In Search of the Ark: Exploring Ethiopia
ere is a brief selection of favorite, new and hard-to-find books, prepared for your journey, including recommendations by your Harvard study leader. For your convenience, you may call (800) 342-2164 to order these books directly from Longitude, a specialty mail-order book service. To order online, and to get the latest, most comprehensive selection of books for your voyage, please go directly to
These 4 items are available as a set for $106 including shipping, 15% off the retail price (Item EXETP24). Free shipping on any additional books ordered.
Philip Briggs
Bradt Guide Ethiopia
2009, PAPER, 614 PAGES, $25.99
A region-by-region overview of the country for the traveler with brief introductory chapters on wildlife, culture and history. With 65 maps and a section of color photographs. (Item ETP05)
David W. Phillipson
Ancient Churches of Ethiopia,
Fourth-fourteenth Centuries
2009, HARD COVER, 230 PAGES, $65.00
A gorgeously illustrated portrait of Ethiopian Christian civilization and its churches from the Aksumite period to the 13th century. (Item ETP42)
Ryszard Kapuscinski
The Emperor, Downfall of an Autocrat
1989, PAPER, 180 PAGES, $13.95
In 1975, Kapuscinski traveled throughout the country listening to stories of the Supreme Emperor Haile Selassie by the servants and associates that had surrounded him while Ethiopia collapsed around him. These interviews are transformed into a powerful narrative of high living and unimaginable abuse by the ancient regime. (Item ETP10)
Ethiopia Map
MAP, $12.00
Color shaded relief map of Ethiopia at a scale of 1:2,500,000, featuring an inset of central Adis Ababa, and an index of place names. (Item ETP14)
Readings from the Harvard Campus
Drew Gilpin Faust
This Republic of Suffering, Death and the American Civil War
2009, PAPER, 368 PAGES, $15.95
Dr. Faust, President of Harvard University, explores in fascinating detail how the Civil War's unprecedented bloodshed changed America's cultural, political and spiritual attitudes towards death. (Item USA179)
Also Recommended
Sarah Howard
Culture Smart! Ethiopia
2009, PAPER, 168 PAGES, $9.95
A concise, well-illustrated and practical guide to local customs, etiquette and culture, equally of interest to the traveler and business person. (Item ETP41)
Tilahun Gabriel
Lonely Planet Ethiopian Amharic Phrasebook
2008, PAPER, 276 PAGES, $8.99
A handy phrasebook for Amharic basics. This guide focuses on pronunciation, basic grammar and essential vocabulary for the traveler. (Item ETP06)
We also carry Lonely Planet Ethiopia & Eritrea. (Item ETP30)
Kay Kaufman Shelemay
A Song of Longing, An Ethiopian Journey
1994, PAPER, 208 PAGES, $25.00
In this narrative, Shelemay combines her studies of Ethiopian music and culture with her experiences as a member of the Adenite Jewish community in Addis Ababa in the 1970s. (Item ETP44)
Richard Pankhurst, Barbara Pankhurst
The Ethiopians
2000, PAPER, 299 PAGES, $40.95
An outstanding survey of Ethiopian political history and culture from pre-history to 1991 by a leading scholar. (Item ETP20)
Alan Moorehead
The Blue Nile
2000, PAPER, 320 PAGES, $14.00
In this grand history of exploration and events on the great river from 1798 to 1869, Moorehead follows the course of the Blue Nile from the Ethiopian highlands through Sudan and Egypt to the Mediterranean. (Item EGY67)
Stuart Munro-Hay
The Quest for the Ark of the Covenant, The True History of Moses
2006, PAPER, 276 PAGES, $26.00
In this serious-minded analysis, Munro-Hay looks carefully at Ethiopian belief and tradition that the Ark of the Covenant resides in Aksum. (Item ETP34)
Harold Marcus
A History of Ethiopia
2002, PAPER, 300 PAGES, $22.95
A challenging, in-depth survey of Africa's oldest nation, ranging from prehistory to 1991; organized chronologically, it features three chapters on the long reign of Haile Sellassie – his rise to power and eventual overthrow. (Item ETP01)
Various Artists
Rough Guide Music Ethiopia
2004, AUDIO CD, $14.95
A carefully chosen sampling of the diverse sounds of Ethiopia. (Item ETP39)
Nega Mezlekia
Notes from the Hyena's Belly, An Ethiopian Boyhood
2002, PAPER, 351 PAGES, $16.00
A memoir of childhood in Ethiopia after the downfall of emperor Haile Selassie. Mezlekia, who was born in Jigiga in 1958, chronicles his early childhood, youthful political activism and conscription into a guerilla army. (Item ETP26)
Tim Bascom
Chameleon Days, An American Boyhood in Ethiopia
2006, PAPER, 240 PAGES, $15.95
Bascom looks back in this absorbing memoir, winner of the Breadloaf and Bakeless Prize, at the Ethiopia of his childhood, his missionary doctor parents, siblings, friends and acquaintances, boarding school in Addis Ababa and the cabin on the slopes of LakeBishoftu. (Item ETP38)
Nicholas Clapp
Sheba, Through the Desert in Search of the Legendary Queen
2002, PAPER, 372 PAGES, $14.00
An Indiana Jones-like quest across the deserts of Yemen and grasslands of Ethiopia, with a varied cast of characters encountered along the way, to discover the truth about the storied Queen of Sheba. (Item ETP24)
Abraham Verghese
Cutting for Stone
2010, PAPER, 667 PAGES, $15.95
Verghese's powerful tale of the coming-of-age of orphaned twin brothers, sons of an Indian nun and a British surgeon, moves from Addis Ababa on the brink of revolution to New York and back again. (Item ETP43)
Graham Hancock
The Sign and the Seal, The Quest for the Lost Arc of the Covenant
1993, PAPER, 600 PAGES, $17.99
A page-turning yarn of adventure, amazing persistence, and scholarship, which follows Hancock's 1983 visit to Axum, Ethiopia, the legendary resting place of the Ark of the Covenant. (Item AFR23)
Maitland Armstrong Edey, Donald Johanson
Lucy, The Beginnings of Humankind
1990, PAPER, 409 PAGES, $17.00
The original, influential account of the thrilling discovery of Lucy in 1974 and the impact of the discovery on ideas about human evolution. (Item ATP06)
Jonathan Kingdon
Kingdon Pocket Guide to African Mammals
2004, PAPER, 272 PAGES, $24.95
Take it along. An artist and biologist, Kingdon provides both delightful full-color illustrations and informative text for this great guide. (Item EAF128)
Ber Van Perlo
Birds of Eastern Africa, Princeton Illustrated Checklists
2009, PAPER, 302 PAGES, $29.95
This handy guide illustrates and briefly describes most East African birds. A remarkably small book, featuring 96 color plates, 1,487 species – and essential information for quick reference in the field. (Item EAF40)
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