Circulation Desk Training Checklist
Basic Checkout Screen:
Checkout screen before a patron’s library card is scanned
MPPL patron library cards vs. Reciprocal Borrower library cards
- What do our cards look like?
- Common Reciprocal Borrowers:
- Arlington Heights
- Des Plaines
- Prospect Heights
- Glenview
Scanning patron library cards
- Barcode position
- Difference in scanners: Workroom vs. Desk
- Cardstar App
Blocks Screen:
What is a block?
Types of blocks:
- Fines (# in red)
- Regular fines
- Lost item fees (appears as separate block, not listed as “fine”)
- Processing fees (appears as separate block, not listed as “fine”)
- ILL fees
- Other
- Overdue materials (# in blue)
- Holds – check Call # to see where located on hold shelf (with AV or Books) – holds filed by patron’s last name
- ILL On Hold Shelf
- Delete note after retrieving hold
- Item is already checked out to patron, so no need to scan
- Pull up RFID pad software and lay item on pad to make sure the security gate alarm does not go off when patron leaves
- Notes:
- No stamps – patron has indicated in the past that they do not want stamps (if note is older than a year, I ask and refresh)
- Item NOS (No On Shelf) – someone has performed a shelf check for an item, and it was not found
Checking Items Out:
General checkout screen after scanning a patron’s card
Checkout time frames and limits (see printout from Policy & Procedure Manual) NOTE: Checkout limits are not the same for MPPL patrons and Reciprocal Borrowers (table will show).
- AV vs. Books
- Pay attention to stickers & labels – examine them before you begin checking items out
- If patron is Reciprocal Borrower, limits will be different and they cannot check out certain item types.
- Items will appear on the receipt the same way they appear on the screen – always try to checkout in due date order
Checkout Process:
- Scan library card.
- Read/Assess any blocks.
- Communicate necessary blocks (fines, overdues, holds, missing pieces, Registration blocks, NO CHECKOUT/Lost/Damaged items) NOTE: Blocks not communicated include previous waivers (unless patron is requesting another one), FOS/NOS notes (unless item is still overdue), notes regarding stamps (this is just for your information), any blocks w/info about checking backs of discs at checkout or specific requests for certain items (also just for your information)
- Pay fines in computer and cash register – give change if necessary
- Retrieve holds – check screen for call # so you know where to retrieve from (AV or Books) – items sorted by patron’s last name
- Separate items based on due dates so that you can check them out in the right order (see table #1).
- Unlock AV and double check that the right disc is in the case before checking out (only need to count the discs in an audio book, don’t have to double check numbers on every disc).
- Check items out in due date order.
- Ask patron if they want stamps and/or a receipt (some want both, some want neither).
- Inform patron of due dates as you check them out, especially with 3 day checkouts (sometimes they don’t realize that they selected a 3 day checkout).
Check-Ins at Desk:
Inspect all items as you would if you were in Workroom.
- ALL discs must be inspected, front and back, regardless of how many are being returned. If a patron is returning audiobooks to the desk, just make sure all of the correct discs are in the case. You can inspect the backs of the discs after the
Order of Checkout Based on Due Dates
First / 3 Day Checkouts / ·New Fiction DVDs
·New Fiction BluRays
Second / 1 Week Checkouts / ·Old Fiction DVDs
·Old Fiction BluRays
Third / 2 Week Checkouts / ·New/Old Fiction Series/Multi-Part DVDs
·New/Old Non-Fiction DVDs
·New/Old Video Games
·Playaway Views
·New Fiction Books
Fourth / 3 Week Checkouts / ·New Lengthy/Old Fiction Books
·New/Old Non-Fiction Books
·Audio Books (under 23 discs)
·Circulation Canvas Bags (adjust due date to less or more if items are due sooner or later)
·Youth/Adult Kits
Fifth / 4 Week Checkouts / ·Audio Books (23 discs & up)
·Great Courses
Sixth / 6 Week Checkouts / ·Book Discussion Bags
Seventh / 60 Day Checkouts / ·Art Prints
·Art Print Bags (ALL Art Prints must go in an Art Print Bag)
Separation of Holds at Circulation Desk
AV / Books
·Video Games / ·Art Prints
·Audio Books
·Great Courses
·ILLs (ALL including AV)
·Kits (book & CD, STEAM, Science)
·Oversized Music
·Playaways/Playaway Views