Dear Colleagues,
The third call for Short Term Scientific Missions funded by RGB-Net in 2013 is now open.
Coordinator: Prof. Ino Curik
Vice - coordinator: Prof. Gudrun Brockmann
We are pleased to announce the opening of the third call of Short Term Scientific Missions. This call, with the total budget of around 8000-10000 Euros, is related to activities in 2013. The call is opened from the 1st March 2013 (now) until the whole amount of money dedicated to the call is allocated. Thus, the applications will be evaluated and approved by the assessment panel according to their arrival (within a week), following RGB-Net objectives.
Application procedure is the following:
Step 1 ¬ Collection of useful and required information
Please, read carefully the Vademecum for STSM ( and the Presentation at the Bologna meeting ( ) that summarizes relevant procedures.
Step 2 ¬ Applicant registration
The Applicant must use the on-line registration tool, at least 4 weeks before the beginning of the STSM, to register their request for an STSM (see Select our COST Action: "A Collaborative European Network on Rabbit Genome Biology (RGB-Net) - TD1101" with all requested information.
The following information has to be encoded with the registration and also sent to the coordinator of
STSMs (Prof. Ino Curik) and to the MC Chair (Prof. Luca Fontanesi):
1. the Action number;
2. the title of the planned STSM;
3. the start and end date;
- The application, together with the MC approval, should be sent to the Grant Holder and respect the deadline set by the Grant Holder (e.g., at least 4 weeks before the STSM starts, only in exceptional cases this can be shorter).
4. the applicant's details, including key academic details and work-plan;
- a short curriculum vitae, publication reference, motivation letter, work plan. Detailed Work Plan should not exceed three pages while we would appreciate if you could reduce it in ONLY ONE PAGE.
5. the applicant's bank details;
6. the host institution's invitation letter;
7. the home institution's support letter;
8. financial data (amount for travel and subsistence).
Step 3 ¬ Approval from the Management Committee
STSM evaluation panel will evaluate all applications. The MC Chair or STSM coordinator informs the Grant Holder that the proposed STSM has been approved.
Step 4 ¬ Cost Office Acceptance Letter (Grant Letter)
The Grant Holder will send to the Applicant an acceptance letter in which s/he is informed about:
a) the approval of the STSM and;
b) the level of the financial grant given.
The Applicant has to return this acceptance letter, after accepting the grant with his/her signature.
Step 5. After the STSM
After completion of the STSM the grantee is required to submit to the host institution, to the STSM coordinator and to the MC Chair a scientific report on the visit within 4 weeks after his/her stay.
This report should contain the following information:
• Purpose of the STSM;
• Description of the work carried out during the STSM;
• Description of the main results obtained;
• Future collaboration with host institution (if applicable);
• Foreseen publications/articles resulting or to result from the STSM (if applicable);
• Confirmation by the host institution of the successful execution of the STSM;
• Other comments (if any).
The STSM coordinator is responsible for approving the final report and sending the notice of completion of the STSM to the Grant Holder, with the confirmation that the STSM has been successfully accomplished and that the grant can be paid.
Publications resulting from STSM activities should acknowledge COST TD1101 support.
All details will be included in the RGB-Net web site:
If you need additional details, please, feel free to contact me (see my contact details below).
Best regards,
Prof. Ino Curik
Department of Animal Science
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb
Svetosimunska 25, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
tel. +385 1 239 4010
skype. curik.ino66