SUMMONS to a meeting of EARBY TOWN COUNCIL to be held on Monday 21st August
2017 at 7.30pm in The Parish Rooms, Victoria Road, EARBY
The Chairman,Cllr. Tennant welcomes all to the meeting at 7.30pm.
2. Attendance, Apologies and Non-Attendance
To record accept or otherwise, attendance, apologises for absence and non-attendance.
Attending Cllrs:
Apologies from Cllrs:
Absent Cllrs:
3.Declarations of Interest/s
Members are reminded of the legal requirements concerning the declaration of interests.
A Member must declare a pecuniary interest which he/she has in any agenda item.
A Member with a pecuniary interest in any item may not participate in anydiscussion of the matter at the meeting and must not participate in any vote taken on thematter at the meeting.
In addition, it is suggested that a Member with a pecuniary interest leave the room where the meeting is held while any discussion or voting takes place.
4.Public discussion
Members of the public present to be offered the opportunity to address council on any relevant subject not already on the agenda.
Any questions for council to be sent via post or email to the clerk a week before the meeting.
Usual maximum time allotted 15 minutes.
5.Friday Surgery
Cllr Cocker to bring to Councils attention items of special note from the report from the Friday Surgeries.The report having previously been issued to councillors.
6.Police business
To report on any issues of concern and forward selected ones to the local Police Team.
7.Planning: to consider and comment on the following:
Town and Country Planning Act 1990
PROPOSAL: Full: Erection of a multi-purpose agricultural storage, lambing and workshop building.
AT: Thornton Hall Farm Skipton Road, Thornton in Craven, Skipton BD23 3TJ.
FOR: Mr & Mrs Harrison
CONSULTATION Deadline: Please send me your comments by: 29th August 2017.
Town and Country Planning Act 1990
PROPOSAL: Full: Erection of two storey extension to side.
AT: 17 Reeval Close, Earby, Lancashire BB18 6RR
FOR: Mr Mark Smith
CONSULTATION Deadline: Please send me your comments by: 4th September 2017.
Town and Country Planning Act 1990
PROPOSAL: Full: Erection of two storey extension to side
AT: 22 Barnwood Road, Earby, Lancashire BB18 6PB
FOR: Ms Andrea Venn
CONSULTATION Deadline: Please send me your comments by: 4th September 2017.
Delegated List
The latest list has been circulatedby the clerk to all councillorsvia email.
Council will discuss items pertinent to Earby and the clerk to be notified should a councillor wish to highlight a decision for such discussion.
If none the list will be deemed to be accepted.
To accept and approve as an accurate representation the minutes of the previous Council meeting held on Monday31st July 2017.
9.Update of ongoing issues from previous minutes
Verbal update from clerk and councillors on any matters from the above.
10.Reports from meetings with other organisations
To receive for information purposes verbal or written reports from councillors or the clerk on any such meetings they have attended.
These should be notified to the clerk in advance of the agenda so that they can be listed; in the case of written reports, so that they can be circulated to councillors prior to the meeting.
11.Co-option of Councillor Vacancies
There is still one vacant seat on the Council, which has been notified to Pendle Borough Council, and the public Notices displayed in the appropriate manner and period of time as prescribed by Law. No Election has been called and Council agreed at the 26thJune meeting that it wishedto fill these vacancies by co-option.
Council invites applications from interested residents; details from the Clerk or website.
12.External Audit 2016/17
BDO LLP have raised one outstanding point in regard to the completion of their external audit for the year ended 31st March 2017 and have advised that the Fixed Assets (Box 9) Section 2 – Accounting statements 2016/17 should be amended from £128,433 to £156,727. This to take account of the costs Council incurred creating the new garage and welfare facilities in the former front office, and also the new 5 tonne pellet store for the biomass boiler, which they consider to be capital expenditure which will therefore have increased the fixed asset value.
Council is recommended to authorise this amendment and the chairman to initial and return the form to BDO LLP by the 25th August 2017. This will incur an additional fee of £30.00.
To consider approve or otherwise the following: -
(a)The West Craven Area Committee (WCAC) has requested that Council consider making a capital contribution of £1,000 towards the £6,000 cost of resurfacing Cemetery Road car park; the WCAC has allocated £3,000 and the Pendle BC Executive has been asked to contribute the remaining £2,000.
