Intercollegiate Academic Clinical Coordinators Council
IACCC Program meeting minutes
Adobe Connect meeting
January 17, 2014
Attending: Sheryl Low, CSUN (presiding); Wendy Chung, APU; Grace Matsuda, APU; Valerie Teglia, MSM; Dorcas Tominaga, Chapman; Janet Konecne, Western; Carol Appleton & Theresa Josephs, LLU; Jody Cormack, CSULB; Valeria Christensen, Cerritos; Michael Simpson & Karen Campos, USC
~Program Announcements (all)
· CSULB— Michelle Ramirez has been hired as fulltime staff to assist with admissions and clinical education. She can be reached at (this e-mail was updated in December)
· Concorde NH -- 4th PTA Cohort graduates 1/27/2014 Begin PTA 6 Cohort 1/29/2014
· LLU — LLUD-The third year students are in the beginning of their second internship. The class is still whole- no losses. We are in process of accepting the students who will be the 2017 DPT cohort. We expect a full class. This is the year for the electronic CPI.!!! We appreciate those Programs who have blazed the trail and look forward to your support.
· MSMC— Will be opening up a full-time faculty position, specialty areas open, responsibilities will also be to help coordinate service learning, pro-bono and inter-professional educational opportunities for students
~Standing Updates:
CI Training (Karen, Val)
· Upcoming courses:
o Registration is closed for the LLU course January 26-27, 2014 (Sunday & Monday) Anticipating 64 participants
o Pediatric Therapy Network is scheduled for April 4-5, 2014 (Sat & Sun). Can host 40 participants.
· Potential Facilities:
o HELP!! We have had very few facilities contact us regarding hosting a course in 2014. Please Karen Campos () know if your site is interested in hosting a course
CEU update (Dorcas, Laurie, Sundeep)
· IACCC serves as an approval agency for Continuing Education. If your site is looking for CEU approval, IACCC offers a discounted rate of $125.00 to review and approve courses from IACCC clinical affiliates. If you are interested, see the IACCC website for the application.
Next IACCC meeting: March 21 electronic, May 9 – APU, July 11 - electronic
Old Business
1. Sites charging for students (Low, Konecne)
IACCC sites have agreed to not pay any sites to take students. Val will contact the Northern Consortium, and also San Diego schools to garner support from other CA schools to not pay as well.
New Business:
1. CA regulations for PTA supervision (Appleton)
There is concern that a new program has sent a letter saying that PTA’s can supervise PTA students without PT supervision. Val clarified that although this may be sanctioned by APTA and in other states, this is not allowed in CA. Carol clarified that although PTA’s can mentor PTA students, PT must be on site with ultimate responsibility.
2. New regulations from SB 198 – no more “intern” title (Teglia)
SB 198 repealed the authority to use PT intern. The student can only call themselves a student, not an intern. We can still call the experience an internship, although the student cannot call themselves an intern. The language is on the PT Board website. Sheryl will bring it up with the Government Affairs committee.
3. New program/CAPTE updates (Teglia)
The last CAPTE report from November – West Coast University denied candidacy, they have another onsite visit in February. Casa Loma also denied initial accreditation.
4. CPTA Student conclave – March 29 and 30, St. Augustine, San Marcos (Teglia)
Val Teglia and Michael Simpson will be presenting.
5. ELC and Education Summit – Tentative: ELC Oct 10-12, Ed Summit Oct 12-14 in Kansas City (Teglia). ACAPT will invite 2 people from every program to attend the summit, which can include the program administrator and DCE. CPTA is Oct 24-25.
7. Student Legislative for CPTA day is Jan 28.
Representing PT and PTA Education Programs in Southern California
APU * CSULB * CSUN * Cerr * Chap * CCC-GG * CCC-NH * LLU * MSMC * USC * WestU