepped. The Stewardship Committee will provide all supplies, so you will need to come ready to vote and eat. The voting may consist of cash, so bring your singles.
Some may bring mild, 5-alarm, chicken, white, or even Cincinnati-style. Bring your favorite, though.
Kristy Ryan’s husband has been vocal, believing that her chili was the best. Ruth Carlson quietly reminds people that she won the previous chili cookoff. I may be making this up, but Jack Noyce believes that Nathan Ruble has the best chili and will most likely win this intense battle for votes.
Hope to see you all there.—Stewardship Committee
Like to sing? Come join the choir. Choir rehearsal is Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. and started August 31. For more information, contact Emily Ritsema, 282-2776, or Greg Hunt, 563-5278.
Give “YES!” a chance. The Nominating Committee is looking for, praying for, and asking for people to serve on the committees of the church. Serving God on committees can be a rich learning experience and an opportunity to feel good about participating in God’s work on earth as it is in heaven.
If someone approaches you, please give “Yes” a chance! If you would like to know more, please contact Pastor Geri, 774-2545.
Like to sing? Come join the choir. Choir rehearsal is Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. and started August 31. For more information, contact Emily Ritsema, 282-2776, or Greg Hunt, 563-5278.
Sunday school kicks off on September 11, and teachers are needed! If you’ve ever thought about teaching Sunday School, this could be the year to give it a try. Please see Cindi Strehlow, or give her a call/text at (906)221-1094 to discuss it further.
Thanks to popular demand, the Cinnamon Roll Sale will now be held monthly through the school year! The next sale will be Sunday, September 18. Suggested donation is $2 each. Pre-orders will be taken anytime. Call either the church office, 774-2545, or call/text Cindi Strehlow at (906)221-1094. All proceeds will benefit the 2016 North Dakota mission trip.
The Marquette District Learning Fair is Saturday, October 1 in at Memorial UMC in Gladstone, from 1:00-4:00 EST. The theme is “Unforgettable Messages: A Workshop in Worship Design,” with Dr. Marcia McFee. Her engaging and interactive style has been called refreshing, inspiring, and unforgettable. Please see or call Pastor Geri, 774-2545, if you’re interested in attending this event.
Eat, Stay, and Pray—Community Prayer Service, Wednesdays, 5:45 to 6:15 p.m. This is an ecumenical prayer opportunity in the Sanctuary. A chance to pray to God. To listen for the Spirit of God. To be together in the hope of Jesus Christ. It will be open to our community meal guests and available to all the folks at Trinity who are not able to make it to church on Sunday mornings…and for anyone who wants a chance to pray in community during the week. If Sunday morning worship is a chance to get closer to God, then check it out and see what God can do on Wednesday nights!
“Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at his disposition, and listening to his voice in the depth of our hearts.” –Mother Teresa
Serving in Worship in September
Offering Counters: Junior Worship Leaders:
September 4 opportunity to serve Piper & Maggie Strehlow
September 11 Tami & Mary Slagle, & Joyce Trevillian Piper & Maggie Strehlow
September 18 Suzanne Harry & Sue Paternoster Piper & Maggie Strehlow
September 25 opportunity to serve Piper & Maggie Strehlow
Liturgists: Projection System Operators
Sept. 4 9:15 a.m. Drew Champagne Greg Hunt
Sept. 11 8:00 a.m. Elaine Moore Dean Laitinen
10:30 a.m. Jill Noyce Cameron Mulka
Sept. 18 8:00 a.m. opportunity to serve Jon Harry
10:30 a.m. Scott Ritsema Maddie Ryan
Sept. 25 8:00 a.m. Kyle Shemanski Kyle Shemanski
10:30 a.m. Jennifer Rietveld Casey Hansley
Ushers: opportunity to serve
...exploring the life-changing
message of Jesus...
Preacher’s Corner
At his last supper, Jesus took off his outer robe, and tied a towel around himself. He then poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel. In spite of Peter’s reluctance, Jesus served all of his disciples in that way—even Judas, who would go out to betray him that very night.
John 13:14-15 So, if I, our Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.’ Yes, we are called by Jesus to be servants to and with each other.
The preaching for September and October will focus on the concept of Servanthood. You might instantly think about the Mary and Martha story or the time when Jesus turned water into wine to be served at the wedding feast. Those are some of the best known stories, and in truth, there are soooo many lessons about servanthood in the Bible that I am going to put some boundaries around this project. As much as possible, I will be preaching Servanthood from the perspective of the Gospel of Luke.
Luke’s writing gives special attention to those who are in the greatest need of being served: the poor, the oppressed, and he shows us how caring Jesus was towards diverse ethnic, religious, economic, and social groups. We all need support and, in Christ, we can all serve as support people to others.
Come and be blessed by the Words of God for the People of God. Thanks be to God!
September 4, Labor Day weekend. Joyce Erickson will lead worship. Last 9:15 worship time.
September 11, return to 8:00 and 10:30 worship times. Luke 4:38-39, Romans 12:9-21. Serving Jesus
September 18, 2 Timothy 2:8-15, Luke 17:11-19. Unchained
September 25, Luke 16:19-31, 1 Timothy 6: 6-19. The Meaning of Life
…connect with others…
September Birthdays and Anniversaries
Please pray for them on their special day.
Sept. 1 Madison Powell
2 Scott Lutey, Craig & Marsha Olson
Paul & Karen Paupore
4 Madeline Ryan, Mike & Sue Youngberg
5 Sue Constantini, Marie Harris
Brandon & Felicia Aman
Derek & Kristin Fortner
Marvin & Carolyn Harry
Dale & Lucy Shampo
6 Steve & Wendy Mulka
LeRoy & Barbara Sandberg
Kevin & Joy Waldbillig
7 Rosemary Carlson
8 Marguerite Reiten, Bruce St. Aubin
Nick Sorensen
9 Larry Marlett, Shelley Moore
Brad & Cindi Strehlow
10 Charlotte Ryan
11 Scott & Kelly Lutey
12 Carolyn Clay-Pineda, Dorleen Uhazie
Bruce Wilcox
15 Shirley Allen, Ryan DuCharme
June Hostettler, Alyssa Maki
16 Ellsworth Carlson, Greg Sorensen
Maggie Strehlow
17 Mark Herman, Brian Mashak, Grace Laydon
18 Renee Swanson
20 John Erickson, Reece Fortner
21 Katie Smeberg, Bob & Sue Constantini
22 Brian Nord-Grenier, Ed Riutta, Joanne Rowell
23 Emma Bilgreen
24 Eann Wahlstrom, Emma Wahlstrom
Brandon & Alyssa Maki
25 Michael & Kathy Smith-Rota
27 Jennifer Gauthier, Luke Powell
29 Kyle Mulka
Hospitalized since our last issue: Carol Annear, Diana Hunt, Donna Poquette, Ed Riutta, Julie Tass, Jan Thompson, and Virginia West.
“Dear Trinity Church family: Thank you, everyone, for the nice lunch at Delores’ funeral. Thank you for all the beautiful cards and thoughts from all our friends, and Pastor Geri’s service and comfort for us.” Joyce London & family
“Thank you for all the prayers and concerns while I was in the hospital.” —Virginia West