Kentucky Instructional MaterialsResourceCenter (KIMRC) Registration Definitions
- Legally blind means that the student has a central visual acuity of 20\200 or less in the better eye with correcting lenses or a peripheral field of vision no greater than 20 degrees.
- Visually impaired means the visual acuity even with prescribed lenses is 20/70 or worse in the better eye or the visual acuity is better than 20/70 and the student has any of the following conditions:
- medically diagnosed progressive loss of vision
- medically diagnosed condition of cortical blindness*
- loss of functional vision; this student requires specialized materials, instruction in orientation and mobility, braille, visual efficiency, or tactile exploration.
* Students with cortical blindness may be registered as being legally
blind with documentation from the neurologist or ophthalmologist.
Vision Measurements and Reporting Codes
20/200Distance vision measurement on Snellen Chart:
20/40020/200 or less with maximum correction.
VFVisual Field: Restricted field of 20 degrees orless.
CFCounts Fingers: Should be used only when an eye specialist
finds it is not possible to obtain anacuity using the Snellen
FDBFunctions at the Definition of Blindness Shouldbe used when visual functioning is reduced by a brain injury or dysfunction and visual acuity is notpossible to determine using the Snellen Chart.
HMHand Movements: Should be used only when an eye specialist
finds it is not possible to obtain an acuity using the Snellen
OPObject Perception: Descriptions or codes such as “Fix and Follow” might equate to this measure but should be individually assessed
LPLight Perception Only of No Light Perception
NILTotally Blind
Grade Placement Categories and Reporting Codes for ADULT STUDENTS
This includes ALL eligible participants OVER school age
ADAdult Students: Adults above school age, as determinedby state law, in educational programs of less than collegelevel for 20 hours per week.
Grade Placement Categories and Reporting Codes for
This is NOT to include any eligible participants OVER school age
IPInfants: Children of preschool age served by infant programs.
PSPreschool Students: Children of preschool age served by preschool programs.
KGKindergarten Students: Children enrolled inkindergarten
01…12Students of School Age: Determined by state law, in regular academic grades 1 through 12; please indicate grade placementby using numerals 01 through 12.
ANAcademic Nongraded: Students of school age, asdetermined
by state law, who are working to acquire skills necessary for placement in a regular grade.
FCFunctional Curriculum Students: Students in Grades 01-12 working toward a graduation certificate or non-traditional diploma. Could include students in a vocational program.
TRTransition Students: Students of school age, as determined by state law, in secondary instructional programs designed to supplement the traditional academic curriculum. Could include students in post-graduate programs at less than college level.
OROther Registrants: Students of school age, as determined by
state law, who do not fall into any of theabove placements (e.g., students in classes for nonacademic students).
Primary Reading Media and Reporting Codes
The primary reading medium is to be reported for each student using thefollowing reporting codes. Only these codes will be accepted.
VVisual Readers: Student primarily using print in their studies.
BBraille Readers: Students primarily using braille in their studies.
AAuditory Readers: Students primarily using a reader or auditory materials in their studies.
PREPrereaders: Students working on or toward a readiness level; older students with reading potential.
NNonreaders/Symbolic Readers: Nonreading students; students not working on or toward a readiness level; students who do not demonstrate traditional print or Braille reading potential (symbolic readers); students who do not fall into any of the above categories.
Secondary Reading Media and Reporting Codes
In addition to listing a primary reading medium, please check the secondary reading mediumfor each student. DO NOT DUPLICATE THE PRIMARY AND SECONDARY READING MEDIUM.
VVisual: Students use print to some extent.
BBraille: Students use braille to some extent.
AAuditory: Students use a reader or auditory materials to some extent.
N/ANot Applicable: Nonreaders, prereaders, orstudents with NO additional reading media.