July 12, 2014
The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Chairperson Viele in the St. Francis Retreat Conference Center. Five members (V. Mettlier, B. Tenpas, A. Lorentzen, M. Beverley) were present with two excused absences.
The members of the meeting provided a brief introduction. All members were asked to consider the question of the vision, as they see it, for this committee.
Progress for the Volunteer of the Year Award, to be distributed to the six district recipients was discussed. Members will follow up with nominees in their respective districts. MS. LORENTZEN MOVED THAT MAHA ORDER FIVE (5) PINS FOR THE VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR AWARD TO BE PRESENTED TO THE DISTRICT RECIPIENTS AT THE MAHA FALL CONFERENCE. Motion seconded by B. Tanpas and passed unanimously.
An explanation of the MAHA web site was given. The website can be accessed at Members discussed placing the following information on the web site for their districts: district officers’ list, district bylaws, district newsletters, and district conference information including their conference registration forms.
Discussion ensued regarding correspondence to districts. Sample ECD letters will be forwarded to WCD and NCD Presidents. Discussion continued regarding contacting hospitals who did not attend the annual conference with a specific message that they were missed and urged to attend the fall conference. Samples of the ECD monthly “TO DO” list will be forwarded to NCD and WCD Presidents. Members discussed routinely emailing or calling their volunteer presidents periodically to offer assistance as needed.
The Star Recognition Program was discussed briefly. The program was initiated state wide in 2002-2003 to be a non-competitive plan for encouraging individual auxiliaries. The program is presently being operationalized in the SED. More discussion on this topic will be occurring at the September District Presidents’ Committee meeting.
Members advised that there will not be a Michigan Harvest Gathering collection at the Fall Conference. Districts are urged to donate at either the local level or district level.
The following concerns were shared with the group:
- Clarification on the Hours claimed by District Presidents on the Hours and Dollars Report. Ms. Viele will query the outgoing Membership Director regarding a written policy.
- Deadline for article submissions for Highlights had been communicated as August 1; however, the articles were due July 1. Members urged to submit these articles ASAP.
- Districts are experiencing problems with individuals signing up for conferences and then not attending and the district must then pay. Suggestion offered to have individual write a check for the conference and if attended the check is returned to the individual and the district pays. The check is cashed if the individual does not attend.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Viele, MAHA President Elect