International Studies
World Cultures
Summer Assignment 2015
Instructions for turning in World Cultures assignments:
As you open each portion of your summer assignment, save a copy to your hard drive and make note of the due date.
As you do your work, answers will be typed directly onto the documents. Make sure you save as you work and before you close out any documents.
When the assignment is complete, attach the document to an email, use the assignment name as the subject and send it to yourself (at your school account) and Ms. Hailey at . You must use your school email for this.
If you have questions, feel free to email me, but, if you email on the day an assignment is due, you may not get a response in time and that WILL NOT extend the due date.
Don’t procrastinate!
World Cultures Blog
Visit #1 – Done by 8:00 PM on July 1.
Go to Ms. Hailey’s teacher page.
Click on World Cultures Blog (it will be on the left under World Cultures).
Go to “Comments” and list:
- Your name
- What you prefer to be called
- The school you attended in eighth grade
- What your plans are for the summer
- The activities you plan to participate in at the high school
- A question you have about the high school
o Question cannot be “what sports or clubs are available”
o Question cannot be one that was previously asked (so make sure you read)
Visit #2 – Done by 8:00 PM on July 15.
- Read everything that was already written
- Respond again in any way you see fit
Sub-Saharan Africa Study Guide
1. Pick up your World Cultures textbook from the high school office.
2. Open and save “Sub-Saharan Africa Study Guide” (on Ms. Hailey’s teacher page) to your computer or a jump drive.
3. Read the following in your textbook:
- P. 237 (starting at “Africa”) to the end of textbox on p. 244
- P. 578 to P. 586 stopping at “Modern Latin America”
4. Then, read the text a second time and fill in your study guide as you go. This should be in note taking format, NOT paragraphs/sentences. It is strongly recommended that you complete this before beginning A Long Way Gone.
5. Attach the completed document to an email (using your school email account), with the assignment name as the subject and send it to Ms. Hailey. You may send this as soon as it is complete, but no later than the deadline. If not complete by the deadline, send what you have at that time.
DUE: July 11 by 8:00 PM
Geography of Africa – To be turned in on the first day of class.
Print out a BLANK map of Africa.
A. Label the countries, mountains, rain forests and bodies of water.
B. Color in the map.
Print out a BLANK map of Sierra Leone.
A. Label physical and political features.
B. As you read A Long Way Gone, mark any place important to the story.
C. Label anyplace Ishmael Beah traveled.
History and A Long Way Gone
A large portion of your grade for this assignment is based on your ability to follow
It will be best to work on this assignment before you read A Long Way Gone as it will
provide you with background information on the conflict in Sierra Leone.
Go to the following website:
If, for some reason, the website doesn’t work, google “BBC Sierra Leone Timeline”.
Part A – To be brought to school on the first day of classes.
a. Print it out (if it is easier, you can copy and paste it to a Word document).
b. As you read, highlight and annotate the information.
c. As you come across words or people that you are not familiar with (there should be quite a few), you will need to look them up and write down the term or name and the information you discovered.
Part B – To be emailed to Ms. Hailey by August 5.
a. Create a Word document titled “History and A Long Way Gone”.
b. You name and all information must be type on the top of the page.
c. Choose what you believe to be the five greatest causes of the Civil War and fully explain why this is so. Even though you are stating your opinion, you may NOT WRITE IN THE FIRST PERSON.
Part C – To be emailed to Ms. Hailey by August 5.
a. Create a word document titled “Summary of the Civil War in Sierra Leone” with the title and your name both typed at the top of the page. Summarize in your own words, the events that transpired. You are limited to 400 Words. The word count is firm.
- Times New Roman
- 12 Point
- Double Spaced
- No references to the writer or the reader.
- A word count (TYPED) will be at the end of the essay.
DUE: August 5 by 8:00 PM