Sacred Tiger Temple
Rei Quiet Willow: A pretty peasant girl who is travelling to Niko-Waji to help her uncle with his concession stand during the tournament. She is somewhat shy, but brave.
Loud Mong: A large, unpleasant blowhard who is travelling to Niko-Waji to participate in the tournament. Or at least, that is what he tells all the girls. Actual combat skill: nil.
Peddler Bu: A skinny old man, bald and hunch-backed, with long white whiskers and a tinker's pack strapped to his back. You have been travelling with him for several days, entertained by his weird stories about the region and his flute-playing.
Madam Mamm: The proprietor of the Inn, she is known for making the most delicious noodles. For some reason, she hates scholars and academics, thinking them lousy tippers.
Football: If the person carrying the ball is Shaken, it flies 1d8" in a random direction. If it lands within 1" of a character, they can catch it automatically. If it lands within 3", they can make an Agility check to dive and catch it, but land prone in its square. If multiple characters try to catch it, it becomes an opposed Agility check (those within 1" of it get a +2 on the check). Finally, the ball can be thrown or kicked with an Agility check and a range of 4/8/12. On a "miss" it scatters 1d2/1d4/1d6" in a random direction. On a "hit," it lands in that square and may be caught as above.
Attributes Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d4, Strength d8, Vigor d6
Skills Intimidate d6, Notice d4, Stealth d6
Pace 6", run +1d6"
Parry 5; Toughness 6 shaken 10 incapacitated
leather armor armor 1 torso, arms, legs
Fighting d6
axe/sword 2d6
unarmed 1d6
Violent thugs who prey on travelers.
Crab Demon
Attributes Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d6
Strong Willed +2 vs. Intimidate and Taunt
Aquatic Breathes in water
Skills Boating d6, Intimidate d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6
Charisma -2 (Mean)
Pace 4", run +1d10"; Swimming d8 (8")
Parry 6; Toughness 8 shaken 12 incapacitated
brawny Size +1
carapace armor 2 torso, arms, legs
hybrid form when shaken, turns into a giant crab-like humanoid
Fighting d8
club/claw 2d10
claw grab 2d10, plus the victim is grabbed
claw grip +2 on Grappling checks against a grabbed victim
Gear Mini abacus, mini balance, variety of coins and metal bullion
Large, gruff, unpleasant demons, they are sometimes known as bullies. But their true love is bartering.
Apprentices (Li Angry Dragon, Sudden Death Miho) ✪
Attributes Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills Discipline d8, Intimidate d6, Knowledge (Arcane Lore) d8, Notice d6, Stealth d6
Pace 6", run +1d6"
Parry 7; Toughness 7 shaken 11/15/19 wounded
Fighting d8
hook swords 2d8-1, Parry +1
war fan d8+d4, Parry +1
unarmed 2d8
two-fisted Make two attacks, off-hand at -2
Spellcasting d8; Power Points 20, pooled
dancing flames (bolt) 1-6pp, range 12/24/48
mirror image (deflect) 2pp, range Touch
plant growth (entangle) 2-4pp, range 8"
Gear Rare herbs, river stones
Two apprentices of the mysterious sorcerer wear brightly-colored robes and have their faces painted white.
Attributes Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Acrobat +2 on acrobatic Tricks
Quick Draw Draw weapons as a free action
Skills Discipline d6, Intimidate d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d10
Charisma +0
Pace 8", run +1d10"; Climbing d8 (3"), Swimming d6 (3")
Parry 8; Toughness 6 shaken 10 incapacitated
Fighting d10
hidden sword 2d6
hidden throwing knives 1d6+1d4; range 3/6/12
unarmed 2d6
Shooting d6
blowgun 2d4 special; range 3/6/12, ROF 1, shots 1; this weapon can't inflict worse than a Shaken result, but hit targets must make a Vigor check vs. the damage or suffer a level of Fatigue. Targets must make a Notice check to realize they have been struck or sedated.
Gear Tight black clothing and veils
The lithe and deadly assassins of the Black Mirror Guild are known for their use of disguises, poisons, and concealed weapons.
Rope Bridge: Can be shook as a Strength vs. Agility trick against everyone on the bridge, including the shaker. A 1 on the Agility die causes the victim to fall.