(b)That Council purchase a knitted Union and St George flag from Northern Flags Ltd at a cost of £133.49, with this payment to be made from the Events Committee budget.
(c)That Council note the receipt of £15.00 to its bank account; this been a room hire paymentfrom Calico Homes reference invoice number 108.
(d)That Council note the receipt of £654.24 to its bank account; this been the RHI payment for the period 22-04-2017 to 21-07-2017.
(e)That Council note the receipt of £5,000 to its bank account; this been a capital contribution from the WCAC towards the installation of new boilers etc at Earby Youth Hostel.
Bills presented for payment: August 21st 2017
Cheque / Payee / Details / Amount £ + VAT / Budget & VATD/D / Xln business services / Telephone/Internet / 51.53 / AD 8.59
S/O / S. Cumpstey / AugustPayment / 102.30 / PR Nil
S/O / K. Thompson / AugustPayment / 266.33 / PT Nil
2354 / K. Thompson / Addition Payment - Watering / 191.25 / UV Nil
D/D / Bridge Bus. Solutions / PAYE Agency Month 05 / 10.00 / AD Nil
2349 / HMRC / PAYE Month 05 / 8.20 / AD Nil
2355 / Dales Contracts Ltd / Design Work & Drawings / 1,398.00 / FO 233.00
2351 / C Tennant – Repay / Fuel for JCB Workmax / 34.76 / UV 5.79
2346 / CBA Ltd / 2 x 2pcks of Padlocks / 35.64 / UV 5.94
2345 / The Flood Company / 50% Deposit Flood Doors Etc / 5,667.00 / LD (16/17) 944.50
2356 / C Tennant – Repay / 3 x 16W DD Compact Bulbs / 10.80 / PR 1.80
2347 / Scottish Power / Electric YH Cottage May/Jun / 11.66 / YH 0.56
2352 / Scottish Power / Electric YH Cottage Jun/Jul / 11.38 / YH 0.54
2353 / Scottish Power / Electric YH Hostel Jun/Jul / 23.22 / YH 1.11
2358 / Northern Flags / Union & St George Flags / 133.49 / EV 22.25
2350 / Yorkshire Water / Hill Top Changing Rooms / 13.77 / PB Nil
2357 / Post Office Counters / 50 x 1st Class Stamps @ 65p / 32.50 / AD Nil
14. Youth Hostel
Standing item.
Council to discuss the recent request and emails from the Councils preferred business partner/tenant which have been circulated to Councillors by the Chairman, and agree how it wishes to proceed.
15.Katherine Bruce Glasier (KBG) Artefacts
It has been proposed by Mr Bob Abel of the Earby & District History Society that the KBG artefacts that cannot be incorporated in to the planned refurbishments at the Earby Youth Hostel be offered to the Peoples Museum in Manchester.
Council to discuss and agree how it wishes to proceed.
16.Changes to Repeat Prescription Arrangements
Councillor Cocker wishes to discuss the above, which came in to affect on Monday 7th August, and wishes to know other Councillors views, and proposes that Council write toEarby Surgery expressing the concerns outlined in the email previously circulated to all Councillors.
Council to discuss and agree how it wishes to proceed.
17.Request from Cllr Ian Lyons – Sough Park Playground
Council to formally consider, on a point by point basis, the content of Councillor Ian Lyons letter which was read out at the last meeting and agree how it wishes to proceed; Councillors will need to be mindful of the decisions made at the 31st July meeting when considering this, as well as the information gained at the Sough Park meeting held on Friday 18th August 2017.
18.Website “News Item”
To approve amend or otherwise the “draft” website news item regarding the proposed sale of threeareas of land in Earby for housing development, which has been circulated by email to all Councillors by the Chairman.
To receive for information purposes items received since the last meeting that have not already been dealt with by the clerk or appear on the agenda.
These are none.
The next meeting will be held on Monday25th September2017 at 7.30pm in the Parish Rooms.
DATED: 16thAugust2017Chairman: C.P Tennant
C.P Tennant