College of Extended and International Education
Office of Extension Programs
1000 East Victoria Street • Carson, CA 90747
(310) 243-3782 - FAX - (310) 516-3753
ADX Program Application
Students are admitted to the program every Spring and Fall semesters. Application materials and due dates may be located on the following website:
Qualifications For Admittance To The ADX Program
- Two years (60 units) of college credit
- Two years of work experience in the Human Services field(verified by a letter on letterhead from a supervisor)
- A combination of college credit and work experience to meet the two year requirement
- Applicants who do not meet these qualifications will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
- Applicants with a history of substance abuse should have at least 2 years of continuous sobriety.
Admittance, Approval, And Orientation
Each student who submits an application by the deadline will receive either an approval packet, a letter indicating what documentation is missing from their application or a denial letter. If approved, the student is required to attend Orientation.
Length Of Program And Total Number Of Courses
Depending on the number of courses taken each term, the Alcohol/Drug Counseling Certificate program lasts approximately four to fivetrimesters, which is one and one-half to two years. The ADX program consists of 11 academic, upper division courses, some of which are transferable to the Human Services B.A. program offered on the CSUDH campus. In addition, students must complete 300 internship hours which may begin only when the student is registered in ADX 351/352Seminar in Counseling Fieldwork I/CounselingFieldwork I and has submitted all required documentation. All coursework must be completed within five years of beginning the program.
Returning Students
The University Catalog states, “Undergraduate students who have been absent for two semesters or more prior to the semester of return must apply for readmission, unless approved for and participating in the Planned Educational Leave program, as described later in this section of the catalog.
“Returning students who have not maintained continuing student status or been approved for the Planned Educational Leave Program will lose their catalog rights and will be subject to all requirements and regulations in the catalog of the year they are readmitted.”
Students who are absent for two or more semesters must reapply for the program and are subject to the certificate requirements in place during the semester they are readmitted.
Student Conduct
Students will review and sign the ADX Student Code of Conduct in each course. Behavior that persistently or grossly interferes with classroom activities is considered disruptive behavior and may be subject to disciplinary action. Such behavior inhibits other students’ ability to learn and an instructor’s ability to teach. The instructor may require a student responsible for disruptive behavior to leave class pending discussion and resolution of the problem and may report a disruptive student to the Student Affairs Office (WH A-410, 310-243-3784) for disciplinary action.
Course Prerequisites
Courses may be taken in any order with the exception of several prerequisites. All students must complete ADX 300 and 301 before attending ADX 302, 303, 304, or 306. Electives ADX 309 and 311 do not require prerequisites. Formal admission into the program and completion of at least four courses are required prior to enrollment in ADX 351/352. ADX 351/352are prerequisites for ADX 353/354. Students will be asked to contact the Extension Programs office for a permission number to enroll in ADX 351/352.
Students Who Do Not Apply To The Certificate Program
Students who would like to attend an ADX course without applying to the program may register for ADX 300, 301, 309, and 311. Students must be admitted to the program prior to enrolling in ADX 302, 303, 304, 306, 351/352, and 353/354.
Internship Requirements
Students are required to complete 300 hours of internship in a clinic, hospital, or treatment center approved by the ADX 351/532 instructor. Students are responsible for finding placement in an internship. Additional requirements may be required by the internship facility, such as Tuberculosis testing, Live Scan, and registration with a state agency. Students entering the program may begin their internship hours onlyafter submitted required documentation to the administrative office. This documentation will be discussed in detail during the first meeting of ADX 351/352. A minimum of four ADX courses must be completed prior to enrolling in ADX 351/352. Unless the student is currently working in the Human Services field, it is strongly recommended that students complete all course work prior to enrolling in ADX 351/352.
Units Awarded and Course Fees
Seven courses award three (3) units each and two fieldwork courses award two (2) plus (1) units each. The cost will be $195 per unit; a three unit course would then cost $585, and a two unit course would cost $390. (Subject to Change).
Grade Point Average Requirement
All students must maintain a 2.5 GPA (cumulative grade point average). Any student whose GPA falls below 2.5 will be placed on probation and must raise his/her GPA to 2.5 at the conclusion of the following semester or be subject to dismissal from the program.
Grades and grade points may be reviewed here:
In addition to the overall 2.5 GPA requirement, a grade of C- or higher is required in all coursework. Any student who receives a “D” or “F” in any course mustrepeat that course with at least a "C-" grade before any other courses may be taken. A student may repeat a course only once and if the student fails to achieve a "C-" grade on the second try, he/she will be dropped from the program.
Textbook Costs
The cost of books each semester is approximately $75-$125. Books may be purchased at the campus bookstore at the beginning of each semester. Materials will also be provided on Blackboard.
Important Phone Numbers
Registration Office(310) 243-3741
Extension Programs(310) 243-3730
CSUDH Library(310) 243-3714 or 3715
University Bookstore(310) 243-3789 or 3829
Public Safety(310) 243-3639
Registration Requirements
Registration and payment must take place before the first class session. Late registration requires instructor approval and a late fee of $25.00. Those students whose courses are being paid for by various county or state programs may submit an Authorization of Payment voucher at the time of registration. Without a voucher, registration is not possible; consequently neither is attendance.
Student Email and Blackboard
After registration in their first course, new students will receive their student login and instructions for use of, Toromail (student email), and Blackboard (Learning Management System.)
MyCSUDH is a one-stop portal from which you can access both Blackboard and your student email. The portal will provide you with information related to financial aid, registration, student financial activity, academic advising, holds and to-do items. Please note: it may take up to 48 hours after you have registered and paid your fees for the database to update your information and provide you access.
Be sure to access your student email regularly, as all campus communication is sent here. Your login access is the same for both your Blackboard and Toromail accounts. (If you prefer, you can have your campus emails forwarded to your personal email account; however, you are fully responsible for making sure you receive all correspondences, regardless of how they are routed. See for help with email forwarding and for other tech questions.)
Blackboard is the Learning Management System (LMS) at CSUDH.Every course has a Blackboard website; many of our instructors are now using Blackboard to provide class materials and content (i.e., syllabus, additional readings, video links, etc.).
For additional information, call the Extension Program Office at (310) 243-3730.