CPR3 – Management Notebook RubricNames


/ 0-3.5 / 4 / 5
Description of Students / Description poorly written, lacking in specifics or unrealistic. / Description vague in some areas or could have provided more detail. / Well-written and thorough. Provides a clear picture of the classroom population.
Rules and Consequences / Limited evidence of thoughtful planning. Too many or too few rules that may be mostly negative in tone. Unreasonable expectations, illogical consequences. Unclear plan for implementation / Planning and consideration less clear. Could have one or two more or less. Some may be in negative tone. Some rules to vague or picky in expectations. Some consequences inappropriate and/or unclear in implementation. / Clear and thoughtful planning evident. There are an appropriate number of rules in a positive tone. Reasonable expectations clearly communicated. Logical consequences with a clear plan for implementation
Strategies for Developing and Maintaining Relationships with Students / Dictatorial or authoritative tone comes across. Vague picture of classroom atmosphere and/or expectations communicated. / Some idea is given as to what the classroom is like. Not sure how much involvement students have in learning community. Could come across as more inviting. / Clearly communicates classroom atmosphere and expectations Inclusive and inviting.
Strategies for Developing and Maintaining Relationships with Parents / Dictatorial or authoritative tone comes across. Vague picture of classroom atmosphere and/or expectations communicated. No contact information, and/or no future contact indicated. / Some idea is given as to what the classroom is like. Provides some idea of how to contact teachers, and/or what to expect in the way of future communication. Could come across as more inviting. / Clearly communicates classroom atmosphere and expectations Provides access to teachers and describes future opportunities for contact, even in the absence of problems.
Procedures and Routines / Limited evidence of attention given to age level and needs of students when planning. Most procedures unclear, inappropriate, and/or unreasonable. / Planning is less thorough and apparent. Some procedures may be unclear, inappropriate, unnecessary, and/or unreasonable for age level and needs / Clear and thoughtful planning for procedures evident. Number and expectations consistent with age level needs. Procedures are clearly explained, appropriate and reasonable.
Classroom Layout / Limited evidence of thoughtful planning for classroom layout. Rationale for decisions may be missing, vague, or inappropriate. / Planning and consideration is less evident with regard for age level, subject, and possible activities. Rationale doesn’t support all decisions. / Clear evidence of thoughtful planning for classroom layout. Layout is appropriate and reasonable for age level, subject, and possible activities. Rationale clearly supports decisions for layout
Attention to Diversity and Special Needs / Attention to special needs or diversity greatly lacking. / Special needs and/or diversity considered in most aspects of presentation. / Includes attention to diversity and special needs in all aspects of presentation.
Summary & Reflection on Peer Feedback / Minimal summary of peer remarks, descriptive in nature only. / Remarks mostly descriptive in nature with some attention given to reflection by addressing suggestions. / Concise summary of peer feedback. Suggestions considered and addressed in rich reflection. Attention to integrating ideas learned in reviews of other plans addressed as appropriate.
Overall Presentation of Poster / Doesn’t flow. More than one spelling or grammatical error. Hard to follow or interpret. Presenter apathetic. / Some parts better “polished” than others. Presenter knowledgeable about information. / Well-organized. Free of spelling and grammatical errors. Attractive and easy to interpret.
Overall Presentation of Notebook / Doesn’t flow. More than one spelling or grammatical error. / Parts are well organized and written. One spelling or grammatical error. / Well-written and organized. Free of spelling and grammatical errors.