The bridge can be attacked (Parry 2, ranged -2, Toughness 6). If the bridge is “shaken” it becomes flooped; anyone on the bridge must make an Agility check at the start of each turn or fall. If the bridge is “wounded” (including a hit while flooped) it breaks. All on it must make an immediate Agility check or fall. Moving along a fallen bridge is a simple Climbing check.
Falling: Anyone who falls can make an Agility or Climbing check at -2 to catch themselves. Failure is a fall of 30 feet into the jagged rocks and rushing water (3d6 damage; an Agility or Swimming check can reduce it by half). Getting back to the ropes requires Climbing.
Scorpion Zhao, Elite Assassin ✪
Attributes Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Acrobat +2 on acrobatic Tricks
Quick Draw Draw weapons as a free action
Skills Discipline d6, Intimidate d8, Notice d10, Persuasion d10, Stealth d10
Charisma +0
Pace 8", run +1d10"; Climbing d8 (3"), Swimming d6 (3")
Parry 8; Toughness 6 shaken 10 incapacitated
Fighting d10
mancatcher 2d6+1; reach 1, 2-hands
hidden three-section staff 2d6; reach 1, 2-hands
hidden throwing knives 1d6+1d4; range 3/6/12
unarmed 2d6
Shooting d6
blowgun 2d6 special; range 3/6/12, ROF 1, shots 1; this weapon can't inflict worse than a Shaken result, but hit targets must make a Vigor check vs. the damage or suffer a level of Fatigue. Targets must make a Notice check to realize they have been struck or sedated.
Gear Tight black clothing and veils
Elite assassins often appear in disguise and wield deadly weapons.
Attributes Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d4, Vigor d6
Skills Notice d4, Stealth d6, Taunt d6
Pace 6", run +1d6"; Climbing d6 (2")
Parry 6; Toughness 5 shaken 9 incapacitated
small Size -1
leather armor armor 1 torso, arms, legs
Fighting d6
spear 2d4; throw range 3/6/9, Parry +1, 2 hands
unarmed 1d4
Wretched little goblins who are little better than animals.
Rei Five Tails (Fox Demon) ✪
Attributes Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Acrobatic Agility +2 on acrobatic tricks
Great Luck 2 extra bennies
Skills Discipline d8, Knowledge (Arcane Lore) d8, Notice d10, Persuasion d6+4, Stealth d6, Taunt d10
Charisma +4 (Very Attractive)
Pace 8", run +1d6"
Parry 8; Toughness 7 shaken 11/15/19 wounded
improved dodge Ranged attackers suffer -2
block Parry +1
acrobatic Parry +1
Fighting d8
katana 2d6+2, AP 2
unarmed d6+d8
first strike free attack when foe moves adjacent, once per round
Spellcasting d10; Power Points 20
clear water (healing) 3pp, range Touch
fox fire (confusion) 2pp, range 12/24/48
invisibility 5pp, range Self
teleport 3+pp, range 10-15" per pp
Shapeshifting d10
Can assume the shape of any humanoid, or a regular fox, as an action. A Notice roll at -2 (or -4 if she got a raise) is required to see through the disguise.
Gear White dress
A beautiful, glamorous woman in a white dress. Five white fox tails undulate behind her.
Water Snake Wan (Evil Sorcerer) ✪
Attributes Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d10, Strength d4, Vigor d6
Level Headed Draw 2 initiative cards
Skills Discipline d10, Intimidate d10, Knowledge (Arcane Lore) d10, Notice d10
Charisma -2 (Outsider)
Pace 6", run +1d6"
Parry 6; Toughness 8 shaken 12/16/20 wounded
stone skin Toughness 10 shaken 14/18/22 wounded
stone skin (raise) Toughness 12 shaken 16/20/24 wounded
Fighting d8
sai 2d4, foes are at Strength -2 to resist Disarm attempts
unarmed d4+d10
improved disarm no penalty for called shot to the arm
Spellcasting d12; Power Points 30
clear water (healing) 3pp, range Touch
fireball (blast) 2-6pp, range 24/48/96
howling spirits (fear) 2pp, range 20"
stone skin (armor) 2pp, range Touch
whirlwind (havoc) 2-4pp, range 20"
Gear Bits of bones
A lanky, black-haired man, in an elaborate outfit with a giant cone fez.